Arizona down 4-0 in the 6th against the nats
UGA, you're starting to root for the Giants now just a little.....aren't ya?

Arizona down 4-0 in the 6th against the nats
LOL, seriously?
The RP pitching for the nats has a 92mph change up.
Some guys dont even throw a fastball that hard.
BZ is wondering who you are talking about...
Listed on the score sheet as Rodriguez, H.
Slytherin has 7 batters in the lineup hitting under .250. That's really, really, really, path...wait. Never mind.
Nats also with 7 under .250
Let's say that's true. How does that differ from Dunning-Kruger?
I am not sure all these ‘people’ are either unskilled or that they’re reaching erroneous conclusions–
Your assumption that all people commenting on the Giants and or Belt not names BB or Sabean fit under the theory of Dunning–Kruger effect in itself might suggests a level of Narcissistic personality disorder where in your world only BB and Sabes are skilled enough to be right and you are one of the few capable of seeing it.
Dunning–Kruger is a often abused study used to deflect criticism of one’s work or beliefs and to deny the beliefs and opinions of others.
Anyway - I want to see more Belt and less Rowand, Ross, DeRosa and the statute twins - if that makes me unskilled and delusional so be it.
I brought this up before, but had no takers.
There is a comparison to be made between the Braves' Freddie Freeman and Brandon Belt.
Both are young, Freeman is 22, Belt is 23.
Through April, Freeman was hitting .217 (20 for 92) with 3 homers, 8 RBI's, 12 walks, and 17 K's in 92 AB's
Through April, Belt was hitting .184 (10 for 52) with 1 homer, 4 RBI's, 7 walks and 12 K's.
The Braves continued to give Freeman starts, and he is now hitting .293 with 17 homers, 62 RBI's, 41 walks, and 115 K's. (457 AB's)
The Giants have been jimmyjacking Belt (and OK, he did get injured and spent some time on the DL), and he is now hitting .230 with 5 homers, 12 RBIs, 13 walks and 28 K's. (100 AB's)
My point is, the Braves stuck with a young, talented first baseman and he began hitting significantly better. The Giants saw their young, talented first baseman struggle, and pulled the plug too soon, IMHO.
This is not quite apples and apples, I agree. We had a washed up Huff with a $22 million contract as our regular first baseman, and the Braves really had no one to give the position to except Freeman. And the Braves had a better hitting lineup, and there was less pressure on Freeman to be the savior. There would have been more pressure on Belt to be sure.Still, I can't help but wonder what might have been if the Giants had stuck with Belt, how much he would have improved with PT and more AB's.
Obviously, I am not Sabes nor Noggin. I am just a hack with a keyboard, monitor, and internet access. But this screams to me as being a no brainer. We just don't develop young hitters the way other teams do, to our detriment.
UGA, you're starting to root for the Giants now just a little.....aren't ya?
I'm not assuming all people commenting are falling under Dunning-Kruger. I'm assuming YOU are.
Great post. Can't rep you, but wish I could.