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New Member
Jan 8, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
aside from the last post....its funny that in some really f uked up way you guys are a good group of guys and good friends...tell you how my last few days have been.....

i really screwed up....got a dui which wouldn't matter for a lott've people but it does for me.....its a criminal record and the issue with me has to do with getting student visa's and to travel to other countries for research.....had no idea a dui can screw a person soo much....not that it matters but i never drink and drive....and the one time i do i get caught....the reason i dont is cause money has never been an issue for me.....taking a taxi is no biggie.....

you guys know i've been in the UK for my Phd in math and stuff....it's done now...this sh it has affected me huge.....it's hard to come to terms with how much work i've done for it just to be squashed by one mistake......think this one is gonna take some time to get over......

one year i wish there wasn't a lockout cuz at least I could escape for a second....winslow....say something really amazing to just let me forget....or mail me some crack...

alright im out....later guys...


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2010
somewhere i shouldn't be
Hoopla Cash
$ 737.76
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i cannot grieve over someone's misfortune when it comes to drinking and driving--sorry.


New Member
Jan 8, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
im not asking you to grieve or anything...im just telling my story.....and for whoever reads it to not make the same mistake I did.....

i made a mistake and I'm going to have to live with it but it hurts that what I worked so hard for is gone....even when i worked in NY i made a ton of money.....donated over 10 grand to people.....tutored young people in my spare time.....

not that it matters...i wasnt drunk....had 4 beers...but the limit is the limit.....i shouldn't have did it.....but I did and now I have to live with it.....it just sucks.....some of the work i was doing was real special...whatever....i think im still in shock....maybe in a couple weeks or something i'll figure something out.....dont know though.....having being accepted into a top school in the world and losing that is rough.....im lucky i have an amazing family.....

cant remember the last time i cried....think i was 14 when a friend died.....definitely a week to remember...


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2010
somewhere i shouldn't be
Hoopla Cash
$ 737.76
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haha this was the ad I got viewing this

1st DWI in California Free DUI Consultation 800-633-3827 We Can Save Your License. Call Now!
Clear a Criminal Record Top Expungement Attorneys. Just Call (510) 965-7339 for Help.

fucking internet

**sorry, but I had to edit the ad link out. can't piss Goog off. -Ghost


Active Member
Jan 6, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
don't worry about it gill, your rich enough that you will probably beat this with a lesser punishment. your not white but you are rich which is probably even more important. back in the day i had a buddy that got caught twice and after spending alot of money(for him) on a lawyer he had his charged droped to the same penalty you get when you smell like grass and get pulled over which is lesser. i'm not sure whats on his record but he was able to travel no prob and like i said he got charged with dui twice.


Oregon Is Faster
Sep 7, 2010
Eugene, OR
Hoopla Cash
$ 200.00
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it's your first DUI? You take the class and you get this thing off the record. It's after your second DUI when your in trouble.


New Member
Jan 8, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
issue is that it was in london ontario.....this city sucks for dui's.....talking to lawyers....again...the money thing doesnt matter for me....like you said.....think its 12 grand for the lawyer but for me thats nothing......but even the lawyer said cuz it happened in london its way different then if it happened in TO.....in TO plea bargains happen all the time cuz the courts are backed up.....london is known to screw people....

and travelling isnt the issue.....it's about getting student visa's and work visa's.....i gave up my NY job where I made a tonne of money to goto school in the UK......i was making over 200 g's a year and dropped it all to get my phd to make 40 grand.....but with the criminal record...i cant do my PHd or go back to the states to work...i can visit but thats it.....and with a criminal record working in canada is impossible in my field....in one day i lost everything career wise.....funny thing is....i dropped work to help students understand that half of doing well in school is confidence and proper techniques....worst philanthropist ever....

If i get the UK visa this year....cuz im not guilty yet.....i'll be fine....have to live in the UK forever though....but whatever...see how it goes....

i talked to my boss's from my old company in NY.....they told me they all have DUI's.....but their americans....so it doesnt matter....i cant get a visa if convicted....its not a felony in the states and just a misdemeanor....

the worst is....i wish if I had a real dui....got soo messed up that i deserved it.....at least then it would of been a story to tell.....but 4 beers.....im weak......

winslow....you wanna show up at court for me.....being white will help.....you'll dominate it....


New Member
Jan 24, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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that sucks, but clearly you are a smart and clear minded guy. things always seem really shitty when they're in the middle of happening, but over time it will get better, and sometimes things work out in weird ways.

where were u heading to travel? i bet they get hit by a nuclear holocaust next


New Member
Jan 24, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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but drinking and driving is irresponsible, and i got no beef with the punishments they give. no offence gill


New Member
Jan 8, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
ah sweet....not looking for sympathy i messed up.....Phd done....no student visa...london school of economics done....

job in the states done....no work visa cause of this......

welcome to walmart....do you need help with a cart? this one is gonna hurt.....gonna take a while to recover from this....just had my court date today.....thinking about joining the army for four years....get pardoned....then back to math......


Remmington smooth
Jun 4, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Once its all said and done, you pay your fines and laywer fees, you can ask for a pardon from the government. If you were making 200Gs a year you are obviouls smart as fuck, and with all the schooling you have recieved, i cant see them turning you down for a dui. The pardon wont remove your criminal record but it will allow you to travel and work anywhere in the world.

All is not lost gill, keep your head up bro you'll do fine.


Remmington smooth
Jun 4, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
your lawyer should know about this, but just incase he is an idiot here it is :



New Member
Jan 8, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
I'll keep you guys up to date with whatever happens.....should know in a month or so......need to marry some US chick then i'll be good to go.....

the reason my dui suck is because i have two charges....if it was one there would've been no issue with the work visa.....i got impaired driving and failed to provide a breath sample....im hoping to have the breath sample one dropped.....i wasnt even doing it intentionally.....i was in the hospital two days prior cuz i smacked my head on the concrete....messed up concussion.....but the cop thought i was doing it intentionally.....

i also keep thinking about it if i could blow......i probably would've been under .08.....but whatever.....shit happens....and women cops are the worst.....i felt like a black guy from compton dealing with a racist white cop.....


New Member
Jan 8, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
the visa results came in and was denied....was excited to live in London next year for the olympics...go back go to school.....crappy day....and tomorrows my bday.....im so pissed that Im not even going to drink....

pleaded with the judge to reduce it from two charges one so that I could study.....keep the criminal record.....i told her I would donate half my salary to charities and wont ever drive again.....just get rid one of the charges.....she's one of the MADD moms....something happened in her....she said no.....guilty on both.....failure for breathlyzer and impaired driving....

cause of these two charges i cant work in the states....companies dont care....its the visa....canada never hires criminal record people.....

i have one option....marry an american.....you guys are probably laughing but I'm gonna have to do it.....need a prenup....

i know I made a mistake....but this judge....i wanted to punch her in the face....i accepted the criminal record and was just pleading to lesson it to one.....at least that way I could be a solid citizen....and I documented it....i would give a 100 grand a year of my salary.....and never drive again....

for real.....i have no idea what to do now....i never saved any of my money....sweet....i have an awesome family but thats different...its the stuff you do on a daily basis.....and no bullsh i t....i know i'm gifted....not in a cocky way or anything....math is a joke for me.....we were working on some of the craziest heart preventative crap ever......

there's always sex,drugs and alcohol to the max....or i'll become religious...but thats gay.....whats hilarious....right under this post....where i click on post quick reply....it says



Remmington smooth
Jun 4, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
wait 3 years and apply for a pardon, or spend that 100Gs on a better lawyer and appeal the decision, keep fighting it to the max.

Or just say fuck it, spend all the money on blow and hookers!


Buckle up!!
Apr 23, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,042.93
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issue is that it was in london ontario.....this city sucks for dui's.....talking to lawyers....again...the money thing doesnt matter for me....like you said.....think its 12 grand for the lawyer but for me thats nothing......but even the lawyer said cuz it happened in london its way different then if it happened in TO.....in TO plea bargains happen all the time cuz the courts are backed up.....london is known to screw people....

and travelling isnt the issue.....it's about getting student visa's and work visa's.....i gave up my NY job where I made a tonne of money to goto school in the UK......i was making over 200 g's a year and dropped it all to get my phd to make 40 grand.....but with the criminal record...i cant do my PHd or go back to the states to work...i can visit but thats it.....and with a criminal record working in canada is impossible in my field....in one day i lost everything career wise.....funny thing is....i dropped work to help students understand that half of doing well in school is confidence and proper techniques....worst philanthropist ever....

If i get the UK visa this year....cuz im not guilty yet.....i'll be fine....have to live in the UK forever though....but whatever...see how it goes....

i talked to my boss's from my old company in NY.....they told me they all have DUI's.....but their americans....so it doesnt matter....i cant get a visa if convicted....its not a felony in the states and just a misdemeanor....

the worst is....i wish if I had a real dui....got soo messed up that i deserved it.....at least then it would of been a story to tell.....but 4 beers.....im weak......

winslow....you wanna show up at court for me.....being white will help.....you'll dominate it....

Do a similar PHD. in Canada now. By the time you're done in 4-7 years, you'll be eligible to be pardoned in Canada; your record will be gone (if you stay out of trouble), then you can resume regualr work activities, including getting work Visas.

You won't get to do your PHD in the UK as you had hoped, but as you pointed out... you fucked up.


Active Member
Jan 6, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
wait 3 years and apply for a pardon, or spend that 100Gs on a better lawyer and appeal the decision, keep fighting it to the max.

Or just say fuck it, spend all the money on blow and hookers!

no shit p, fuck it in the ass. making 200g's and not going to be able to make that extra 40 k
who gives a shit, stay in canadere, wait for a housing bubble pop and fuckk all the hooker you can in the ains


Active Member
Jan 6, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Do a similar PHD. in Canada now. By the time you're done in 4-7 years, you'll be eligible to be pardoned in Canada; your record will be gone (if you stay out of trouble), then you can resume regualr work activities, including getting work Visas.

You won't get to do your PHD in the UK as you had hoped, but as you pointed out... you fucked up.

negative attitude, racist ains


Active Member
Jan 6, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
ot: fuck this cracker ass raptor team in a rigged league, fuck it in the mouth
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New Member
Jan 8, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
im training for the raptors.....they could use me.....5'6 brown guy.......im not balding.....criminal record doesnt matter.....I wish I was black....then there would be no injustice.....

i would be like jalen rose and working for espn.....

im not exageratting the story...no accident...drive 10 meters in a parking lot after kids started egg'n my car.....in writing i said i would give half my salary up and never drive again just to lose one breathlyser charge......just cant have two....she said no...

i got lucky though....maybe...another crown was in the office...old guy...65....he said he would defend me which is a huge thing to fight crowns amongst crowns......its the end of your career....he said if he was going to end it he would like to do it this way.....

hour and 6 minutes til my bday....winslow...where's my crack? cant believe im not drinking on my bday...