Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Low and away is still the recipe for getting Julio to get himself out. Then he was caught napping.
A night of ex's. Cambell shut us down and now O'Neill takes us yard. He could be playing for us given that Boston gave up next to nothing for him.
This is feeling a bit more 53% ish so far.But I thought gathering other teams rejects was the way to build a championship?
There isn’t a ground ball to short that he didn’t like with runners on base…He may not have power, or speed or defensive gifts, but he man he can't hit either...
It was weird not being able to watch them. I stopped Xfinity, so I don’t get roots sports anymore. First time in my life I won’t be able to watch them . Maybe I’ll save myself the misery.Good to have baseball back and the team that I love to bitch about nut punch after nut punch.
Meanwhile. Suarez went 2 for 4 with one run and 2 RBIs.So glad they got rid of Suarez.
Garbage in = garbage outBut I thought gathering other teams rejects was the way to build a championship?