MLS....come to STL!!!
I most certainly can and have accepted that fact..and for the third time during this debate, I have never suggested teams give an inordinate amount/percentage of their cap to a RB, so where are you coming from with all this chatter about over paid, high dollar contracts, and examples of lowly paid SB winning leading rushers?
What type of investment does a team have to make for you to quantify it as an investment, and why is it tied to a dollar amount?
Why isn't the Eagles acquiring of Blount and Ajayi to get them to the Super Bowl and win it a qualifying argument, when it is a very prime example of a team making a recognition of a need, and filling it with a real asset, not just some schmuck off the street and hoping it pans out?
Why isn't the Rams drafting Akers in the second and trading for Michel a qualifying point jsut because both were on rookie contracts and cheap?
Why isn't Fournette a prime example? the Bucs needed a RB, there was a multiple 1000 yard back avaialabe, they signed him rather than just hope Ronald Jones was good enough
thos are INVESTMENTS..the dollar figure attached is irrelevant
I mean every time you bring up salary, its a moot point in my opinion. you can overpay for POS's like Edmonds, doesn't make Edmonds a good signing, doesn't mean you invested in a real means you royally screwed up by signing a sub par committee member instead of addressing a need on your team and acquiring a real RB..had they signed Melvin Gordon, likely wouldn't have been a totally egregious contract, likely would've panned out better than Edmonds, but maybe not, and to me, I'd say, well, they definitely tried to get a real RB in there, it just didn't work out, but the effort was made, and Id' stop raking themover the coals for ignoring the position every year. they tried.
But they didn't
so Michel to the Rams = investment, but Michel to the Dolphins = not trying