Well-Known Member
AJ has been great, but when you consider all that Dalton has done, and tasked to do on this offense...he's clearly the ROY.
Cam is putting up ridiculous stats, but they are meaningless because they can't win. Also, their OC is calling about 50 pass plays a game. If Gruden did that, Andy could probably have a few more 300 yard games, and maybe even a 400 yard game, but at what cost.
Also, earlier on, Cam was throwing killer INT's and Dalton was not. Now, I realize that in the first Pit and Balt games Dalton did have some killer INT's, but eventually you knew it was going to happen.
If you are taking the WHOLE picture into context and considering everything that Dalton done and asked to do on this offense, and winning....he's ROY and it's not even close, really.
The problem I see with that argument is if you switch them places how would each do? I think this team is better with Cam at the reigns as opposed to if you put Dalton on Carolina I'm not sure they have 2 wins right now. I love Dalton but lets not act like he is a better player than Cam because right now he isn't.