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failed drug tests at combine


Internet MMA God
Apr 18, 2013
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That is for a level playing field, not to baby sit you, though they should really just stop pretending and allow PED use.

This is stupid too, but at least there's an actual reason. There is literally no arguable reason to drug test an office worker.

Fail, unless you think attendance is the purpose of work. I actually need my team to work when they're here, not to be running for munchies every 30 minutes and to spend hours marveling at the little hourglass thing on the screen. We aren't a charity.

If there were a 'pot breathalyzer' that could tell the difference between a weekend user and someone actually stoned at work, I wouldn't care at all if we had recreational users (and we probably do).


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Do you even believe your bullshit? Work with a drug addict and get back with me if your answer is yes.

Not only is not everyone who uses drugs an addict, but using does not make you a bad worker. The correlation exists, but it's not that strong. Certainly not strong enough to invade people's privacy.

Fail, unless you think attendance is the purpose of work. I actually need my team to work when they're here, not to be running for munchies every 30 minutes and to spend hours marveling at the little hourglass thing on the screen. We aren't a charity.

If there were a 'pot breathalyzer' that could tell the difference between a weekend user and someone actually stoned at work, I wouldn't care at all if we had recreational users (and we probably do).

So if they don't work, fucking fire them. :L

Using drugs is irrelevant to the equation.:nod:


Internet MMA God
Apr 18, 2013
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Not only is not everyone who uses drugs an addict, but using does not make you a bad worker. The correlation exists, but it's not that strong. Certainly not strong enough to invade people's privacy.

So if they don't work, fucking fire them. :L

Using drugs is irrelevant to the equation.:nod:

Fail again. Are you one of those guys who thinks that companies still employ managers who have nothing to do but watch what their teams are doing? That hasn't existed in well-run companies for 20 years. Agree that if a toked-up employee can still be highly productive then I don't care if they smoke up a bit, but the odds are that the employee is distracted and the drugs are the reason they aren't earning their pay. I don't have time to baby-sit my people - they can either be professionals, which inlcudes coming to work sober, or not, in which case I'll effing be forced to fire them all right.


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You don't need to watch over their shoulders. If they are productive or not is all that matters.

What is in their body, doesn't.


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
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You don't need to watch over their shoulders. If they are productive or not is all that matters.

What is in their body, doesn't.

How do you know if they're being productive or not if you're not watching them? There's certain positions where you could not do shit all week as long as you look busy and don't get caught.

I'll go ahead an side with the guy who is in management for a living and has to deal with these sort of things, vs. the internet philosopher...

Dr. Evil-er

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Apr 18, 2013
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I hope Jerrigan falls into the late second rd where we can trade up and take him..............after we trade Suh. :nod:


Apr 17, 2013
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Not only is not everyone who uses drugs an addict, but using does not make you a bad worker. The correlation exists, but it's not that strong. Certainly not strong enough to invade people's privacy.

So if they don't work, fucking fire them. :L

Using drugs is irrelevant to the equation.:nod:

I do not see the invasion? Unless it was started after you were hired. I hired into a company knowing they test. I have seen what the machinery I work with can do to sober men. I have no issue with them testing me or others.


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You're missing the point. Using drugs doesn't provide any actionable information. I'd be willing to bet there is a stronger correlation between obesity and a lack of productivity than there is between drug use and a lack of productivity.

If you have no way to measure performance, drug use doesn't change that. You're making a very weak guess based on information that isn't any of your business in the first place.


Gang Member
Apr 18, 2013
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You could hit the coke on a Friday and be clean by Monday. A mellow drug like weed stays in for up to a month... Just doesn't seem right. If it weren't for randoms and dirty for thirty, I'd probably still be smokin.


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
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You're missing the point. Using drugs doesn't provide any actionable information. I'd be willing to bet there is a stronger correlation between obesity and a lack of productivity than there is between drug use and a lack of productivity.

If you have no way to measure performance, drug use doesn't change that. You're making a very weak guess based on information that isn't any of your business in the first place.

Call me crazy, but I'm guessing you're one who likes to argue, no?

Doesn't take a brain surgeon to know that drug use is generally going to have a very adverse effect on productivity in the workplace. Yes, some people can use and keep their shit together and still be productive, but they're in the extreme minority.

What is your personal stake in this? Lose a job for dropping a dirty sample? The reason I ask is people generally don't argue a very obviously wrong viewpoint unless they have some sort of person investment...


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
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You're missing the point. Using drugs doesn't provide any actionable information.

I think you might be the one missing the point. Using drugs provides proof that you're using drugs- which is certainly "actionable information" for the vast majority of employers.

I'd be willing to bet there is a stronger correlation between obesity and a lack of productivity than there is between drug use and a lack of productivity.
Could be, but that's also completely irrelevant to the topic at hand. Unless they're fat and high.

You're making a very weak guess based on information that isn't any of your business in the first place.
That paycheck the employee gets every pay period makes that information very much the employer's business...


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Call me crazy, but I'm guessing you're one who likes to argue, no?

Doesn't take a brain surgeon to know that drug use is generally going to have a very adverse effect on productivity in the workplace. Yes, some people can use and keep their shit together and still be productive, but they're in the extreme minority.

What is your personal stake in this? Lose a job for dropping a dirty sample? The reason I ask is people generally don't argue a very obviously wrong viewpoint unless they have some sort of person investment...

Except that isn't reality. They aren't an extreme minority of users who would qualify for the job. You are more likely, all else equal, to get better productivity out of someone who uses drugs regularly than someone who is obese.

My stake is correctness. Lies like this get spread all over the place despite no basis in fact. The reality is that knowing someone uses drugs gives you no useful knowledge about their ability to be productive.


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I think you might be the one missing the point. Using drugs provides proof that you're using drugs- which is certainly "actionable information" for the vast majority of employers.

It's foolish information to act on. You're disqualifying a large chunk of quality candidates in a manner that results on no increase in value compared to the ones left.

That paycheck the employee gets every pay period makes that information very much the employer's business...

So is their religion their business? Is their sex life? Being paid by someone doesn't mean they own you. Sure, you can sign away and give them the ability to drug test you, but why should you? There's a better job out there that stays out of shit that doesn't affect them.

Peter Gozintite

NO!...but yes.
Hoopla Pickems Staff
Apr 18, 2013
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Seriously, Sur-Jell(The canning stuff) is fool proof, for weed. Now opiates, that's a different story. I might be hammered off my white ass, but this isn't confessional.
Well you body expels nearly pure water when you have over hydrated. You can die from over hydrating, if you dont piss, like the woman who died in the hold your pee for a wii contest some years back. This only works if you know the test is coming.


Internet MMA God
Apr 18, 2013
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Well you body expels nearly pure water when you have over hydrated. You can die from over hydrating, if you dont piss, like the woman who died in the hold your pee for a wii contest some years back. This only works if you know the test is coming.

The astronomer Tycho Brahe died from trying to hold it in too.


Green St. Elite
Hoopla Pickems Staff
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Call me crazy, but I'm guessing you're one who likes to argue, no?
No, he thinks he's always right. The majority of the 'Hoop know this already.


Internet MMA God
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Except that isn't reality. They aren't an extreme minority of users who would qualify for the job. You are more likely, all else equal, to get better productivity out of someone who uses drugs regularly than someone who is obese.

My stake is correctness. Lies like this get spread all over the place despite no basis in fact. The reality is that knowing someone uses drugs gives you no useful knowledge about their ability to be productive.

Third, and most profound, fail. While a few individuals may be able to function at a high level while engaging in recreational drug use, when dealing with a large number of people that statement is patently untrue. Every business on this Earth is only trying to maximize profit and they don't come up with policies that are intended to make them less competitive rather than the other way around. If druggies functioned perfectly well, companies wouldn't test because it would be an unnecessary expense. QED.


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Wrong. Companies do all kinds of things that aren't in their best interest due to misinformation. This is just one example of that. Drug use being terrible for you is a stereotype that is based on perception of reality, not reality. In reality, without a drug test, you won't know most users use (or even when they are using) if they don't tell you.


Can'tre Member
Apr 19, 2013
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I guess the greatest freedom in the world is knowing you don't need their fucking job.

Once I had this job driving a forklift. I unloaded all the trucks delivering supplies, and loaded most trucks picking up product. When not doing this, I pulled orders. Soon, drivers that carried close to the maximum weight, would rather wait for me to load their truck than have someone else do it, because even if you're below the total weight limit, if one of your axles is overweight, you're still illegal. Through experience, they knew if I loaded their truck, they were going to pass all the limits.

In addition to this my immediate boss noticed that none of the orders I pulled ever had mistakes. So he decreed that no order ever went out without my checking it for accuracy. I found mistakes on about every 5 or 6 orders pulled. During that time all shipped orders were 100% correct.

My roommate was dating the manager's daughter and one weekend he invited him to our Sunday cookout. He probably saw me smoking weed and decided to 'randomly' drug test me. I knew I couldn't pass the test but took it anyway because back then it took a couple weeks to get the results, and I wanted to enjoy the work I was doing for a little longer.

A couple of weeks later I was called into the office. After informing me of what I already knew, they started to tell me about the rahab, weekly drug tests, etc. I interrupted them and said, "I'm not going through all that. I show up to work everyday, on time, and I work when I get here." They replied that they knew that, but this is the procedure. I replied adioose motherfuckers. Actually, I was respectful, but that was what I was thinking.

I miss the job, but I don't miss the loss of freedom I would have had if I stayed. Since I keep to myself most of the time, it came as a shock to them that I didn't need them or their precious job. I love the look on the faces of these supposed managers every time this happens.