Cut the guy some slack. "Federal Interstate Highway System" is a lot of words, you can't expect someone to read AND understand all of them.When you are too stupid to be in Congress part… lost count.
I think that makes it three credible sexual assaults accusations for ole Schlappy boy...
Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) Chair Matt Schlapp agreed to a $480,000 settlement with the GOP strategist who had accused him of sexual assault, according to media reports.
A source familiar with the details told CNN that the sum was paid to Carlton Huffman, the Republican operative who accused Schlapp of grabbing him without consent. Huffman received the settlement through an insurance policy in exchange for dropping the lawsuit.
CPAC’s Matt Schlapp’s settlement in sexual assault case cost $480K
Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) Chair Matt Schlapp agreed to a $480,000 settlement with the GOP strategist who had accused him of sexual assault, according to media reports. A sourc…
All that training and still can't get their/there correct, huh?![]()
Thank you for the bare facts.Two additions to this story - Huffman originally said “The claims made in my lawsuits were the result of a complete misunderstanding, and I regret that the lawsuit caused pain to the Schlapp family... Neither the Schlapps nor the ACU paid me anything to dismiss my claims against them.” The latter being an obvious lie to be able to say technically that Schlapps' insurance company paid out a half million dollars. I'm going to lean on my legal training here and relay to you all, mere layman without a refined technical understanding of these matters, that insurance companies don't generally just pay half a million dollars for a "misunderstanding" or when there client bears no fault. Bear is a fancy word meaning "carry." It is also a large bisexual or gay man, but that has no bearing (sorry, means relevance in this context) on this story at all.
There ya go, some real inside baseball stuff for you. Huffman must have misunderstand that one's balls on the passenger seat often get in the way of the hands of a vehicle's driver. Happens all the time.
To really top off this shit sandwich with a nice slice of tomato (and by tomato, I mean more fecal matter), Huffman himself is facing charges that he sexually assaulted two women (19, 22) nearly two decades his junior who were scared to resist because he openly had a gun on the table.
* Steven Wright voice *Also a lot of complex words.
* Steven Wright voice *
Why is monosyllabic such a long word?