Mods should treat all members fairly and equally.
Oh sheesh...Do we really have to turn every thread into a Deflategate thread? Come on Patriot fans you want people to stop talking about it then maybe you guys should set the example and just stop talking about it. This is an individual player off the field making a decision to endanger the life of a child...Let's just stop with the childish posts as this is a serious matter at hand here. No the team should not be punished for something a player did off the field that did not actually affect a game. He will be punished plenty.
Also stop with the crap that Deflategate is being punished more than that of a player doing domestic violence. The last few players caught doing those things sat out an entire year. How is 4 games equal to that of an entire season? Stop being so dramatic.
Not that you're not correct cdumler but I have a big fuck you to you and anyone who tries to topic cop a patriots fan in this swillhole. When the site sets any kind of standard for decorum, I'll be glad to follow it, until then no, I don't give a rat's ass about getting people to stop talking about deflategate. Many of these cats are approaching a thousand times of typing the exact same opinion over and over. Let'em, and let every football thread all year long sidetrack into deflategate bullshit. If you're complaining to a Pats fan, you're complaining to the wrong person.