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Cousins Doesn't Deserve A Longterm Contract


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Aug 7, 2013
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Here come the Trent Williams posts...wait for it........


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Jul 4, 2013
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Well that the scary version, but it doesn't work with me, settling for pretty good is what gets you to a competitive level, big time games that leads to championships will take more than pretty good and it doesn't have to be at QB. Baltimore did it with defense as did Denver. Taking a QB in the second or third round doesn't hurt you if you're improving at that position. Do you honestly believe that the dark lords are worried about Romo taking up cap space or hurting them elsewhere They will do as necessary to either move him or free cap space elsewhere.

I keep having to remind myself that this is DC and as such can't be relied on to implement creative, functioning methods to get better. Thanks for the reminder that we should just be happy with pretty good, but count me out of that line of thinking. Why should every team in the league have at least a couple of players who top the best in the game list except ours?

You mention Dallas. But them having what amounts to a pretty good (Romo is not elite mind you) QB is what allowed them to invest in things like WR, O-line and RB. Had they been dead set on finding an upgrade to Romo, odds are they would have taken Manziel over Martin. HAving Romo, again a pretty good but not elite QB, allowed them to improve in other areas because they were not chasing the elite QB.

And wonder of wonders, now they have the talent AROUND Prescott that it actually doesnt have to be the DAK show. Hell you mention Brady... but if Im not mistaken they went 3-1 with Brady no where in the building. THey built a team, we have been so busy chasing the elite QB and DUMPING draft picks into the quest, that our team has been a shambles more often than not the last 20 years.

We havent been at a consistent competitive level in 20 years doing it the chase the elite QB way.... time to be competitive first and then worry about finding the next great wonder at QB.


Celebrity Troublemaker
Jul 8, 2013
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I may be repeating myself but I really believe Kurt has executed the gameplan very well.
There isn't much running or PA involved, although both have had great results when used.
My real only issues with Kurt is his unwillingness to take more deep shot chances or scramble for yards
when its there. Defenses play him as strictly a pocket passer and don't respect his ability to pick up 5 yards when everything is taken away or his ability in the pistol.

With better playcalling in the red zone this year, his numbers would probably make him #1 stats wise.
And goodness, when we get a real NT, and FS....it can only help everyone on offense put up more points!


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Aug 7, 2013
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You mention Dallas. But them having what amounts to a pretty good (Romo is not elite mind you) QB is what allowed them to invest in things like WR, O-line and RB. Had they been dead set on finding an upgrade to Romo, odds are they would have taken Manziel over Martin. HAving Romo, again a pretty good but not elite QB, allowed them to improve in other areas because they were not chasing the elite QB.

And wonder of wonders, now they have the talent AROUND Prescott that it actually doesnt have to be the DAK show. Hell you mention Brady... but if Im not mistaken they went 3-1 with Brady no where in the building. THey built a team, we have been so busy chasing the elite QB and DUMPING draft picks into the quest, that our team has been a shambles more often than not the last 20 years.

We havent been at a consistent competitive level in 20 years doing it the chase the elite QB way.... time to be competitive first and then worry about finding the next great wonder at QB.

You must be referring to another team and not this one. Is it not a fact that this organization outside of one move to get you know who, largely set sail for other teams free agents? Not one attempt to get an elite in all that time, but rather outcasts from other teams.

You have to also admit that outside of that one attempt, nearly every one of the picks on QB were for second tier guys, like Jason Campbell, Heath Schuler, et al.

Here's the rub, you don't pay pretty good, elite money, damn what the market says! If you do that you are doing exactly what you stated regarding chasing the elite, just in another fashion by over paying. This too hinders the ability to build a team around that pretty good player. SM, says he won't do it and frankly, if we build a defensive squad that takes us to a SB at the cost of losing Kirk and in favor of a Flacco statue, I'm all for it!!


Jul 14, 2013
State College, PA
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Yeah but I'm looking at the big picture, we can find a defense easier than you can find a good QB. Still not sold completely but I'll gladly roll the dice with this guy rather than trying our luck in the draft.

Depends how good of a defense you mean. People seem to think Denver winning the SB shows you can with a bad qb. Which I mean sure - but good look getting a defense that good.


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Jul 4, 2013
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You must be referring to another team and not this one. Is it not a fact that this organization outside of one move to get you know who, largely set sail for other teams free agents? Not one attempt to get an elite in all that time, but rather outcasts from other teams.

You have to also admit that outside of that one attempt, nearly every one of the picks on QB were for second tier guys, like Jason Campbell, Heath Schuler, et al.

Here's the rub, you don't pay pretty good, elite money, damn what the market says! If you do that you are doing exactly what you stated regarding chasing the elite, just in another fashion by over paying. This too hinders the ability to build a team around that pretty good player. SM, says he won't do it and frankly, if we build a defensive squad that takes us to a SB at the cost of losing Kirk and in favor of a Flacco statue, I'm all for it!!

So wait you dont see the drafting of Schuler as an attempt to chase the Elite?? How about trading picks to get Campbell or McNabb and ignoring other needs at the time.

Fuck the trade for he who shall not be named was a serious to hell with the rest of the team.. we need an elite QB mentality. If burning a first rounder on a QB is NOT the quest for the elite I dont know what is... never mind burning 4 picks.. .three of them first rounders on one. Flacco isnr elite, but every yeear for the most part the Ravens are in the playoffs chase.. .despite them paying him at the time Market value... aka over paying for stability at the position.


Jul 14, 2013
State College, PA
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Mainly because any name given would be speculation laced with a bit of the Cousins doubt. What we know right now are these things.

1. Cousins works well in this system... he isn't elite. But he does perform well enough in this system to be considered a franchise QB.

2. Yes we likely could get some one cheaper who has the same physical ability a Cousins. Possibly even better than Cousins on both a physical and mental standpoint.

3. If it were as easy as well any one could do what Cousins has done, or better..... Rg3 would likely still be starting here. Because he is a better Athlete than Kirk even now.

And for those that say, well a Franchise QB doesnt have a game like Kirk had Monday night when its all on the line..... Please name me a single Elite QB that hasnt had a bad game?? Much less a franchise QB that has not had a bad game or three over their career??

And this is just not to be tolerated! The heathens!


Jul 14, 2013
State College, PA
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As for it can't be proven, we can make educated projections by the body of work from the journeymen QB in the league as to the likelihood of success in any system. Tape doesn't lie. Can they read defenses? Can they move in the pocket? Are the accurate? Do they make quick decisions? Can they make the throws? These are just some of the analyses we can do on existing talent that is system independent. We've all seen enough of Bryan Hoyer (as an example) to know he ain't passing for 5000 yds in any system, with any talent around him. Especially with a very limited run game to support him.

The problem with this is that you have guys that watch tape who don't agree with your argument. I agree tape is important. But it unfortunately isn't always clear what we should be getting from tape.


Jul 14, 2013
State College, PA
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Let me rephrase it like this Sty....

Say you have been searching for a house for I dont know.. the last 20 years. Now you have tried every possible location, you have rented cheap houses. You have over paid for expensive beach front properties that were great in the first year, but three years later you realized the foundation was weak. Finally you find a house that works for you. A little over the budget you originally had in mind.. .but aside from that.. it works. NOw you can stay in this house that works, or move again possibly prolonging the search.

What makes more sense?? Stay put and concentrating your time and effort into other projects, or moving yet again because you might be able to find a house just as good for a lesser price.

As for your any starting QB could do what Kirk has done... well we know of one who couldnt. And the thing is, what other teams STARTER could we get??

The problem with this is that the end goal isn't the house. If it was there would be no debate. The end goal however, is to build the best team possible and win a super bowl. Hence, debate.


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Jul 4, 2013
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And this is just not to be tolerated! The heathens!

I still find it odd that his main doubters at this point were the guys who defended the previous QB as if his was their own flesh and blood. But no correlation there?

Truth be told, you can doubt Kirk... thats fine. But to sit here and say... well any one could step in and do what he does is foolish at this point. If all we got out of it is a 4000 yard passing QB who has barring a complete melt down lead us to the first back to back winning seasons in I dont know how long.... That alone in most peoples minds should say Kirk has earned a long term deal.
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Jul 4, 2013
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The problem with this is that the end goal isn't the house. If it was there would be no debate. The end goal however, is to build the best team possible and win a super bowl. Hence, debate.

Name me the last Super Bowl winner that spent the last 20 years chasing the elite QB and thus passed up on solid and building the team instead??

I'll wait.
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Jul 14, 2013
State College, PA
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I still find it odd that his main doubters at this point were the guys who defended the previous QB as if his was their own flesh and blood. But no correlation there?

Truth be told, you can doubt Kirk... thats fine. But to sit here and say... well any one could step in and do what he does is foolish at this point. If all we got out of it is a 4000 yard passing QB who has barring a complete melt down lead us to the first back to back winning seasons in I dont know how long.... That alone in most peoples minds should say Kirk has earned a long term deal.

I think it's odd that Joe Barry's main doubters defended Haz like he was their own flesh and blood. I bet they are even rooting against the teams best interests because they hope Barry fails.


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Jul 4, 2013
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I'll throw out another nugget.

Most NFCEast fans of teams not named Redskins that I know, if asked honestly do hope the Skins fuck this up because they realize the value of stability at the position.

Eli was damn near run out of town on his rookie deal. Right now barring some serious weirdness NY is a playoffs lock... again. Not saying Kirk is on Eli's level.... but stability at the position allows teams to build the team.... instead of constantly chasing the elite QB.


Jul 14, 2013
State College, PA
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Name me the last Super Bowl winner that spent the last 20 years chasing the elite QB and thus passed up on solid and building the team instead??

I'll wait.

The premise of this question is suuuper flawed.

-once teams have a good enough QB they tend to stop searching
-the same teams with those qbs tend to consistently contend or win titles
-plenty of teams have been bad and turned around by good qb play (nobody is saying the rest of the team doesn't matter)


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Jul 4, 2013
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I think it's odd that Joe Barry's main doubters defended Haz like he was their own flesh and blood. I bet they are even rooting against the teams best interests because they hope Barry fails.

Difference is... Barry HAS failed. We are actually worse with him as DC.

Can you say this team is worse with Kirk at QB than we were with RG3??

Again I'll wait on that other answer.


Jul 14, 2013
State College, PA
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I'll throw out another nugget.

Most NFCEast fans of teams not named Redskins that I know, if asked honestly do hope the Skins fuck this up because they realize the value of stability at the position.

Eli was damn near run out of town on his rookie deal. Right now barring some serious weirdness NY is a playoffs lock... again. Not saying Kirk is on Eli's level.... but stability at the position allows teams to build the team.... instead of constantly chasing the elite QB.

I've stated clearly I want kirk back. I'm not really the guy for this argument.


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Jul 4, 2013
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The premise of this question is suuuper flawed.

-once teams have a good enough QB they tend to stop searching
-the same teams with those qbs tend to consistently contend or win titles
-plenty of teams have been bad and turned around by good qb play (nobody is saying the rest of the team doesn't matter)

So you are saying Kirk isnt good enough and we should keep looking.

So... whats good enough?? Seriously.


Jul 14, 2013
State College, PA
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Difference is... Barry HAS failed. We are actually worse with him as DC.

Can you say this team is worse with Kirk at QB than we were with RG3??

Again I'll wait on that other answer.

Obviously not.

I think you missed what I was saying though. Oh well. I've tried countless times to make this point before and you haven't gotten it.