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Jan 22, 2014
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I've been level 25 for like a week now, and the RNG factor has been killing me. I have enough vanguard and crucible points I could upgrade to full legendary (I have only found 1 legendary piece so far) but don't want to do anything until I get an exotic primary weapon. The other weapons aren't so bad, but hand cannons especially suck to play if you don't get some armor pieces that give you more ammo and faster reload. But I don't want to get legendary gear all upgraded for a hand cannon and then finally get an exotic pulse rifle or something.

This game annoys me tbough with fully random number generators. You hear about people who have found 4-5 exotics primary weapons by now or who are on their 3rd or 4th exotic bounty. People that bought 2 things from Xur in the first week, or who have fully upgraded 3 or more armor pieces already. And I sit here with 7 strange coins so far, only 6 ascended shards, haven't found one exotic bounty or engram or item, and my grand total of r legendary engram has brought me one piece of good stuff.

How are you supposed to find all that shit?


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It's nothing extraordinary, but it is one beautiful game to look at.

Other than that, it's got qualities of other games I enjoy like Borderlands, Halo, and Diablo III, even. I was hoping for some more innovation, but it's still fun to play.
Yeah, Id agree with this. People are upset at the lack of innovation but a company isnt going to take massive risks with the budget that it has.

I'm level 21 currently. Im about 30-45min away from leveling up my rep at New Monarchy and then my gear will start shooting my level up. I really like the Scout Rifle with the Defender in Strikes. Scout Rifle does good damage on hit and 'pulls' threat towards me from across the level.


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Aug 21, 2014
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I really like the "feel" of the scout rifle and that would probably be my preferred weapon. Although a very, very close second is an auto rifle with the perk that slows down your shots but do more damage when you aim down sights. If you haven't tried one yet, look for even a green with that perk and just try it out for a couple minutes once you level the perk up. It changes the whole feel of the gun. Third place would be handcannons. I actually don't like the feel of them, but they are just so effective right now. They were definitely overbuffed. With handcannons though they are probably my last place weapon if you don't have at least one or two handcannons perks on your armor. They run out of ammo too fast and take forever to reload. Personally i don't like the pulse rifles at all. You get a pulse rifle for finishing the story, and it was the best I had for a while, but I could not wait to get rid of that thing.

If i end up buying a legendary weapon I think it will be a scout rifle, I just can't decide which perk I like better and haven't seen all 3 on one gun yet. One perk makes anything you kill with a precision shot explode. Which would be nice because scout rifles pretty much precision shot everything. But saw another perk where each bullet explodes for some minor AoE damage. And finally some guns have a weapon upgrade perk that let's the bullets overpenetrate and even bounce to do more damage to groups.

As a warlock with a scout rifle the most dangerous things to me are packs that get in close. Like thralls or stealth vandals. So AoE would do wonders but so would penetrating through the first in line and killing a group all at once. Still hoping for a good exotic to just take the choice away from me.


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I really like the "feel" of the scout rifle and that would probably be my preferred weapon. Although a very, very close second is an auto rifle with the perk that slows down your shots but do more damage when you aim down sights. If you haven't tried one yet, look for even a green with that perk and just try it out for a couple minutes once you level the perk up. It changes the whole feel of the gun. Third place would be handcannons. I actually don't like the feel of them, but they are just so effective right now. They were definitely overbuffed. With handcannons though they are probably my last place weapon if you don't have at least one or two handcannons perks on your armor. They run out of ammo too fast and take forever to reload. Personally i don't like the pulse rifles at all. You get a pulse rifle for finishing the story, and it was the best I had for a while, but I could not wait to get rid of that thing.

If i end up buying a legendary weapon I think it will be a scout rifle, I just can't decide which perk I like better and haven't seen all 3 on one gun yet. One perk makes anything you kill with a precision shot explode. Which would be nice because scout rifles pretty much precision shot everything. But saw another perk where each bullet explodes for some minor AoE damage. And finally some guns have a weapon upgrade perk that let's the bullets overpenetrate and even bounce to do more damage to groups.

As a warlock with a scout rifle the most dangerous things to me are packs that get in close. Like thralls or stealth vandals. So AoE would do wonders but so would penetrating through the first in line and killing a group all at once. Still hoping for a good exotic to just take the choice away from me.
From what Ive seen and heard, the exotics are a mixed bag but so were the orange weapons in Borderlands. If I was ranking weapons from best to worst, Id go:

Fusion Rifle - I dont use them because of the charge time and I have a legendary shotgun
Scout Rifle
Sniper Rifle - They get 100 times better with their upgrades, too, but....Shotgun
Auto Rifle
Plasma Rifle

Auto Rifle
Fusion Rifle
Dont bother with the rest

I want to spend more time with the Handcannon. It has a lot of potential but you need a crowd control grenade and ways to get the grenade to charge quickly. It would probably be my weapon of choice on a Sunsinger. I'd also probably switch my heavy weapon to Machine Gun if I was using the Handcannon.

I agree on the Plasma Rifles being bad. They give you a really good one for beating the game but its main use is instant killing enemies lower level than you. Against tougher enemies, its just a bad Handcannon.

Most of the PVP levels aren't very open so Auto Rifle's lack of range doesnt come into play and you can kite people who live on Shotguns and melee.


Jul 2, 2013
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Who has it for the one?

I do.

I got the digital download version for my 360 because it gives you a free copy of the game for the XB1. Downloaded both at the same time.

It's amazing how much better it looks and sounds on the One compared to the 360. Makes me really look forward to the Master Chief Halo edition and the GTA V version for next gens.


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Jul 2, 2013
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Just beat the game and levels up to 20 within a few hours of each other yesterday. I'll see if he game gets more or less fun. But the concept of doing things over just at a higher level seems boring and the Pvp maps need a little more variation to keep me constantly interested in thst.


Undocumented PhD
Jul 2, 2013
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How many planets are there after Mars in the main story?


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Took the weekend off, but sucks to hear about the exotics. Those are the blue weapons, right? I pulled a blue rocket launcher from an encrypted engram, and then saw a blue sniper and handcannon for sale. Passed, but I use handcannon almost exclusively.


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Jul 2, 2013
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Took the weekend off, but sucks to hear about the exotics. Those are the blue weapons, right? I pulled a blue rocket launcher from an encrypted engram, and then saw a blue sniper and handcannon for sale. Passed, but I use handcannon almost exclusively.

I have a rare (Blue?) weapon for every class except for the one I really want -- an auto rifle.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2014
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Blue is rare. You'll get plenty of those, I promise. Purple is Legendary. I finally got a legendary auto rifle drop, although I don't really like it and want something else. Exotic is after that. They are gold colored. You can only wear one exotic weapon and equip one exotic piece of armor. To me it only makes sense to get that exotic as a primary, since I use that 99% of the time. Some people use their shotgun or fusion rifles almost exclusively, especially in the crucible where they are WAY overpowered currently. So I could see some people liking an exotic of one of those. There is actually an exotic shotgun that you equip as a primary weapon, so you can have 2 shotguns for more ammo. Supposedly there is (or was in beta) a fusion rifle that is the same, AND doesn't need that 1 second charge. It just fires as you pull the trigger. That thing sounds like something they probably removed from the game tbough, it would be game breaking in PvP currently.


Undocumented PhD
Jul 2, 2013
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If I remember, I think Mars was the last one.

I guess I'm close then. I put the game down for a little over a week but I'm locked out of the next campaign mission until I reach level 18 (I'm at 14 right now) which is dumb. It will take a ton of scout missions to rank up that high. I'm trying to stay away from the multiplayer until I beat the campaign.


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Aug 21, 2014
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I guess I'm close then. I put the game down for a little over a week but I'm locked out of the next campaign mission until I reach level 18 (I'm at 14 right now) which is dumb. It will take a ton of scout missions to rank up that high. I'm trying to stay away from the multiplayer until I beat the campaign.

I would go play through the strikes you have already passed. They are actually (kinda) part of the story. And you can't talk to anybody you team with without jumping through 4-5 extra steps anyways. The multiplayer will in no way ruin the single player campaign for you. The only reason not to do it, is because after you heat the story all there is to do is run the multiplayer missions over and over. Or do patrol missions like you're about to do over and over. The crucible multiplayer PvP has become pure cheese. 95% of players just run around and one or two shot you with shotguns and fusion rifles. I played PvP for a few hours today and was shot with a primary weapon maybe 5 times total. And you really see which supers are way overpowered. You pretty much can't kill a titan defender in their bubble. They can stand in my flame or vortex grenade and I can he headshotting them the entire time and then go hit them with my melee too, and they sit there with full health. Only thing that can kill them in their bubble is the arcblade hunters. Which kills everything it sees for 10 seconds. Because the golden gun wasn't too OP I guess.

They say the game doesn't really start until you hit level 20, but it sure doesn't seem to last long after you hit 20 either. I'm still having fun doing some stuff but a lot of this is getting boring.


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I guess I'm close then. I put the game down for a little over a week but I'm locked out of the next campaign mission until I reach level 18 (I'm at 14 right now) which is dumb. It will take a ton of scout missions to rank up that high. I'm trying to stay away from the multiplayer until I beat the campaign.

I turned lvl 19 last night and we are about to start the Mars missions. Did the strike on the Moon, much easier than the earth one.

The thing I hate about the strikes is that we always lose our third player. Luckily the 16 that was with us (we were both 18) sucked and dropped after a few times he died. Then an 18 joined in.


Reigning "Last to post" Champion
Aug 30, 2011
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Just downloaded a digital copy. Have you guys heard about anyone being banned for having two consoles play on the digital copy at the same time? That's how I plan on playing with my buddy but the first paragraph in the game TOS says this isn't allowed...


The Doobster
Jul 3, 2013
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This is honestly the best game I've ever played, gave up drinking for 2 weeks just to get good at this game.


Supporting Member Level 3
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This is honestly the best game I've ever played, gave up drinking for 2 weeks just to get good at this game.

Did you ever try Borderlands? 1 and 2 are cheap now as they are old. The prequel is out in a few weeks.

I like the "team matching" in Destiny a lot better, but if you have a buddy you always play co-op with...BL is a great game (first one much better IMO).

I think I'm going to be doing strike missions tonight. They seem to be more challenging and give you a bit more ability to strategize as opposed to being funneled into a small room to just spray and pray. The best part may actually be the random events, whatever they are called. Where you are walking around and a major enemy shows up for everyone around to join in. :)


The Doobster
Jul 3, 2013
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Did you ever try Borderlands? 1 and 2 are cheap now as they are old. The prequel is out in a few weeks.

I like the "team matching" in Destiny a lot better, but if you have a buddy you always play co-op with...BL is a great game (first one much better IMO).

I think I'm going to be doing strike missions tonight. They seem to be more challenging and give you a bit more ability to strategize as opposed to being funneled into a small room to just spray and pray. The best part may actually be the random events, whatever they are called. Where you are walking around and a major enemy shows up for everyone around to join in. :)

No I haven't but I'll for sure look it up, thanks for the heads up!
