I'm So High Right Now

from today's Cheap Throat
Cheap Throat: The Diary of a Locked-Out NHLer, Day 35 | The Barnstormer
(I am less convinced that it is a real NHLer, btw)
I love the boys, and we’re known for taking care of our own. But the Fehrs come from MLB. They’re fucking outsiders. They’re in a dick measuring contest with Weasel Penis (Bettman) and Bald-Face Liar (Daly). Don’t think they give much a fuck about the players.
Bolland apologizes for the retweet of wanting Bettman dead, O'Neill claims he he was victimized by a hacker (lol)
Blackhawks F Bolland apologetic for 'Bettman dead' retweet
get off twitter if you cant control yourself
Why does he begin so many sentences with to be honest? Is he not being honest when he doesn't say that?
Time to decertify and say the league didn't bargain fair in the CBA negotiations and didn't offer those contracts in the past year in good faith either.
To be honest, I don't know why he does that.
To be honest, I don't know why he does that.
I have a feeling that somewhere the NHL Guardians are shedding a tear.