The '61 Phils, first in America, last in the National. These guys lost 23 in a row until Aug. 20 when they split with the Braves. The crowd at the airport was pretty rowdy, according to reports. They lifted Mauch on their shoulders.
I recall Buzhardt first coming up being called Buz-heart ... then later he insisted it was Buh-Zahrt.
Oct. 1, 1949... Pittsburgh was used to seeing Kiner hit home runs. The guy was amazing in the middle of a crap lineup. He hit his 54th and it didn't even weigh at the top of the sports front.
(Page 1 that day -- a nationwide steel strike that was pretty important to the 'Burgh.)
Wilson's NL mark, set in 1930, held up until McGwire's time.
According to Wikipedia, this about Roy Campanella.
Campanella lived in Glen Cove, New York ... he operated a liquor store in Harlem between regular-season games and during the off-season. After closing the store for the night on January 28, 1958, he began his drive home. While he was traveling at about 30 mph, his rented 1957 Chevrolet sedan hit a patch of ice at an S-curve, skidded into a telephone pole, and overturned, breaking Campanella's neck.