New Member
I've been level 25 for like a week now, and the RNG factor has been killing me. I have enough vanguard and crucible points I could upgrade to full legendary (I have only found 1 legendary piece so far) but don't want to do anything until I get an exotic primary weapon. The other weapons aren't so bad, but hand cannons especially suck to play if you don't get some armor pieces that give you more ammo and faster reload. But I don't want to get legendary gear all upgraded for a hand cannon and then finally get an exotic pulse rifle or something.
This game annoys me tbough with fully random number generators. You hear about people who have found 4-5 exotics primary weapons by now or who are on their 3rd or 4th exotic bounty. People that bought 2 things from Xur in the first week, or who have fully upgraded 3 or more armor pieces already. And I sit here with 7 strange coins so far, only 6 ascended shards, haven't found one exotic bounty or engram or item, and my grand total of r legendary engram has brought me one piece of good stuff.
How are you supposed to find all that shit?