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Explosive Brian Flores lawsuit claims Dolphins offered him 100k a game to tank


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Oct 28, 2014
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I think the thing that pushed him over the top was all of the leaking from the Dolphins front office trashing him and his reputation. He saw that and probably said “fuck it”. They’re going to do me dirty and leave me out anyway so there’s no longer a reason to bite my tongue.
I like Flores as a coach and was rooting for him to get a job but once you pull the race card out of your ass I’m done with you


Castigat ridendo mores
Aug 21, 2014
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Dolphins and Browns.

If they can substantiate the claims, that should result in the stiffest punishments the league has ever handed out. Loss of multiple 1st round picks.


Do Your Job!
Jul 3, 2013
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I think Flores is full of shit. If he knew the interview with the Giants was a sham then why did he go and do it?
And now he brings up shot from two years ago against Miami and Denver? Why didn’t he bring that up when those things happened? Why wait til now?
Your ignorance predates your post!


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2014
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I won't give you a "bullshit" out of respect the only thing difficult about Flores is the color of his skin.
The fact that he has not been offered a job is an atrocity!

I salute you Brian Flores for your courage and dignity!
What a clown. Why would anyone with a billion dollar investment in a franchise purposely avoid hiring the best man to run it because of his skin color. These owners didn’t get where they are by making stupid decisions

Sir Robin Of Camelot

You seem angry. Miserable, even.
Nov 29, 2016
Hoopla Cash
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Dolphins and Browns.

If they can substantiate the claims, that should result in the stiffest punishments the league has ever handed out. Loss of multiple 1st round picks.
Hue Jackson is rich beyond his wildest dreams…


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I like Flores as a coach and was rooting for him to get a job but once you pull the race card out of your ass I’m done with you
K. I’ll alert the media of this important development.

Niner Outlaw

Stay out of my territory.
Nov 5, 2014
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It looks like Bill texted the wrong Brian and he was too embarrassed to admit it to Flores.

Besides, what happened to him in NY isn't unusual in business--have 8 guys to interview, but halfway through decide that #4 is gonna get hired, then interview the other applicants anyway. That's not unusual at all--from state work or retail, to acting and professional sports.
I'm not disputing that there is disparity between white and black coaches in the NFL but Flores seems to have singled out the Broncos in strange fashion. Not only is there documented proof of the depth of his interview in 2019 but the Broncos were moving on from a black coach (Vance Joseph) when it all took place.
That is another overlooked part of the Broncos allegations. The team literally just had a black HC for 2 seasons (5-11, 6-10)
Prior to a game between the Dolphins and the Broncos, this is what Flores had to say to the Denver media:
Flores in conference call w/Denver media prior to November 2020 Dolphins game vs.Broncos: "That interview was, I remember it vividly. It was just great for me to – just from doing my own background work – learn more about the Denver Broncos and their history.
and the Bowlen family and the great history that they have there as an organization. I was excited to interview with them. I thought it went well. It was just great to meet the executives there and spend some time with them. "I think Vic's a great coach. They've got the right coach and the right people in place. It's a talented team, that's for sure. It was a good experience for me personally."
Just as prior statements from the NFL will hurt them in this suit, so will Flores's own prior statements. It's the old "were you lying then or are you lying now?" b/c both can't be true.
Tomlin is the only one so there's that.
If you mean the only black person or minority, I'll make sure and tell Robert Saleh he's not black. And Ron Rivera that he's not latino. Smh.


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Apr 17, 2013
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Depends. Does he have any evidence? Or does he think him saying it was so is sufficient?
It's not what you know, it's what you can prove.

Verbal conversation would have to be proven in court.

I personally think Flores' lawsuit is a bit ridiculous. But damn if I want to see Stephen Ross forced to sell the Dolphins. We're stuck in mediocrity with him as an owner.


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What a clown. Why would anyone with a billion dollar investment in a franchise purposely avoid hiring the best man to run it because of his skin color. These owners didn’t get where they are by making stupid decisions
Well, a good number of them got where they are because they won the Sperm Olympics.


Do Your Job!
Jul 3, 2013
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Exactly. This is a scorched earth move that leaves him nowhere else to go.

He said--"God has gifted me with a special talent to coach the game of football, but the need for change is bigger than my personal goals,". What a crock of virtue-signalling shit. If his "principles" were really what mattered most to him, he wouldn't have waited until NOW to file suit.

Considering the timing--firing in Miami, not getting the job in NY, the NY job going to the first person interviewed, etc.--this lawsuit looks like Flores throwing a tantrum b/c he didn't get his way. ...just in case anyone was wondering if he's actually hard to work with...

From the allegations alone, I don't think he's got any real shot at winning his lawsuit. BUT, it's probably aimed at getting a big-buck settlement from the league instead of winning.

Win or lose, I can't imagine him ever coaching in the NFL again.
Bring him back to New England where he is respected and appreciated!

Sir Robin Of Camelot

You seem angry. Miserable, even.
Nov 29, 2016
Hoopla Cash
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It looks like Bill texted the wrong Brian and he was too embarrassed to admit it to Flores.

Maybe… or maybe Bill is still pissed at the league over Spygate and Deflategate and this was his opportunity to exact his revenge. Some people are just evil that way.

Niner Outlaw

Stay out of my territory.
Nov 5, 2014
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Maybe… or maybe Bill is still pissed at the league over Spygate and Deflategate and this was his opportunity to exact his revenge. Some people are just evil that way.
Well, if anyone is gonna be evil that way, it'd be Bill. I mean, how dare the league catch him cheating and then punish him for it?


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I won't give you a "bullshit" out of respect the only thing difficult about Flores is the color of his skin.
The fact that he has not been offered a job is an atrocity!

I salute you Brian Flores for your courage and dignity!
I think @fightinfunbags remark about him being angry at the Dolphins for putting out a negative narrative likely has some merit, but he would of gotten another HC position in time, likely by next season if not this season. Their must of been some head butting happening ( in the Dolphins organization) for him to get let go. I'm sure the blame can be spread around, heck maybe he wasn't even the problem mostly. The Dolphins aren't considered a well run organization and just putting that behind him and not responding to their narrative would of been the way to go. Filing a lawsuit is like sabotaging your own prospects on the job market and sure looks like he did it because he wasn't the first choice for openings he wanted. That's pretty immature and egotistical on his part IMO. @Jikkle point about nepotism and connections is valid as is the point about Flores own staff not being diverse. The lawsuit is a ill thought out idea and a knee jerk reaction to disappointment. He did a good job with the Dolphins so all he had to do was be patient and he would of been rewarded with a HC position, now he'll find it difficult to find employment in the NFL and that's on him.


Do Your Job!
Jul 3, 2013
Out of the desert!
Hoopla Cash
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What a clown. Why would anyone with a billion dollar investment in a franchise purposely avoid hiring the best man to run it because of his skin color. These owners didn’t get where they are by making stupid decisions
Obviously Steven Ross never makes stupid decisions!


Do Your Job!
Jul 3, 2013
Out of the desert!
Hoopla Cash
$ 9,623.00
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I think @fightinfunbags remark about him being angry at the Dolphins for putting out a negative narrative likely has some merit, but he would of gotten another HC position in time, likely by next season if not this season. Their must of been some head butting happening ( in the Dolphins organization) for him to get let go. I'm sure the blame can be spread around, heck maybe he wasn't even the problem mostly. The Dolphins aren't considered a well run organization and just putting that behind him and not responding to their narrative would of been the way to go. Filing a lawsuit is like sabotaging your own prospects on the job market and sure looks like he did it because he wasn't the first choice for openings he wanted. That's pretty immature and egotistical on his part IMO. @Jikkle point about nepotism and connections is valid as is the point about Flores own staff not being diverse. The lawsuit is a ill thought out idea and a knee jerk reaction to disappointment. He did a good job with the Dolphins so all he had to do was be patient and he would of been rewarded with a HC position, now he'll find it difficult to find employment in the NFL and that's on him.
So just keep your mouth shut Boy and you'll be better off?


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2013
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Knowing Bill, then you know BB loves Brian Flores. Nothing but respect for Flores.

Certainly not saying you're wrong but where have you seen BB display this love for Flores you are referring to?