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Decision III ?


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Apr 16, 2013
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What drama are you speaking about? He's not meeting with other teams. It is set in stone that he is going back to Cleveland.

He's going to re-sign for 2 years and sign a 5 yr/200 million dollar deal 2 years from now


Oregon Is Faster
Sep 7, 2010
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What drama are you speaking about? He's not meeting with other teams. It is set in stone that he is going back to Cleveland.

He's going to re-sign for 2 years and sign a 5 yr/200 million dollar deal 2 years from now
C'mon, there is a little bit of....what if...If Love doesn't return questions will rise.

Regardless, why even put yourself in that position and have people have doubts if you know for sure you are returning and its for measly cash.


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C'mon, there is a little bit of....what if...If Love doesn't return questions will rise.

Regardless, why even put yourself in that position and have people have doubts if you know for sure you are returning and its for measly cash.

This was known since he signed the contract last year that he would opt out. Isn't all that surprising at all. If Cleveland did not want him to opt out they could have easily offered him a 2 yr deal with no opt out after year 1 but they chose not to


Oregon Is Faster
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This was known since he signed the contract last year that he would opt out. Isn't all that surprising at all. If Cleveland did not want him to opt out they could have easily offered him a 2 yr deal with no opt out after year 1 but they chose not to
was he going to sign if they didn't offer him the opt out option? If so, why would he even want an opt out option? That means in the back of his head he wasn't fully committed to Cleveland and had thoughts of maybe going elsewhere if things didn't work out his way.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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C'mon, there is a little bit of....what if...If Love doesn't return questions will rise.

Regardless, why even put yourself in that position and have people have doubts if you know for sure you are returning and its for measly cash.

Because it keeps the pressure on Gilbert to do everything James wants in FA without him having to say a word.

Just another case of the puppeteer playing with his puppet.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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was he going to sign if they didn't offer him the opt out option? If so, why would he even want an opt out option? That means in the back of his head he wasn't fully committed to Cleveland and had thoughts of maybe going elsewhere if things didn't work out his way.

Actually, if he can find a team to allow it (and obviously he has) what Lebron is doing is very smart. Having opt outs allows him to do 2 things:

1.) He can get a raise every time the cap goes up by simply opting out. This ensures that he is always the highest paid player on his team. He has said he's not giving any more "discounts."

2.) He keeps the pressure on the Cavs FO to always do what he wants as far as fielding a championship caliber team because he can just walk again if they don't.


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This was known since he signed the contract last year that he would opt out. Isn't all that surprising at all. If Cleveland did not want him to opt out they could have easily offered him a 2 yr deal with no opt out after year 1 but they chose not to

Like Gilbert really had that choice?

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
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Actually, if he can find a team to allow it (and obviously he has) what Lebron is doing is very smart. Having opt outs allows him to do 2 things:

1.) He can get a raise every time the cap goes up by simply opting out. This ensures that he is always the highest paid player on his team. He has said he's not giving any more "discounts."

2.) He keeps the pressure on the Cavs FO to always do what he wants as far as fielding a championship caliber team because he can just walk again if they don't.

he HAS always said he wants to be a billionaire...


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Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
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He will ultimately probably stay with Cleveland, and then whine and ask the question why does everyone hate me?

Dude hates to be the villain, yet he has yet to realize these diva moves he does creates the disdain for him. LeBron should just accept the villain role. Or if he wants to become the "good guy" stop with these ridiculous Look at me stunts.

Kevin Durant signed an extension with OKC during LeBrons Decision Part I. No one heard a word about it.....

I think, I may be wrong, but I am not sure and that is because Durant isn't going out there and saying "hey look at me!" but Durant is a free agent this upcoming off season? And I haven't heard a peep about it?

LeBron wants attention, he craves it, but when he receives it and realizes its not good attention he starts whining about it. Figure it out.

KD doesnt have a championship and second of all everyone knew Lebron was opting out and go to resign with the Cavs. The only reason it is a big deal is bc he the best player on the planet...duh.

Cousins, Love, and LA are getting just as much attention if not more.


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
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and am I reading this correctly? he's only opting out and creating all this attention and possible drama over $400,000?

really? 1. do you really need that extra cash, and with not really needing that extra cash is it worth it to get more bad publicity that continues to tarnish your "legacy" image?

2. Again, why bring this attention to yourself for not that much more money (in LeBrons bank account an extra 400k isn't much)....I would have eto think LeBron WOULD KNOW people would criticize him for once again for being the producer, director, actor in The Decision Part III.

No, it isnt about 400K. It is about restructuring his deal so he can sign another new deal in the future most likely. Where it will be a long-term that is a worth a lot more. Plus he said he was doing this to see what moves the team makes and to actually make some good moves.

He could swat a fly and the attention would be all on him. If you dont realize this then you must not understand.


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Jul 17, 2014
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Last time I read he was not even meeting with any teams and had already indicated he was staying in Cleveland.

Is there actually someone out there who does not think he is returning to Cleveland with 100% certainty?


Apr 18, 2013
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Everyone knew last summer that this would happen this summer. He'll resign with another 2nd year opt out and then sign the huge contract next summer. Plus he gets to force Gilbert's hand regarding TT, Blatt, and Love.

The huge penalties Gilbert fought for a few years ago to reign in the spending power of the Lakers are going to cost him lots of money soon enough.


Jul 14, 2014
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Last time I read he was not even meeting with any teams and had already indicated he was staying in Cleveland.

Is there actually someone out there who does not think he is returning to Cleveland with 100% certainty?

I think there's a great possibility he leaves Cleveland again & finishes his career in Charlotte!:D


Jul 14, 2014
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Everyone knew last summer that this would happen this summer. He'll resign with another 2nd year opt out and then sign the huge contract next summer. Plus he gets to force Gilbert's hand regarding TT, Blatt, and Love.

The huge penalties Gilbert fought for a few years ago to reign in the spending power of the Lakers are going to cost him lots of money soon enough.

The fake word on the streets of NE Ohio is LeBron & Gilbert are now BFF's & Danny Boy will be attending LeBron's 4th of July cookout & fire works extravaganza @ his mansion in Bath! Delonte West has even been invited.


GSAD - formally known as LAD
Jul 1, 2014
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and am I reading this correctly? he's only opting out and creating all this attention and possible drama over $400,000?

really? 1. do you really need that extra cash, and with not really needing that extra cash is it worth it to get more bad publicity that continues to tarnish your "legacy" image?

2. Again, why bring this attention to yourself for not that much more money (in LeBrons bank account an extra 400k isn't much)....I would have eto think LeBron WOULD KNOW people would criticize him for once again for being the producer, director, actor in The Decision Part III.
Because in the long run it will end up being multiple millions more. He can sign a long-term contract after his 1-year is up when the cap increases, thus allowing teams to pay out more. Also, he's adding another player option in 2017-18. If he doesn't opt out he will miss the window.

But, how does taking more money help your team get the right guys around you to win? I don't get it. All the Lebron fanatics chopped Kobe up for not negotiating a LOWER salary last year when he signed his extension, citing he's being selfish when his team could use that money to get better max players. Now here it is LBJ is doing the same thing knowing his team will have to pay at least 4 max players, himself included. (LBJ, Kyrie, Thompson & Love)


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
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Everyone knew last summer that this would happen this summer. He'll resign with another 2nd year opt out and then sign the huge contract next summer. Plus he gets to force Gilbert's hand regarding TT, Blatt, and Love.

The huge penalties Gilbert fought for a few years ago to reign in the spending power of the Lakers are going to cost him lots of money soon enough.

as a billionaire 4 times over Gilbert is in the unique position of being able to handle the burden of those punitive luxury tax penalties- at least for a year or two until the cap goes way way up.

it seems like everything is going smoothly- as it is anticipated Love will resign (I really hope they get him for more than just 1 guaranteed year- I'd give Love the opt out after 2 years- but not one)- they will ante up and resign TT- and match any offer if they must. I am thinking TT gets something like 4 years 60- or close to it- maybe 4 years 56....Shumpert will get something like 3 years between 21-27M...I kinda think they let Smith go and use the HAywood contract to find a wing to replace him- and then they use the tax-payer mid level (3.3M or whatever) to sign a backup guard like a Mo Williams,- and the rest vet minimum for guys at the end chasing a championship.

Something like the below will result

PG- Kyrie- 16M a year
SG- Shumpert- 7-9M a year
SF- LeBron- 22M
PF- Love- 19M
C- Mozgov- 5M

Thompson- 14M
Varejao- 10M
Mo Willimas like player with taxpayer midlevel- 4M
Haywood trade for wing/guard player making like 8M a year
Delly- 3M
Joe HArris- 1M
Sasha Kaun is supposedly ocming over- but i anticipate him being dealt in the HAywood deal
D. Christmas- PF- the guy they just drafted 36 overall- wouldnt be surprised if he was moved in haywood deal

thats a whole lotta money Gilbert is going to be paying this year.....CRAZY amounts- like possibly the most in league history---- next year the cap jumps to an estimated 90M so he will only have to pay the crazy tax 1 year.


GSAD - formally known as LAD
Jul 1, 2014
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KD doesnt have a championship and second of all everyone knew Lebron was opting out and go to resign with the Cavs. The only reason it is a big deal is bc he the best player on the planet...duh.

Cousins, Love, and LA are getting just as much attention if not more.
There are so many things wrong with the examples you listed below in comparison.