Resident Libertarian
I submit for your consideration Tom Hanks in Catch Me If You Can
Good movie, ridiculously bad attempt at the accent.
Pretty bad....agreed...
Jimmy Fallon, Fever pitch...worse.
I submit for your consideration Tom Hanks in Catch Me If You Can
Good movie, ridiculously bad attempt at the accent.
You guys are way too sensitive about how messed up your accent is.
One of my brothers married a base-ho from Portsmouth, NH, and her entire family says "bahstin, pahk the cah, and what ah yeh, retahded?
And we all know Portsmouth is located in the city of Boss-tan.
best accents?
boondock saints, some were not so bad
o'riley - go bahston
o'patty - go bawston
o'riley - it's bahston dumbfuck
o'patty - no, its bawston, dumbfuck
smart outsider - its the same fucking thing morons
You don't mean that gen
Ever been to North Dakota or parts of Minnesota or Montana?
Fargo may be a bit over-the-top (intentionally), but it's close, and that accent is truly laughable.
I'm not sensitive about it. Chicks dig it. Who cares what you homos think(sorry Pickles)
I'm not sensitive about it. Chicks dig it. Who cares what you homos think(sorry Pickles)
I was wondering why my pants all of a sudden got tight in the groin area...
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