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Everyone welcome SoFlo_Ravens_fan, our newest poster


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You are right there are some on this board or that have left that struggle to own it when their big mouth gets them in trouble. I always figured that is just part of this is the smack talk between fans and then laughing about it for a bit then moving on. I'm glad you have stuck it out as I would love to see more Ravens fans on here that actually want to talk football. That has been part of the problem though is some who would rather post memes or do nothing but go around calling people names. Just need some more football minded Ravens fans as I do know there are plenty out there.

Most Ravens' fans annoy the shit out of me. I can't go to bars to watch away games (unless it's just with friends and at a bar that doesn't attract a lot of other Ravens' fans). I get into arguments all the time on local Ravens' boards. Many times I'm arguing on here that Flacco doesn't suck while I'm arguing on Ravens' boards that Flacco isn't elite. It's hilarious.


Troll Boy Extraordinaire
May 1, 2013
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Yes, the problem are the posters (not talking about you) that are so simple minded that they can't separate one poster from another. I had this for my avi for a couple months after losing a bet to Southie due to the 2014 playoff game.

View attachment 144605

I own it when things blow up in my face. I always have. There are a select few on here that simply can't do it. I only have problems with a select few posters on here. Oddly, it's really not more than 1 per fanbase. They know who they are.



Troll Boy Extraordinaire
May 1, 2013
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Most Ravens' fans annoy the shit out of me. I can't go to bars to watch away games (unless it's just with friends and at a bar that doesn't attract a lot of other Ravens' fans). I get into arguments all the time on local Ravens' boards. Many times I'm arguing on here that Flacco doesn't suck while I'm arguing on Ravens' boards that Flacco isn't elite. It's hilarious.
We have something in common!


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Most Ravens' fans annoy the shit out of me. I can't go to bars to watch away games (unless it's just with friends and at a bar that doesn't attract a lot of other Ravens' fans). I get into arguments all the time on local Ravens' boards. Many times I'm arguing on here that Flacco doesn't suck while I'm arguing on Ravens' boards that Flacco isn't elite. It's hilarious.

Haha well that stinks. I have a great group of Bronco fans that I watch games with most weeks. They are pretty relaxed people that I'm guessing some come more for the food than the football. Throw in my wife makes sure to have my child in the room while I'm watching as it keeps me a little more calm.


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Haha well that stinks. I have a great group of Bronco fans that I watch games with most weeks. They are pretty relaxed people that I'm guessing some come more for the food than the football. Throw in my wife makes sure to have my child in the room while I'm watching as it keeps me a little more calm.

Oh I have a great group as well and I wouldn't give up my tailgating experiences for anything. It just needs to be in a controlled environment.


Troll Boy Extraordinaire
May 1, 2013
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Haha well that stinks. I have a great group of Bronco fans that I watch games with most weeks. They are pretty relaxed people that I'm guessing some come more for the food than the football. Throw in my wife makes sure to have my child in the room while I'm watching as it keeps me a little more calm.
First year after my daughter was born I made her cry when I jumped up and cheered after a touchdown. Had to learn to tone it down somewhat when the kiddos are around.

Of course, now she's old enough that she gets excited and cheers whenever I do, but I've got a son now who doesn't get it. Can't wait until he gets a little older and I'll have a little buddy to watch the games with.


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First year after my daughter was born I made her cry when I jumped up and cheered after a touchdown. Had to learn to tone it down somewhat when the kiddos are around.

Of course, now she's old enough that she gets excited and cheers whenever I do, but I've got a son now who doesn't get it. Can't wait until he gets a little older and I'll have a little buddy to watch the games with.

My daughter loves Broncos games. She doesn't understand what is going on but loves all the action and loves that I get excited all the time. We have a tradition in the house that after a Broncos touchdown we have to run from one end of the house to the other with the dogs chasing us the whole way. So hopefully this year there are a few more touchdowns as this might be her favorite thing to do.


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By insisting that the thread be deemed a "troll thread," we must presumed it to be of lesser nobility and righteousness, therefore setting up a tit for tat, Tgann alted while fordman trolled, offsetting penalties, replay the down.

By that means Money has been defending Tgann. I can read minds too.

Back last year I logged in to find that Strongo had been banned by fordman. I was disappointed 'cause he was funny and I get the camaraderie between team fans esp Pats fans around this place. You know what I typed that morning? Something to the effect of "Gee, that's too bad but fordman's always been a reasonable dude so it must have been something." I wouldn't think of defending him knowing that he was a welcher and then alted for Christ's sake.

The way Ravens fans have flocked in here is both funny and pathetic. I for one don't want fuckin' teagan back anyway. I used to like him but he ended up doing nothing but stir shit and be stupid. Remember all you clowns in last year's pre-season spouting off day after day about your mighty team? How'd that work out?

Fuck the Ravens.

As I stated to a newcomer last week. There's only one supreme rule of the Hoop...keep your big boy pants on.

Aw, Homer... I thought you and I had come a long way and made quite a bit of progress in the bonding department. :bawling:

I don't know if I need to call up my shrink for an emergency session or just throw myself off of the roof of the building so I can get over this disappointment... I may never heal. :(


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Aw, Homer... I thought you and I had come a long way and made quite a bit of progress in the bonding department. :bawling:

I don't know if I need to call up my shrink for an emergency session or just throw myself off of the roof of the building so I can get over this disappointment... I may never heal. :(


Take it easy bro. Besides, you're a Raven...you fly off buildings.


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So was TGANN at one point.

As was Bruce Jenner. Sorry to say that I was born with and still have the woman equipment.
I do agree that it would be more fun to have man parts. I didn't realize what guys can do with mashed potatoes and/or potato salad.


Troll Boy Extraordinaire
May 1, 2013
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As was Bruce Jenner. Sorry to say that I was born with and still have the woman equipment.
I do agree that it would be more fun to have man parts. I didn't realize what guys can do with mashed potatoes and/or potato salad.


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As was Bruce Jenner. Sorry to say that I was born with and still have the woman equipment.
I do agree that it would be more fun to have man parts. I didn't realize what guys can do with mashed potatoes and/or potato salad.

It's much easier for a woman to accessorize like carrots , zucchini etc. Potatoe sald is a good idea, apple pie is worn out


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It's much easier for a woman to accessorize like carrots , zucchini etc. Potatoe sald is a good idea, apple pie is worn out

Well, men also get to pee standing up. Or in a car, if an emergency hits. :) That would be my #1 reason.
I tried to write my name in the snow once... It went awry.


Troll Boy Extraordinaire
May 1, 2013
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Well, men also get to pee standing up. Or in a car, if an emergency hits. :) That would be my #1 reason.
I tried to write my name in the snow once... It went awry.

Do you think men just randomly piss in their cars?


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As was Bruce Jenner. Sorry to say that I was born with and still have the woman equipment.
I do agree that it would be more fun to have man parts. I didn't realize what guys can do with mashed potatoes and/or potato salad.
I'm just picking on TGANN long before any mod modified his account he listed himself as a female. I don't think you are TGANN.