Fountain City Blues
Love Everybody
The NCAA drug-testing program, along with clear policies and effective education, protects student-athletes who play by the rules by playing clean. The purpose of the drug-testing program is to deter student-athletes from using performance-enhancing drugs, and it impacts the eligibility of student-athletes who try to cheat by using banned substances. The NCAA tests for steroids, peptide hormones and masking agents year-round and also tests for stimulants and recreational drugs during championships. Member schools also may test for these substances as part of their athletics department drug-deterrence programs.
Who is responsible for testing student-athletes?
The NCAA and its member schools share the responsibility of not only testing, but also educating student-athletes to prevent drug usage. The NCAA conducts testing at its championships, and year round on campus in Division I and II programs. In addition, the majority of institutions conduct their own institutional testing programs independent of NCAA drug testing. The NCAA spends more than $6 million annually on drug testing and education in an effort to deter the use of banned and harmful substances.
Nice clarification on who governs the drug testing. I was always under the impression schools administered these tests.