A useful idiot.
Love the Carlson deal - perfect length, perfect price.

Love the Carlson deal - perfect length, perfect price.
Oh get lost, Mr. Everything is looking rosy in DC Sports these days...
Preds sign Kevin Klein 5 yrs, $14.5m
pretty good value for a pretty good player.
he's going to be asked to step up big time with Suter gone
Subban goes unsigned. I shall trek to Montreal and take him for myself.
a look at the 'approval rating' of some of the signings.
errr.... sorry Calgary
Hockey Prospectus | Howe and Why: Rating The Summer Signings
I bet after he signed, Kevin Klein was all...
^^Note: Coming in March might be appropriate this year.
Did Doan sign?
Well that was anti-climactic.
it was actually fairly poetic.
Bettman had to approve a $21.2 million deal to a 36 year-old declining production player
- on a bankrupt team in a bankrupt city, with no owner
- while at the same time crying foul at the structure that allows owners to over-pay on long contracts.