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Draft Reactions


12 > 49
May 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,184.88
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Admittedly I didn't pay much attention to potential picks nor get to watch much of the draft at all, but I though a thread to react to just the picks would be useful.

We had 11 picks going in? Where did they all go was my first reaction. Harold? Shouldn't we have more guys to talk about?

Frank? First pick: No idea. Never heard of him, which isn't a surprise. Hopefully he can play

Lockett - Excited to see this kid. From what I've read he's the ST returner we need who can also get into and out of cuts in a blink as a WR. My favorite pick without much knowledge.

Otherwise I know we took a couple O Linemen, which I wanted to see but I'd like to hear the feedback from some of you who watched a little more closely.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 100.00
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Admittedly I didn't pay much attention to potential picks nor get to watch much of the draft at all, but I though a thread to react to just the picks would be useful.

We had 11 picks going in? Where did they all go was my first reaction. Harold? Shouldn't we have more guys to talk about?

Frank? First pick: No idea. Never heard of him, which isn't a surprise. Hopefully he can play

Lockett - Excited to see this kid. From what I've read he's the ST returner we need who can also get into and out of cuts in a blink as a WR. My favorite pick without much knowledge.

Otherwise I know we took a couple O Linemen, which I wanted to see but I'd like to hear the feedback from some of you who watched a little more closely.

Lockett cost 4 picks. To get to the top of the 3rd, the Hawks used their late 3rd, then a 4th, 5th and 6th.


Apr 22, 2013
Vancouver, WA
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Tye Smith looks like a great pick and could be a star. His measurables compare to revis' and he is a natural at the position. With work with Sherm and with the help of looking better due to playing next to 3 all-pros, we will be talking about this kid sooner than later.
The offensive linemen are great athletes and could be solid. Sokoli is a freak athlete (1st 4 sigma athlete, s/o @zjwhitman on twitter) and is also very smart. He will compete with Lewis at C and should be a starter in 2016 if all goes well. Poole will compete with Bailey to start at LG but should be our swing backup this year, as he can play all positions on the line. He should be solid and be able to hold his own. Same for Mark Glowinski, who will back up Sweezy and RG and is a project but could be good with time.
Obum Gwacham is a potential pick. Coming from an Oregon State fan, he is a crazy athlete with good measurables and this is only his 2nd year at DE. He is raw, and needs LOTS of work with his moves and all the details of being a pass rusher. But once again, could be an effective pass rusher in the future. He is fighting for the roster spot Obrien Schofield had last year, but most likely will end up being a PS player with a bright future.
Frank Clark will be interesting to see, and I see him being effective in the rotation and hopefully reaching 8 sacks. I'm not sure what to think about his character problems since JS seems convinced he didnt hit that girl, but we will see I guess.
Tyler Lockett is pretty straight forward. He is always open and reminds me of a faster Doug Baldwin. He will also be our KR/PR and this looks like our best pick. I expect a great season out of him, especially since he has Graham and Lynch to get all the attention of the Defense.
Ryan Murphy is a very Seahawks-like safety. He is smart and works hard, and also is Lynch's cousin. He fills the Jeron Johnson spot of last year. Cant wait to see my former beaver in action.

Overall, I think this was a great draft for PCJS. Smith and Lockett look like sure picks that will be good, while Poole and Clark are the only picks i question, but I see the reason we took both. This draft has a lot of upside with 2 starters being the floor, and 2 pro bowlers+4 starters being the ceiling. I think we will look at this draft great in the future, but only time will tell. Hey, at least we got Jimmy Graham and a returner out of this.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Not sure if people are going to be critical, but before you do that. say. what would the front office of back to back nfc champs do.....cause what we got is what they did. So fine by me.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I really like this draft, but as in all drafts we have to see how it plays out on the field.


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Aug 28, 2014
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I've got more than a few contacts at Towson University. Trying desperately to get Smith to sign a helmet before I leave.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I thought it was a successful draft replenishing our depth. We expect some guys will see playing time but the overall grade we'll find out in 2 to 3 yrs. Good job by our FO.


Do Your Job!
Jul 3, 2013
Out of the desert!
Hoopla Cash
$ 9,623.00
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Not sure if people are going to be critical, but before you do that. say. what would the front office of back to back nfc champs do.....cause what we got is what they did. So fine by me.
You guys have had some great drafts. That said, an observation from years of business:
We did great! Let's do it again!
The gambles you make sometimes won't work. I think you had a pretty good draft but it is early. My biggest problem with this thread? Cherry picking writers grades. Another poster lists a writers compliments about great drafts for Seahawks and Jets. Really? The Jets draft sucks! Do you (SB Champs) want to justify your team as "good as the Jets?" Really? Head up, good draft, move forward. You are better than the Jets. Damn, the Jets just fired all their scouts and director of pro personnel.......

Jets fire pro personnel director Brendan Prophett, 5 scouts | Boston Herald


2018 DCFFL Champion!
Jul 2, 2013
Your head
Hoopla Cash
$ 500.87
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You guys have had some great drafts. That said, an observation from years of business:
We did great! Let's do it again!
The gambles you make sometimes won't work. I think you had a pretty good draft but it is early. My biggest problem with this thread? Cherry picking writers grades. Another poster lists a writers compliments about great drafts for Seahawks and Jets. Really? The Jets draft sucks! Do you (SB Champs) want to justify your team as "good as the Jets?" Really? Head up, good draft, move forward. You are better than the Jets. Damn, the Jets just fired all their scouts and director of pro personnel.......

Jets fire pro personnel director Brendan Prophett, 5 scouts | Boston Herald
Is it really cherry picking when you are taking the grades from the top ESPN analysts? Sure people are going to have differing opinions and its all moot until we see how they actually pan out.

And to say the Jets draft must have sucked because the Jets suck is as ridiculous as saying the Patriots draft was awesome because they won the Superbowl last year.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Reading the draft grades is fun to do but largely irrelevant. The draft pundits aren't any more likely to be right than a well read fan. Even the professional usually don't hit with their draft picks.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You guys have had some great drafts. That said, an observation from years of business:
We did great! Let's do it again!
The gambles you make sometimes won't work. I think you had a pretty good draft but it is early. My biggest problem with this thread? Cherry picking writers grades. Another poster lists a writers compliments about great drafts for Seahawks and Jets. Really? The Jets draft sucks! Do you (SB Champs) want to justify your team as "good as the Jets?" Really? Head up, good draft, move forward. You are better than the Jets. Damn, the Jets just fired all their scouts and director of pro personnel.......

Jets fire pro personnel director Brendan Prophett, 5 scouts | Boston Herald

I think its more a "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me type thing" Kiper and McShay have beaten on the hawks for years for their drafts.... then as they continue to be made look a fool. They say, you know what, if you can't beat em, join em. And just give a good grade now to not look foolish.


Do Your Job!
Jul 3, 2013
Out of the desert!
Hoopla Cash
$ 9,623.00
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Is it really cherry picking when you are taking the grades from the top ESPN analysts? Sure people are going to have differing opinions and its all moot until we see how they actually pan out.

And to say the Jets draft must have sucked because the Jets suck is as ridiculous as saying the Patriots draft was awesome because they won the Superbowl last year.
I'm not saying the Jets draft sucked. I'm saying comparing a SB teams draft to a last place teams draft
That just fired their draft personnel is probably not wise.


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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A lot of bad teams and losing organizations fire good people. Cleveland fired Belichick. NYJ fired Carroll.

I actually think the Jets made some good moves this off-season so far. Brandon Marshall is a proven stud, and he's paired up with Bryce Pitt, who I think was crazy value in the 4th round. Lots of folks also think Leonard Williams was the #1 player in the draft. Clear potential for immediate impact and improvement.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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I think its more a "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me type thing" Kiper and McShay have beaten on the hawks for years for their drafts.... then as they continue to be made look a fool. They say, you know what, if you can't beat em, join em. And just give a good grade now to not look foolish.
This could be a reverse curse? Kiper has said Seattle's drafts sucked. Now he's praising them? You're doomed:dhd:
He has also given tge Pats low ratings. Yet the Pats prior to the draft had the most players on their roster that had been drafted by them with 29.


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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From all of the team draft grades that I have read I see no consensus on the Seahawk's draft.

I've seen them graded with top grades all the way down to the worst grades in the draft. The average grade seems to think it is a slightly below average draft.

It is hilarious to read all of the grades because there are so many different opinions of this out there that one of them has to be right. With every single possibility covered, one guy will stand up 3-4 years now and talk about how perfect he was in his analysis.


Do Your Job!
Jul 3, 2013
Out of the desert!
Hoopla Cash
$ 9,623.00
Fav. Team #1
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From all of the team draft grades that I have read I see no consensus on the Seahawk's draft.

I've seen them graded with top grades all the way down to the worst grades in the draft. The average grade seems to think it is a slightly below average draft.

It is hilarious to read all of the grades because there are so many different opinions of this out there that one of them has to be right. With every single possibility covered, one guy will stand up 3-4 years now and talk about how perfect he was in his analysis.
Tes, you have it. So what do we do with all this crap?


2018 DCFFL Champion!
Jul 2, 2013
Your head
Hoopla Cash
$ 500.87
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I'm not saying the Jets draft sucked. I'm saying comparing a SB teams draft to a last place teams draft
That just fired their draft personnel is probably not wise.
The Jets just fired their draft personnel? Like, "after this draft" fired?? If so that's bananas


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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The Jets just fired their draft personnel? Like, "after this draft" fired?? If so that's bananas

No, it's not. It's pretty typical when FO leadership changes. New guy takes over in January or so and wants to bring in his own staff. But are you going to fire your current staff and let them take nine months (or more) of work with them? Of course not. THAT would be bananas.