Yankee Traveler
Well-Known Member
DeflateGate: Group of labor experts throws support behind Patriots QB Tom Brady
And now there are five....
And now there are five....
Very interesting to say the least. This could go either way but I'm liking all the support for the NFLPA and TB.
If the NFL loses this combined with all the other issues do the owners finally give Goodell his walking papers?
A little off topic but I'm still bothered about only 4 Colts balls being checked and found under pressure as well as what did the NFL learn this year from their sampling of game balls.
Am I wrong, did Wells tell TB he didn't need his phone, and did Wells say in his report that Brady was cooperative?? I am confused again.
A little off topic but I'm still bothered about only 4 Colts balls being checked and found under pressure as well as the colts having a needle on the sideline and what did the NFL learn this year from their sampling of game balls.
Still bothers me too.
The fact that the Colts had four ball below the league permissible level, is not the same as the Patriots NOT having 11 of 12 balls below the league permissible level. Don't you understand? If the Patriots can APPEAR to be doing something wrong, then they are doing something wrong. If another team appears to be doing something wrong or doing the same thing as the Patriots, then it's ok. For them.......Now I'm confused.
Yep, looks like you got itSo...Let me get ts caught doing something wrong, like doctoring footballs (Vikings?), and receive an appropriate punishment then the Patriots get framed...I mean caught...doctoring footballs, then they deserve an exponentially harsher punishment because they should have learned from the other teams transgressions.
But if the Patriots get framed...damn it, I mean caught, with underinflated footballs, any other team caught afterwards is cleared of any appearance of wrong doing because the Patriots did it first...?
Have I got this straight?
And this is because fully Bill admitted to filming games in the open in front of everybody but from the wrong location 9 years ago?
You sir, are 100% correct. The funny part of this is that Tom Brady actually asked Ted Wells if he wanted to check out his phone and Wells told him it was not necessary and that he didn't need to see it. He told Brady that he had McNally and Jeztremski's phones. He also stated that Brady was cooperative in both of his interviews.
You're not confused, Goodell is.
When will this stupid deflategate shit be over. Don't the officials place the ball on the field before every play? If they do how did they not know the footballs were low on air. The NFL is F*&%ing stupid. Please make this go away. Patriots should not have lost a pick and Brady should not have to take this to the Supreme Court. This was not even the biggest offense of that year's playoff: See Cowboys pass interference on the Lions.
NFL get your priorities straight.
One thing that seems to have happened with this whole fiasco is the suppression of evidence by the NFL. First, did anyone prove that Jastremski, or anyone else, had enough time in the restroom (90 seconds) to deflate a dozen footballs? I heard rumors somewhere that Exponent tried to duplicate this event within the time limit and couldn't do it in any less than 2 minutes. As a result, this evidence was suppressed. Second, the NFL checked PSI readings last season and then failed to make the readings public, saying these were only "spot checks" to verify uniformity. I can't help but think that, if these readings proved that the Pats cheated, they would have been made public by the NFL.
There is no way he did it in 90 seconds...I mean he went into the bathroom, pulled 12 balls out (14 including his own, ha!) measured them, deflated them, placed them back in a bag? Not one ball rolled away? Did he just reach into the bag, pull a ball out, then put it back into the bag? I mean seriously....It amazes me that people actually think TB told him to go into the bathroom on his way out an deflate the balls. They are not going to deflate them pass what TB wanted, so he would have to check each and every ball to make sure they were where TB wanted them to be....Not to mention, he played better when they were at the right PSI. NFL is a joke.