Well-Known Member
How is it that the Chargers can be on their 4th of 5th center of the season and hardly miss a beat but we haven't been able to find a serviceable center in ten years?
How is it that the Chargers can be on their 4th of 5th center of the season and hardly miss a beat but we haven't been able to find a serviceable center in ten years?
I'm glad they won.
but I'm realistic about the future.
just because I disagree and acknowledge that we're not going to beat the colts doesn't mean I'm not glad we won.
There's no damned room for realism now. For the next two weeks I'm a fanatic. After it all crashes to earth there's plenty of time to be realistic and logical. For now, it's "DAMN THE TORPEDOS, FULL STEAM AHEAD!!!!!!!"
Way I see, just enjoy it for a week. I mean, we are Bengals fans. We never have anything to cheI er about. Ever.
We all know this team will lose in a couple weeks. Why not enjoy the W and save the bitching for January when we lose at home to San Diego again?
I don't know if I can gamble this wekk, now that we clinched a playoff birth I might have to save it for next week
Doesn't matter this team is gonna do alot more then just a playoff win.
Doesn't matter this team is gonna do alot more then just a playoff win.
Please welcome, Dave Lapham everybody!!