Well-Known Member
The 100 yard is obsolete. An old POS tracksucker like you should know this.
You can even Google it dummy!
Any real track guy knows the 100 is 100 meters!
Dude, work with me here....
Texas Southerns glory days were long ago, if talking TSU sprinting it will be those 100 yard days. Hines was the first sprinter to greak the 10,00 barrier with his 9.95 in winning the 68 Oltmpic 100m. and.....he also was one of those who held that 9.1 yards record.
The first stud TSU sprinter was Theolonius Bush in the late 50's.
No guy, if talking TSU sprinting ya talk those yards guy that is why I said 100 and not 100m. What did Philip Riddick evr do, well?