Dammit...that was gonna be my call.Jim Ignatowski from Taxi.
I've never seen the show, but they make for some good memes and gifs. Might have to give it a go.Hands down, Ron Swanson.
Never understood the love for Kramer, his character was too over the top to be funny IMO. George made that show.
For me...
Dwight K. Schrute
Michael Scott
Kevin Malone
Fred G. Sanford
Hawkeye Pierce
George Costanza
Archie Bunker
Frank Barone
Al Bundy
Jim Ignatowski
Niles Crane
Barney Fife
Sophia Petrillo
Red Foreman
Hands down, Ron Swanson.
Kramer was the only reason why I watched about 5 episodes of Sienfeld.........
Sienfeld and JLD were never funny......And george was never nothing more than a whine ass with a voice that would absolutley pierce your ears like a knife........hated that show.
Same as Friends.........absolutley hated that one too.
The Seinfeld actors got better after the first 5 or 10 episodes. I've seen all the episodes multiple times and I know what you mean about the early ones. When I see them now the whiny-ness of George, Jerry and Elaine is annoying but I think when they gained more confidence as actors they got much better.Kramer was the only reason why I watched about 5 episodes of Sienfeld.........
Sienfeld and JLD were never funny......And george was never nothing more than a whine ass with a voice that would absolutley pierce your ears like a knife........hated that show.
Same as Friends.........absolutley hated that one too.
Even George Jefferson and Florence Johnston were better sitcom characters than anyone on Friends.
The Seinfeld actors got better after the first 5 or 10 episodes. I've seen all the episodes multiple times and I know what you mean about the early ones. When I see them now the whiny-ness of George, Jerry and Elaine is annoying but I think when they gained more confidence as actors they got much better.