Lifelong Cynic
Bylsma would be an oustanding coach on a small market, cap floor team. But he doesn't untilize his stars properly. He doesn't know how to maximize the potential on this team. That's why he needs to go.
Pens aren't in trouble capwise next season - it's 2014/2015 that will be trouble. I think Dupuis takes a discount to stay, he talked a lot about family and community in the post-season pressers.
Overall, I wouldn't read too much into what Bylsma or anyone else says regarding Fleury. Actions speak louder than words, and Bylsma played Vokoun. I think he's trying to rebuild Fleury's confidence and pump his value.
Other than guys in Edmonton, who doesn't say that sort of thing though, especially when you need a new contract from someone. If he says he's glad the season is over because Pittsburgh is a total shit-hole and he can't wait to get out, while a true statement