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Explosive Brian Flores lawsuit claims Dolphins offered him 100k a game to tank


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Jul 22, 2013
Texas by the Grace of God
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Apparently, Flores and his attorneys believe other HCs will join his lawsuit. I could see that happening, but it'll probably only be guys who have no realistic coaching options, ala Hugh Jackson.
I think you're missing a couple points here.

Most coaches want to coach. Flores said he knew this will most likely end his NFL aspirations. He'll have many opportunities to coach college at an extremely good salary.

Flores & Gurden/Washington sex house scandal is piling on a commissioner who is already disliked more & more. This works out great if the owners move on from Rodger.


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Jul 22, 2013
Texas by the Grace of God
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I see Jackson is already saying he was paid to lose and has records to prove it......no idea if that holds water but if it does WOW, this would be one huge nightmare for the NFL.


has nothing to do with coaching in the NFL again


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It's a big rug and they have a lot of brooms.....
IDK if someone actual took payment to lose and also has records of payments, going to be hard to explain away. Jackson claims he can prove that not only he but Browns front office all got paid for losing on purpose so tanking. Might be pure horse shit and until someone has real evidence and produces it, I won't believe it. Not that I doubt tanking happens, I just doubt they have evidence until they produce it.

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I think you're missing a couple points here.

Most coaches want to coach. Flores said he knew this will most likely end his NFL aspirations. He'll have many opportunities to coach college at an extremely good salary.
I didn't miss that point at all. That's why I called this lawsuit more of a tantrum--if he can't get/keep the job he wants, he'll lash out at anyone and everyone with all the muddy allegations he can make and then, win or lose, he won't be coming back to the NFL. While college might be a decent fall-back plan for him, I don't believe he's ever coached in college.
Flores & Gurden/Washington sex house scandal is piling on a commissioner who is already disliked more & more. This works out great if the owners move on from Rodger.
There hasn't been so much as a rumor that the owners were looking to replace Goodell even through all of the Washington and Gruden scandals. I don't think this will change the owners' decision on whether to keep him or not.

The point of Flores's suit is to address alleged racial discrimination in interviewing and hiring/firing of NFL HCs. If all it results in is a change at commissioner, i wouldn't call that "working out great."


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Brian Flores is a God Damned hero. He is this generation's Curt Flood, and like Flood he probably sunk his career for the greater good. I have no idea how he can prove these charges but I sure hope he does and gets paid bigly.
He is going the way of CK and will coach again.....but most likely in college.


Do Your Job!
Jul 3, 2013
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I think you're missing a couple points here.

Most coaches want to coach. Flores said he knew this will most likely end his NFL aspirations. He'll have many opportunities to coach college at an extremely good salary.

Flores & Gurden/Washington sex house scandal is piling on a commissioner who is already disliked more & more. This works out great if the owners move on from Rodger.
The owners love Rodger. He makes them a lot of money and takes all the heat.


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Jul 22, 2013
Texas by the Grace of God
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I didn't miss that point at all. That's why I called this lawsuit more of a tantrum--if he can't get/keep the job he wants, he'll lash out at anyone and everyone with all the muddy allegations he can make and then, win or lose, he won't be coming back to the NFL. While college might be a decent fall-back plan for him, I don't believe he's ever coached in college.

There hasn't been so much as a rumor that the owners were looking to replace Goodell even through all of the Washington and Gruden scandals.
I don't think this will change the owners' decision on whether to keep him or not.

The point of Flores's suit is to address alleged racial discrimination in interviewing and hiring/firing of NFL HCs. If all it results in is a change at commissioner, i wouldn't call that "working out great."

1. Maybe you're close to this situation and have the inside scoop but, I think it's much more than just losing the job.

2. What was it? 4 years ago, with the Elliott 6 game suspension, Jerry started looking around the room. I think it's safe to say there is no where near the majority, but Jerry & company wouldn't seem to want to tip rumors and just MIGHT be playing this a little on the down low. ALSO, has the washington Gruden scandal settled? Would adding bonus money to lose investigation have any effect towards a politically correct movement towards replacing Goodall?

3. Is that the complete point of his suit or just one part of the process which leads to a suit? I don't know. I also don't see how the end result would just be a change at commissioner. I think kicking Rodger to the curb would be the cherry on top but far from the only change to come from all this.


Do Your Job!
Jul 3, 2013
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IDK if someone actual took payment to lose and also has records of payments, going to be hard to explain away. Jackson claims he can prove that not only he but Browns front office all got paid for losing on purpose so tanking. Might be pure horse shit and until someone has real evidence and produces it, I won't believe it. Not that I doubt tanking happens, I just doubt they have evidence until they produce it.
A good reputation is so very hard to get and harder to keep.

Brian Flores has a reputation of honesty and integrity

Stephon Ross has a reputation of being a crook.

Which should I believe? A man of integrity or a swindler?


Do Your Job!
Jul 3, 2013
Out of the desert!
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1. I think it's much more than just losing the job.

3. Is that the complete point of his suit or just one part of the process which leads to a suit? I don't know. I also don't see how the end result would just be a change at commissioner. I think kicking Rodger to the curb would be the cherry on top but far from the only change to come from all this.
I don't think that Goodell has anything to do with this suit - yet. Like me I think you just hate the lying bastard.
This suit is just what Flores says it is about. That is who he is.

The NFL has so much shit swept under the rug that a little more isn't going to be noticed......


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A good reputation is so very hard to get and harder to keep.

Brian Flores has a reputation of honesty and integrity

Stephon Ross has a reputation of being a crook.

Which should I believe? A man of integrity or a swindler?
I don't know either guy or follow enough to know, but you keep using the word "integrity" and I have an issue with it because REAL integrity would have been calling this out WHEN IT HAPPENED and not waiting until he got fired.

What is happening now is more like OPPORTUNITY rather than integrity.

Again - he may be a good dude. Miami may have been doing shady things - I don't follow enough to really know, but I know integrity isn't waiting until the time is personally right to do the right thing.