
Ive always loved Rocket. He's the only member of Guardians of the Galaxy left.
No Maria Hill? Sexist!Chinese poster (notice how the Snapped characters are in silhouettes at the bottom):
I saw similar posters that had the last words of all the characters that died.
Side note: What the hell happened to the Valkyrie girl? I remember watching Infinity War again trying to see if she was killed on Thors spaceship, but I could never really identify her, but she was there at the end of Ragnarok, I rewatched that as well to be sure.
Director Joe Russo gave a status update regarding Valkyrie's fate during a Q&A session at an Iowa high school, and the Asgardian warrior, along with some of her brothers and sisters, did survive the attack by Thanos. A person in attendance documented some of the answers provided by the director, which revealed some of the Asgardians got away in escape pods before the ship was boarded by Thanos.
Those are fan edits of the official posters.
Valkyrie was never onscreen in Infinity War, but co-director Joe Russo confirmed in interviews that she escaped offscreen:
Kind of messed up and against the character to have her leave on an escape pod. Hopefully there is a scene where Thor demands that she go to protect those that are able to flee and not just her escaping for her own life.