Absentem laedit cum ebrio
Big Nate Freiman is getting hot in Sac he has 6 homers and 37 RBI, A's were rumored to be working a deal for Kyle Blanks of the Padres but it could just be smoke and no fire.
Moss showing he can hit against LHP pretty well here of late, no reason to have another left hand first baseman along with Moss on the roster.
Stephen Vogt is off the DL and playing in AAA were Vogt to come up Norris could DH on the days the A's want to rest him from catching.
So something could happen soon with regards to Barton, too many real options out there to keep a guy still hitting below .150
NO on Blanks. The guy can't hit his weight. Freiman is a much better option. I think with Jaso & Norris, we're set at C. I would like to see another option for 2nd. Sogie has the D, but he is destroying the Mendoza line. That said, any reason for Barton exit is fine with me.