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Colts and Ravens setup the Patriots?


Do Your Job!
Jul 3, 2013
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Hoopla Cash
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Haha my opinion is wrong but they changed the rule just because I whined enough? Moving on....
The play was legal trickery. They changed the rule because they did not like the way it played on TV.
You call it cheesy. That is our only disagreement really. You want us to say it was wrong when it was legal.
We say we liked the move and the win - and we love your whining. Don't take it personal, it is not you. You are insignificant. You won't get agreement. Move on.....


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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don't worry guys wells is asleep at the wheel . lmao


Do Your Job!
Jul 3, 2013
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The investigation will come out this month just before the draft.
That will be good for you - people will talk about the draft and bury your apology


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Jul 2, 2013
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The investigation will come out this month just before the draft.
That will be good for you - people will talk about the draft and bury your apology

lmao yes i'm going to say sorry . that tom small hands brady likes his balls small . their is no way that the colts are ravens let the air out of the pats balls . just like when they put the headphones in the qb helmets and the pats cheated on that until caught and they said it was a mistake . the colts wouldn't talk to manning in the locker room afraid that it was being bugged by the pats . nfl pushed that under the rug and most likely will do the same here .

i will find it funny if they take some picks from the pats next year and they have a bad year with brady hurt . that would mean the draft picks would hurt more than this year .


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Aug 15, 2014
The People's Republic of Massachusetts
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The play was legal trickery. They changed the rule because they did not like the way it played on TV.
You call it cheesy. That is our only disagreement really. You want us to say it was wrong when it was legal.
We say we liked the move and the win - and we love your whining. Don't take it personal, it is not you. You are insignificant. You won't get agreement. Move on.....

I don't think people even noticed until Haurbaugh did his baby whine.


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Aug 15, 2014
The People's Republic of Massachusetts
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Tom Curran of NE sports news has some interesting views on deflatgate.

Deflategate questions that need answering by Wells | Comcast SportsNet - CSNNE.com

But the Wells thing isn’t gonna go like that. With Roger Goodell’s lead nut-twister Jeff Pash on the case along with Wells (Pash was also deputized to look into the Patriots sideline-filming practices in 2007), they’ll keep shaking that tree until something tumbles loose. Something, somewhere will insinuate sneaky badness by the Patriots.

Kind of has to, right? Otherwise, what was this all about? Eighty days of billable hours to pop out a 100-page report that says, “Yeah, it doesn’t seem like they did anything…” There has to be some kind of justification for the suspicion and subsequent uproar and investigation. Even if it’s anecdotal evidence from other franchises. This line in the NFL’s statement announcing the investigation indicated that the league’s ears were open to anybody who wanted to whisper in them: “Our investigation will seek information from any and all relevant sources and we expect full cooperation from other clubs as well.”

That Robert Kraft talked at the owner’s meetings about there being no “smoking gun,” didn’t have the reassuring effect he may have thought it would. It had a “You can’t prove nothing, coppers!” ring to it. So there’ll be something to justify Mark Brunell’s tears.



Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Tom Curran of NE sports news has some interesting views on deflatgate.

Deflategate questions that need answering by Wells | Comcast SportsNet - CSNNE.com


oh yes look i liked davy allison he had a car that was against the rules so after winning the race he tore the car up on purpose . the pats don't care what trick they pull to win . personally that is one thing i don't like about the colts they try to do the right thing . in playoff games the holding doesn't get called so if they can hold on every play you do the same thing . from the games i have seen pats 66 holds on every single play . i looked up the replay of jackson int ball and when he started pushing on the ball is cut out of the replay . this is before any small ball shit . fix the problem going forward because they are not going to award the seahawks the championship or anyone else . that is just the nfl !


Do Your Job!
Jul 3, 2013
Out of the desert!
Hoopla Cash
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oh yes look i liked davy allison he had a car that was against the rules so after winning the race he tore the car up on purpose . the pats don't care what trick they pull to win . personally that is one thing i don't like about the colts they try to do the right thing . in playoff games the holding doesn't get called so if they can hold on every play you do the same thing . from the games i have seen pats 66 holds on every single play . i looked up the replay of jackson int ball and when he started pushing on the ball is cut out of the replay . this is before any small ball shit . fix the problem going forward because they are not going to award the seahawks the championship or anyone else . that is just the nfl !
Conspiracy? You got it really bad.....


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2014
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oh yes look i liked davy allison he had a car that was against the rules so after winning the race he tore the car up on purpose . the pats don't care what trick they pull to win . personally that is one thing i don't like about the colts they try to do the right thing . in playoff games the holding doesn't get called so if they can hold on every play you do the same thing . from the games i have seen pats 66 holds on every single play . i looked up the replay of jackson int ball and when he started pushing on the ball is cut out of the replay . this is before any small ball shit . fix the problem going forward because they are not going to award the seahawks the championship or anyone else . that is just the nfl !
How large of a tinfoil hat collection do you own?


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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How large of a tinfoil hat collection do you own?
yall are the dumb asses here . saint billy cheat !!!! there is no limit that he wouldn't go to win . his qb likes small balls so someone accidentally got his balls to small big deal . fine the hell out of them and move on . if on purpose don't give them any draft picks and susp the coach because the buck stops with the coach .


Hard Member!
Jun 24, 2014
Around Big D
Hoopla Cash
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yall are the dumb asses here . saint billy cheat !!!! there is no limit that he wouldn't go to win . his qb likes small balls so someone accidentally got his balls to small big deal . fine the hell out of them and move on . if on purpose don't give them any draft picks and susp the coach because the buck stops with the coach .

like the Colts are a bunch of fucking angels. I hope the Wells report includes the Colts being complicit in this whole pile of shenangin shit that went on with the balls.


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May 21, 2014
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Are Pats fans STILL bitching about the fucking formation thing??? Even after the rule change which the Ravens didn't even submit to the league?

Your team won the fucking game. Get over it, the Ravens have.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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like the Colts are a bunch of fucking angels. I hope the Wells report includes the Colts being complicit in this whole pile of shenangin shit that went on with the balls.
how did the colts let the air out ? 10-11 or 11 - 12

Rex Racer

Ireverrent Member
Jul 15, 2014
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Are Pats fans STILL bitching about the fucking formation thing??? Even after the rule change which the Ravens didn't even submit to the league?

Your team won the fucking game. Get over it, the Ravens have.

You seem to have confused Pats fans laughing at Colts and Raisin's fans with bitching :scratch:

Trust me when I say no one in NE gives a rat's ass about either shitty franchise.


Do Your Job!
Jul 3, 2013
Out of the desert!
Hoopla Cash
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yall are the dumb asses here . saint billy cheat !!!! there is no limit that he wouldn't go to win . his qb likes small balls so someone accidentally got his balls to small big deal . fine the hell out of them and move on . if on purpose don't give them any draft picks and susp the coach because the buck stops with the coach .
Yall???? Nascar quotes????? Di I hear deliverance in the background Teddy?????


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2014
The People's Republic of Massachusetts
Hoopla Cash
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Are Pats fans STILL bitching about the fucking formation thing??? Even after the rule change which the Ravens didn't even submit to the league?

Your team won the fucking game. Get over it, the Ravens have.

It's just a good example of whinetude. The Boston bomber has been convicted, Aaron "NFL" Hernandez has been convicted, we're all curious about deflategate, 80+ days and counting, and how it's going to shake out.

I'm sure the players are on to next year I'm not sure about all the fans.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Apparently the only ball of the 12 that was severely deflated was the one in the possession of...

The Colts and the crack NFL staff.


I think not... ;)

thats right blame it on someone else . surely the pats don't cheat .


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2014
The People's Republic of Massachusetts
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thats right blame it on someone else . surely the pats don't cheat .

Well let's see what the report actually says.

BUT if 11 of the 12 footballs were barely under the psi, (given the stated preference by the Patriots for the pressure of balls to be on the low side), then the notion that footballs lose some pressure over the course of the game become completely feasible and the whole Patriots conspiracy theory goes flying out the freaking window like a big turd ball.

AND if the only ball that's significantly under that psi is the one the Colts and the crack staff of nfl officials had contact with, yeah, that makes the Colts and the NFL officials look pretty bad, not the Patriots.

Remember this whole story broke wide open when Chris "kojak" Mortenson was told by an inside source that most of the balls were very under-inflated.

If that wasn't true it certainly makes the inside source another "person of interest"

Considering it's been over 2 1/2 months you have to wonder what's going on and that's why the Curran article is interesting.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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anyone except a pats fan that watched that int and jackson with him holding it up and pushing in on it. would know that ball was way low ! i wouldn't say this to just fuss with you . i was like something is wrong with that ball before i heard anything about deflategate . so if the nfl would release it without the commercial breaks you would stfu . hey keep dreaming btw aroid didn't use roids and manny ramerez as a redsox didn't either .