Sarcastic F-wad
Can’t argue with anything here.i agree that this season has been very bad so far... im still going to watch, more because there has been nothing else new on tv recently...
i actually liked 73 yards... maybe it was because the DR was not in it at all... not sure... probably my favourite this season so far... had a good mystery feel for most of the episode... not sure whether the conclusion paid off for me...
i also did not mind devils chord until the musical number that ended it... that ruined that episode for me... so much that it probably was my least favourite as well...
Dot and Bubble had very interesting ideas... and wasnt bad... felt more like a black mirror episode... until it wasnt... the characters were unlikable, but that was by design... so i am kind of on the crossroads on that episode... ill give it credit for the attempt... just not an entertaining watch...
boom was the only CLASSIC DR WHO ESQUE episode we have had so far...
I would just say that 73 Yards was a mystery, but it was full of plot holes and it didn’t have any resolution to any of the questions that it raised. If the old lady was supposed to be Ruby, when did Ruby do that? And what did she tell everyone to make them run away and treat Ruby like a plague rat? And why “73” yards? No logical explanation to anything that happened. Like with most post-50th Who, very Mary Sue.