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Decision III ?


GSAD - formally known as LAD
Jul 1, 2014
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I agree. The Lakers stance on luxury tax has never changed. They have always been willing to pay any necessary tax for a contender. If memory serves, the fact that they have been under the cap for the past couple of seasons keeps them out of repeat offender status for when they do start paying the tax again in a couple of years.

I think the Knicks tried to do what the Lakers have done (pay the tax for a contending team), but they didn't do a very good job of picking talent. They ended up with an expensive hodgepodge of talented players who couldn't play together.
Yes, exactly on both points. They have managed to stay out of the luxury tax realm in the last couple of seasons. Thank goodness because the roster has been atrocious and adding Nash and Howard only added fuel to the fire.


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Apr 17, 2013
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how do you know its not working out EXACTLY like Gilbert wanted because he has always known he is willing to pay those prices while other owners are unwilling.

I mean- if I am going to go on how it turned out you have to look at what has actually happened-

So what is actually happening? There are big time punitive luxury tax penalties for teams that go into the tax. Gilbert is going to have one of the biggest tax bills/player expenditures in league history this year- if not THE BIGGEST

If i am looking at the situation from 5 feet away- it sure looks like Gilbert pushed for a bunch of rules to pass that would keep his competitors from spending- but it has not kept him from spending.

If he does not care about the money he spends on the team- it it sure looks like he doesnt- and his priority- over cash- is to win a title- id say he has played it pretty darn perfectly if you ask me.

LOL, I got beach front property in North Dakota to sell to you. You totally missed the point of what I was saying. You keep mentioning Gilbert as an owner that's willing to pay the luxury tax, or rather, the only owner that will do it. Others have done it before, and will do it in the future, so long as there team's a contender. It was something Jerry Buss did, Micky Arison did, as well as others. The only reason why Gilbert's doing it now, is because of Lebron; we sure as hell know he didn't field any remotely competitive teams in those 4 years Lebron was gone.


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Jul 17, 2014
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LOL, I got beach front property in North Dakota to sell to you. You totally missed the point of what I was saying. You keep mentioning Gilbert as an owner that's willing to pay the luxury tax, or rather, the only owner that will do it. Others have done it before, and will do it in the future, so long as there team's a contender. It was something Jerry Buss did, Micky Arison did, as well as others. The only reason why Gilbert's doing it now, is because of Lebron; we sure as hell know he didn't field any remotely competitive teams in those 4 years Lebron was gone.

I am not acting like Gilbert is the only one. Like I said- the Russian has shown he will go into the tax in this new CBA. Other teams have not had the opportunity yet- as it hasnt made sense for the Lakers during a rebuilding (which also applies to the Cavs NOT paying the tax during the rebuilding- but some people just like to argue though)--- its actually BETTER to be under the tax while rebuilding because you can take other teams assets and rent out your cap room. I am in no way holding it against the Lakers they haven ot spent the last 2-3 years- if anyone says otherwise they are just clueless.

sometimes Ithink people have a very hard time reading
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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
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sometimes Ithink people have a very hard time reading

Well, you say one thing, then contradict yourself in other posts. But hey, consistency isn't your thing, we're all ware.


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