Mr. Knowitall
im dling it now.
There is so much things I got for free its sad..
PC games
PC programs
BluRay Movies
whatever you can think of, there probably is a torrent for it out there!
im dling it now.
SAY WHAT!!!!:eek2:
I agree they are grinders and play best that way. What a move by Seguin in the shhotout and Peverly's shorty was amazing.
Morning people. French roast coffee and egg sammich as usual... Mmmm. My legs are on fucking fire from that damn Insanity workout.
haha.. what did you do, just the fitness test?
Maybe I should just keep going, and do what I could. By the time I got to the jumps going to the four corners, I was fucking shot.
those were crazy, I could manage 9 full reps of those, but it wasn't in great form. I think the best thing is not to try and keep up with the instructor, and just concentrate on good form rather than speed. Even if you only can manage a few reps, you still will get results and over the period of 60 days you can only improve.
1. Does P90X really work?
Yes, without question. But here’s the thing about P90X – there really isn’t anything particularly special about it. There are no gimmicks, no ‘latest and greatest’ machines and no magic bullet workout routine – it’s just exercise and eating right. Most people could get similar results without P90X if they were to workout hard for 60 – 90 minutes per day, six days a week and watch what they eat. It’s really not that complicated.