Bloody Brian Burke
#1 CFL Fan!
I guess I just don't subscribe to the "excuse all the boners, he's actually good once you get past them" idea. Jake's a good hockey player who has a bad habit of forgetting how to play hockey at some horrible times and since this is sports that can elicit boos, especially when it happens for the 50th time. You can't expect people paying $300/ticket to let that pass without hearing about it.Sure they are. Did you honestly think that's what I was talking about up there? I'm simply saying that the two roles simply aren't the same and it's kind of a "price of tea in China" type point. It's not appropriate for us to say some of the things that might be appropriate for the coaching staff to say and so I don't see why one's behaviour is justification for (or has anything to do with) the other's.
I guess it's time for him to be singled out and individually booed when the entire team turns in a shit performance over 60 minutes then. Seasoned vet and all.
Of course Marner's "screw up" doesn't "excuse" Jake's. I'm not sure what else needs to be said about that. But I get what you're generally saying, Marner does enough good things to offset the bad things and so the overall is good enough that he doesn't "deserve" to be booed. And so I guess from that we have to conclude that Jake Gardiner is just the lowest guy on that list and that's why he's being singled out and booed and it's OK? His (positive play - negative play) is not just lower than Marner's but lower than everyone else on the team. But of course I know that you don't think that's the case, so I guess I'm still confused as to why it is OK that he was singled out like that. And of course in case it's not 100% clear I'm certainly not suggesting that Marner be singled out and booed.
As someone who is related to a negative asshole I actually think that some of the reason that Gardiner is a target is that he has been a Leaf for so long. If you're the type of person/fan who is constantly looking only for bad shit (my dad is 100% like this, when he describes a goal/game/anything the entire thing is about who is fucking up) it piles up over 8 seasons. My dad also "hated" Kaberle and I think I underestimated how much of a factor longevity/tenure was there as well. I think we underestimate just how negative some people are. Look at the pregame last night, it was all complaining. And my old man lapped it all up, pissing and moaning to me about the 4th line like it's the end of the world.