Active Member
I am done. Ok not really. Just had enough of this nonsense.
Well this will free up a lot more time for me to work on my Garry and Penny Marshall scrapbook.
I hold out hope, dammit!
Katie Strang @KatieStrangESPN
#CBA According to multiple sources Bettman proposed to D. Fehr a meeting between owners and players only, w/ no league or PA staff present.
dreger says fehr and pa are considering this
wouldnt it be something if the union goes through with this disclaimer of interest and the NHL says :
ok guys ... open for business ... who wants to come back and start the season and play under the terms of your standard player contracts that u have signed
Katie Strang @KatieStrangESPN
#CBA According to multiple sources Bettman proposed to D. Fehr a meeting between owners and players only, w/ no league or PA staff present.
dreger says fehr and pa are considering this
Katie Strang @KatieStrangESPN
#CBA According to multiple sources Bettman proposed to D. Fehr a meeting between owners and players only, w/ no league or PA staff present.
Perhaps Larry David should be called in to mediate?
Well this will free up a lot more time for me to work on my Garry and Penny Marshall scrapbook.
I met Penny backstage at a Tom Petty concert. I was working she having fun dancing and talking. I think she was nice even though i couldnt understand half of what she said. She asked me how to met the band. I told her to stand by the bus door as they ran off stage. They dragged her on board and i gave her daughter directions to the hotel they were staying at so the daughter could get the car there.
Larry David..lmao...I love that look he gives people when he's trying to figure out if they're could be on to someting Comeds!
This would be awesome if televised. Jacobs and Leipold tell the union to shut up and take their offer the union says go to hell. In a fit of rage Snider stands up and swears he'll forvever black the league out of being on tv. Jacobs and Leipold start bitching about that being unfair and they need to feed their families too(you know cause their poor and all) but eventually sign the players proposal. That or as plan B Snider just buys the 29 teams he doesn't own.