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Brady gears up for a fight: Adds lawyer with SC experience, asks for appeal extension.


Troll Boy Extraordinaire
May 1, 2013
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The NFLPA sure is spending a lot of money on what's going to be a lost cause.


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The good news is that people expect an response in about a month. If yes/then Brady and the Patriots have another year. If no that's pretty much it. I can't see this going to the Supreme Court. Half of them may not even know who Tom Brady is..


Troll Boy Extraordinaire
May 1, 2013
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i fought the law and the law won:suds:

Tom Brady's appeal in the Second U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals argues that two judges who sided with the NFL to have Brady's suspension reinstated "got the law wrong."

Brady's team is asking the three judges who heard his initial case (two voted nay, one yay) to "rehear their arguments." "The panel decision stands in stark contrast with fundamental rules of labor law and undermines the rights of union members and employers alike," Brady attorney Theodore Olson wrote. "This court should grant rehearing or rehearing en banc." According to the Boston Herald, Brady has "told friends since January 2015 that he'll go to his grave believing he did nothing wrong" in the so-called Deflategate. On a personal note, we CAN'T WAIT for this whole thing to go away.
So the appeal is for a rehearing by the 3 judges, or an en banc hearing by the whole court? I know the percentage of en banc hearings is extremely low, but how often do the same 3 judges agree to rehear a case? I can't imagine it happens very often.


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The good news is that people expect an response in about a month. If yes/then Brady and the Patriots have another year. If no that's pretty much it. I can't see this going to the Supreme Court. Half of them may not even know who Tom Brady is..

it's pretty sad that has potentially even gotten this far.


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Aug 19, 2013
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The NFL disagrees with you, they stated so in court. This is a fact that is not in dispute by the NFL.

Has nothing to do with my thoughts on TB12 or the Patriots.

Your hatred of all things Patriots is whats blinding you.
No. You are hopeless on the topic. "As I've said many times here I no longer argue the "did he or didn't he" cheating aspect of this case. Clearly there are a bunch of Brady/Pat fans on here (thankfully not all of them) who are completely unable to be objective about anything NE, cannot admit in anyway whatsoever to even the slightest point that may in anyway at all be seen as a negative towards anything Tom Brady or NE and will never admit to anything unless they see video of it and even then will say Goodell had the video made and that it is fake. The rest of us know Brady was involved and don't need to rehash that anymore."


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The good news is that people expect an response in about a month. If yes/then Brady and the Patriots have another year. If no that's pretty much it. I can't see this going to the Supreme Court. Half of them may not even know who Tom Brady is..

I will be surprised if 2nd circuit panel agree to hear this, but again this whole BS has been baffling from the get go.

One thing is for sure though, SCOTUS will dismiss this faster than the deflator deflating footballs.


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I will be surprised if 2nd circuit panel agree to hear this, but again this whole BS has been baffling from the get go.

One thing is for sure though, SCOTUS will dismiss this faster than the deflator deflating footballs.

I'm not too optimistic. I wouldn't be surprised if even Brady is expecting the worst but since he's come this far, he might as well take the last step.

The SCOTUS will not and should not hear this case.


Do Your Job!
Jul 3, 2013
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The NFL disagrees with you, they stated so in court. This is a fact that is not in dispute by the NFL.

Has nothing to do with my thoughts on TB12 or the Patriots.

Your hatred of all things Patriots is whats blinding you.

@jarntt 's not a Patriot hater. He's jerking your chain. This will never go away.....


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2014
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No. You are hopeless on the topic. "As I've said many times here I no longer argue the "did he or didn't he" cheating aspect of this case. Clearly there are a bunch of Brady/Pat fans on here (thankfully not all of them) who are completely unable to be objective about anything NE, cannot admit in anyway whatsoever to even the slightest point that may in anyway at all be seen as a negative towards anything Tom Brady or NE and will never admit to anything unless they see video of it and even then will say Goodell had the video made and that it is fake. The rest of us know Brady was involved and don't need to rehash that anymore."

So are you denying that the NFL, in a Federal Court, admitted there was no direct evidence that cheating occured?

Because it's a matter of historical record at this point. It's not something that either side can deny took place.


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2014
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@jarntt 's not a Patriot hater. He's jerking your chain. This will never go away.....

You have been on this planet as long, or about as long as I have, I'm guessing you have heard about pigs/mud?

Who's jerking who's chain?

Rex Racer

Ireverrent Member
Jul 15, 2014
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So the appeal is for a rehearing by the 3 judges, or an en banc hearing by the whole court? I know the percentage of en banc hearings is extremely low, but how often do the same 3 judges agree to rehear a case? I can't imagine it happens very often.

The appeal is for an "En Banc" hearing.


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Nov 1, 2014
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So the appeal is for a rehearing by the 3 judges, or an en banc hearing by the whole court? I know the percentage of en banc hearings is extremely low, but how often do the same 3 judges agree to rehear a case? I can't imagine it happens very often.

The appeal is to the entire court, 13 in this court. If 7 vote to hear the case, then the appeal moves forward. It's assumed the 3 that already voted will stay the same, though there is no requirement for them to do so. (Not sure a change of vote has ever actually occured for the original jurist.)

So the count is 2-1 with 10 votes remaining. The NFLPA would need 6 of the 10.


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So are you denying that the NFL, in a Federal Court, admitted there was no direct evidence that cheating occured?

Because it's a matter of historical record at this point. It's not something that either side can deny took place.
No. You are hopeless on the topic. "As I've said many times here I no longer argue the "did he or didn't he" cheating aspect of this case. Clearly there are a bunch of Brady/Pat fans on here (thankfully not all of them) who are completely unable to be objective about anything NE, cannot admit in anyway whatsoever to even the slightest point that may in anyway at all be seen as a negative towards anything Tom Brady or NE and will never admit to anything unless they see video of it and even then will say Goodell had the video made and that it is fake. The rest of us know Brady was involved and don't need to rehash that anymore."


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2014
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No. You are hopeless on the topic. "As I've said many times here I no longer argue the "did he or didn't he" cheating aspect of this case. Clearly there are a bunch of Brady/Pat fans on here (thankfully not all of them) who are completely unable to be objective about anything NE, cannot admit in anyway whatsoever to even the slightest point that may in anyway at all be seen as a negative towards anything Tom Brady or NE and will never admit to anything unless they see video of it and even then will say Goodell had the video made and that it is fake. The rest of us know Brady was involved and don't need to rehash that anymore."

Facts suck for Pats haters. It's a hard reality.


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Nov 19, 2014
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Why do you even bother? It's like talking to a brick. Nothing you say will penetrate. It does not want to hear anything different than what it already believes. Throw a brick in the air and it falls with a thud. Throw a brick in the ocean and it sinks with a thud. Nothing you do changes a brick.
I beg to differ BigKen. If ESPN and TMZ tell half these haters enough times a brick is soft they will believe. Unfortunately, that is where most of them get their info from.


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Jul 20, 2013
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Has anyone calculated how much this stupid battle of wills has cost the league and other poor dumbasses that follow this meaningless garbage? Let it go, get back to the basics. Both sides are on extreme sides of the continuum; no good thing will come of these stubborn prosecutors, plaintiffs, etc. Let it go, because there has never a more stupid issue in the history of sports.


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Has anyone calculated how much this stupid battle of wills has cost the league and other poor dumbasses that follow this meaningless garbage? Let it go, get back to the basics. Both sides are on extreme sides of the continuum; no good thing will come of these stubborn prosecutors, plaintiffs, etc. Let it go, because there has never a more stupid issue in the history of sports.

I could care less about the whodunit debate. The minute I heard the explanation of "the deflator" nickname and the timing of when Brady destroyed his phone that sold it. I know that wouldn't hold up in court for a conviction but the NFL isn't a courthouse.

This one is about the Commish being investigator, judge, and the appellate. That was given to him by the NFLPA, but they are fighting him having that power. I don't think he needs it, and think it would be fine to put someone else on it because it's 5% of his job, but 95% of what fans think he does. But there is no way the league should hand any of that power back to the NFLPA without bargaining for something else. NFLPA could have bargained for that, but instead went for the financial side of things in the last CBA. Maybe this is where the NFL could give that up and the players could give up 18 games (doubtful that's even on the docket anymore), more press availability, HGH testing, whatever.


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I beg to differ BigKen. If ESPN and TMZ tell half these haters enough times a brick is soft they will believe. Unfortunately, that is where most of them get their info from.
LOL...Does ANYONE actually watch ESPN anymore other than apparently you???


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Aug 19, 2013
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I agree. Should have been a $5K fine for an equipment violation first offense.

Not some fucking vendetta.....

Time for Goodell to fall on his own sword.
I'd say $50K and a public statement admitting he knowingly cheated, he was sorry and it would never happen again would be very fair. After all, we do have the little children to think about...