Harbor Center
I was very disappointed by that. I thought a town like Buffalo, which almost everyone says in agreement is a great hockey town with good reason, would support the US kids a lot better than they did.
At least you took the time to post information to go off of instead of just saying that you are disappointed in the City of Buffalo.
I never doubted that Canadians would represent their team in large numbers given the situation.
Just read the post you were referring to. I think the city did well and to me it would be like if Toronto was an hour away from New York City and Toronto hosted a football championship I wonder what team would have more support. It's a no brainier but I am still a proud Buffalonian.
Congrats Canada you won, you had more fans in the arena than we did. It's not winning that counts it's the class you win it with that matters.
I have read some comments on Canadian web sites and they are doing a damn good job of turning the nice Canadian people reputation to shit.
It's very sad.