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Broncos Local Radio Podcasts


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2013
Chicago, IL
Hoopla Cash
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So far all I've listened to are:

Denver Local
- The Drive with Big Al and D-MAC 104.3 The Fan

They think many bad things about the Seahawks, although I've only listened up to Wed. They may have calmed down since then.

They just said that they predict the score to be:
Denver 34 - Seattle 20
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Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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So far all I've listened to are:

Denver Local
- The Drive with Big Al and D-MAC 104.3 The Fan

They think many bad things about the Seahawks, although I've only listened up to Wed. They may have calmed down since then.

They just said that they predict the score to be:
Denver 34 - Seattle 20
Yeah, heard that clip this morning. One guy has it 34-20 and the other 34-19. It was funny listening to them tear apart our team though. Called Wilson a slightly improved Tebow. Think our D line can't stop the run and of course our receivers are garbage.


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Apr 20, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Yeah, heard that clip this morning. One guy has it 34-20 and the other 34-19. It was funny listening to them tear apart our team though. Called Wilson a slightly improved Tebow. Think our D line can't stop the run and of course our receivers are garbage.
That Wilson Tebow comment was what stood out to be the most. I also think they said our secondary was pretty good or something. But yeah they pretty much thought there was no reason for the Seahawks to show up.

Mr. Tacoma

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Eh, whatever.

They're playing to the local market, they're not pretending to be objective. Their team's in the Super Bowl after an amazing season and they have a real shot of winning it.

Those guys are just pumping up the base. No big deal. I doubt they truly believe we're gonna be pushovers, it's just feel good radio for the home crowd.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Most bronco fans can't hardly stand those two so horrible choice for listening to bronco radio. They are like the first take of bronco radio...funny every once in a while but most of the time is just plain garbage.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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Most bronco fans can't hardly stand those two so horrible choice for listening to bronco radio. They are like the first take of bronco radio...funny every once in a while but most of the time is just plain garbage.

Good to know. Shock jocks exist, but I'm not sure we have any that qualify as that in our market on our sports stations. We do have our homers and some of them we too take in small doses, but nothing like those two.

Are you saying the majority of the rest of your sports coverage isn't saying the same things about how easy this game is going to be to win? I do believe I heard another clip from a different show saying again the Broncos were going to wipe the floor with Seattle and win by 14 or more.


Well-Known Member
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I heard the clip played in the morning too. Those two broncos radio guys are about to be in for a rude awakening if they think they're about to go against a "slightly better tebow" and a "solid secondary" lol


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
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12th manmania had a Bronco fan call in the guy was sooo cocky the hosts i forget his name just said "Yah ok".


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Good to know. Shock jocks exist, but I'm not sure we have any that qualify as that in our market on our sports stations. We do have our homers and some of them we too take in small doses, but nothing like those two.

Are you saying the majority of the rest of your sports coverage isn't saying the same things about how easy this game is going to be to win? I do believe I heard another clip from a different show saying again the Broncos were going to wipe the floor with Seattle and win by 14 or more.

There are a couple of others that believe the Broncos will win by 14 or more but the vast majority in Denver believe this will be a one score game. Now yes most if not all are picking the Broncos to win but my guess is it is the same in Seattle.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I heard the clip played in the morning too. Those two broncos radio guys are about to be in for a rude awakening if they think they're about to go against a "slightly better tebow" and a "solid secondary" lol

LMAO … That's not even objective to compare Wilson to Tebow… That's just flat out hating there… The fact there spewing that garbage is gonna set up some Broncos fans to wonder what hit um …


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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There are a couple of others that believe the Broncos will win by 14 or more but the vast majority in Denver believe this will be a one score game. Now yes most if not all are picking the Broncos to win but my guess is it is the same in Seattle.

I don't have any problems with locals thinking their team is going to win. I fully expect all of your radio personalities to pick Denver. They have the best offense in the league, what's not to like? What made those idiots different is their need to tear down the other team to make their point. Calling Wilson a slightly better Tebow and their other trash talking about the Seahawks was lame.

I think there is a mix in our town of those that feel we will win a close game and those that are nervous and think it could go either way.


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2013
Chicago, IL
Hoopla Cash
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Our secondary is also "average....at BEST".

There's another Denver podcast called Clough Talk with Sandy Clough that is MUCH better. The guy at least has respect for our defense.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I don't have any problems with locals thinking their team is going to win. I fully expect all of your radio personalities to pick Denver. They have the best offense in the league, what's not to like? What made those idiots different is their need to tear down the other team to make their point. Calling Wilson a slightly better Tebow and their other trash talking about the Seahawks was lame.

I think there is a mix in our town of those that feel we will win a close game and those that are nervous and think it could go either way.

Again they are like the show first take. They exaggerate to generate an audience. I have heard them even completely bash the broncos before on the radio just again trying to get viewership. They represent a very small fraction of how bronco fans feel about this game. Most of us expect a very hard fought close game where a mistake here or there decides the winner.