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Four Seasons Loco Coffee and Total Landscaping Talk

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Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy bacon
Apr 19, 2010
City on the Edge of Forever
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I mean, I'm a Canadian and have a cursory knowledge of American politics and even I know that citizens of Puerto Rico are ineligible to cast votes for the president of the United States.


Custom User Title
Apr 20, 2010
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ironically, the introduction of Spike was when Happy Days jumped the shark.
Apr 19, 2010
Tucson, AZ
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It's mind boggling that there are people out there that can't even consider the idea that people don't only vote along party lines.

If Mike D was up for re-election, I would give him serious consideration. Then I would remember he praised the decisive action in Typhoid Amy's appointment and would vote against him.

But I wouldn't automatically dismiss him because of the letter next to his name. He's somewhere between moderately competent and worthy of praise for his leadership.
Beyond the danger of such baseless accusations is the abdication of responsibility to reach voters, to change minds and win votes. Don't just assume the other side cheated to win, work to turn out more voters who agree with or benefit from your politics and convince those who have been indoctrinated in conservative propaganda that you'll look out for them far better than Republicans have any interest at all in doing.


Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy bacon
Apr 19, 2010
City on the Edge of Forever
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Apr 19, 2010
Tucson, AZ
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This is something I struggle with. On the one hand, I think it's absolutely essential there be productive conversations which pull at least some of the right-wingers away from the white nationalism and intentional cruelty of the party they've been sucked up into; I think several have simply be exposed to so much propaganda they never stood a chance, and they only need to be compassionately directed to a more critical view of their own politics to realize what they're actually supporting, realize it's not what they want, and leave it behind.

On the other hand, as a friend told me recently, there need to be consequences for people who prioritize hurting the other in their politics, who stand in the way of progress for all of us just to ensure some out-group continues to suffer. Or who simply prioritize a couple tax dollars over the basic humanity of other people. And sometimes, that means just leaving them, cutting them off, especially if they're family or close in your friend group, where that would be a real consequence to deal with.

The message has to be sent that it's not okay to be a bigot. The message has to be sent that it's not okay to not care about the well-being of others.

Not all of this is questions of politics. Not all of it is simple differences of opinion. There is real right and wrong here, a real struggle of morality and justice, and diminishing that reality in favor of a convenient red vs. blue framing does real social harm.


It’s Raining Falafel
Apr 19, 2010
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Mike D must read the boards here and is trying to win my vote back. Pretty crazy that simply speaking the truth seems like a brave stance.

Hey Mike - Issue an executive order permanently closing Condado tacos and I'll think about it.

Bloody Brian Burke

#1 CFL Fan!
Jun 28, 2014
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well, duh. She pretty much created Y'all Qaeda
He isn't wrong but I hope he reserved as much space in that book for the spineless members of his own party who kept abandoning him and the ideals that won him the White House in every election after 2008. So many senate and house democrats tried to play some stupid middle ground position instead of rallying around their guy in the WH and it cost them the house just two years after Obama came into power and enough senate seats in 12 and 14 that made it easy for the Republicans to get all three branches when Trump won in 16.

They saw how they fucked up in 2010 and then in 2014 they made literally all of the same mistakes. It was insane and if he was able to actually implement even half of the policies he wanted to and should've had the political power to the Democrats would've had such a better position to counter Trump in 16.
Apr 19, 2010
Tucson, AZ
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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He isn't wrong but I hope he reserved as much space in that book for the spineless members of his own party who kept abandoning him and the ideals that won him the White House in every election after 2008. So many senate and house democrats tried to play some stupid middle ground position instead of rallying around their guy in the WH and it cost them the house just two years after Obama came into power and enough senate seats in 12 and 14 that made it easy for the Republicans to get all three branches when Trump won in 16.

They saw how they fucked up in 2010 and then in 2014 they made literally all of the same mistakes. It was insane and if he was able to actually implement even half of the policies he wanted to and should've had the political power to the Democrats would've had such a better position to counter Trump in 16.
This is an especially poignant observation, I think, given how the Democrats are currently distancing themselves from their progressive members who dramatically outperformed their moderate counterparts in House elections this year. But it's probably hard for Obama to make that point himself, since it would come off as "whining" or "excuses" or whatever, since it was his administration that suffered for it. Then again, he's not running for office anymore, so why not risk that political capital he's never going to use again?
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