Stance: Goofy
Actual, unedited Getty photo of The Donald from today's press conference at the border.
Actual, unedited Getty photo of The Donald from today's press conference at the border.
Actual, unedited Getty photo of The Donald from today's press conference at the border.
sorry eh!
Its a work in processActual time lapse of the Orange Führer since Kamala was nominated:
Orange FührerActual time lapse of the Orange Führer since Kamala was nominated:
Fack.. we ain't sorry fer nothing, bud. Stop being such a hoser will ya?
Actual, unedited Getty photo of The Donald from today's press conference at the border.
It's written all over his faceAlso he was definitely having a bowel movement when this photo was snapped.
It's smeared all over his face
Trump got dirty sanchez’d at the southern borderFIFY