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Austin Davis experiment should be over now


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Jul 11, 2013
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What? ...you guys don't remember in week 1 vs the Vikings when Hill got the start and he stunk it up in the first half. So Fisher benched him, then Austin Davis got his chance. At the end of the game Fisher says he pulled Hill due to an injury!...LOL....I remember it real well!


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Apr 23, 2013
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So let me get this right here... Basically some of you are saying Davis is a worse QB than Hill because:

The Oline actually controlled the line of scrimmage against Denver, where the pocket kept Hill upright and allowed Mason to run the ball?

I just want to make sure I'm hearing this correct. :pound:

:scratch:Ya I'm not getting what people aren't seeing here either!


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Apr 23, 2013
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I am not sure why the continued debate about Austin Davis, he is just not that good as an NFL QB.

Kansas City, SF and Arizona defenses completely confused him at critical times in the game and he made mistakes. If it was not for a fake punt against the Seahawks and a fumble by SF on the goal line, he would have only one 1 game in 8 starts.

I would rather not watch the Rams lose just to start Austin Davis for the rest of the year to find out whether he is the QB of the future for the Rams.

I am very happy the Rams coaching staff made the right choice and started Hill because for at least one week in the NFL season, the Rams have gotten some respect around the league for the way they played against the Broncos. Winning beats losing every time.

Your argument makes no sense what so ever! First you want to Blame Davis because the defense almost lost the Seattle and SF games, Davis played good enough in both the games to win, the defense almost lost the games.

Secondly, the defense did lose the Philly, Dallas, and first SF games, Davis played well in all three of those games, so based on your theory if the defense doesn't lose those games Davis's record as our starter could be and should be 5-3, now tell me that anybody wouldn't take that out of a first year QB.

Now please tell me differently?

His picks are a combination of bad throws, bad bounces and bad defense by the Rams that puts him in the position to try and make something happen!


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Jul 12, 2013
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What? ...you guys don't remember in week 1 vs the Vikings when Hill got the start and he stunk it up in the first half. So Fisher benched him, then Austin Davis got his chance. At the end of the game Fisher says he pulled Hill due to an injury!...LOL....I remember it real well!

weird because he actually did have an injury.


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Jul 12, 2013
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Your argument makes no sense what so ever! First you want to Blame Davis because the defense almost lost the Seattle and SF games, Davis played good enough in both the games to win, the defense almost lost the games.

Secondly, the defense did lose the Philly, Dallas, and first SF games, Davis played well in all three of those games, so based on your theory if the defense doesn't lose those games Davis's record as our starter could be and should be 5-3, now tell me that anybody wouldn't take that out of a first year QB.

Now please tell me differently?

His picks are a combination of bad throws, bad bounces and bad defense by the Rams that puts him in the position to try and make something happen!



Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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So let me get this right here... Basically some of you are saying Davis is a worse QB than Hill because:

The Oline actually controlled the line of scrimmage against Denver, where the pocket kept Hill upright and allowed Mason to run the ball?

I just want to make sure I'm hearing this correct. :pound:
Wrong Hill is not better and wrong you are not hearing it correct.

First, I don't want a QB that is worse than Hill starting for the Rams, I want one who is better and I've said all along I want Davis starting. It's really a simple concept to understand. I'm just being real, calling it for what it is and not caught up in the Hill/Davis argument based on 'my guy'.

Second, no Hill advocate is saying what you stated here. I'm actually saying the inverse. It's smart QB play and quick decision making which provide positive down & distances, allows a 3.5 to 4 ypc running game take hold, sustains drives, controls the clock, keeps the defense off the field & fresh.

These concepts are fundamentally critical in the Jeff Fisher system.

We all have seen Davis play like that and that is why I believe he should continue to start.

Jeff's problem, Davis' play has been very inconsistent at critical times in this philosophy and he has a vet on the bench who he could count on for consistency managing the game plan. A vet who is clearly not as good as Davis but more consistent and will not get thrown off the game plan by shrewd Defensive Coordinators like the youngster was.

This inconsistency shows up late in the half and for most of the second half. Once Davis is uncomfortable, he goes back to survive mode and stops making those quick decisions. He starts hanging on to the ball too long, the offensive line gets gassed and we become at risk to turning the ball over and can't pick up a first down.

Our coaching staff agrees, they just can't trust a guy like that in the Jeff Fisher system. Davis, IMO, needs to become more mentally tough, stay with the game plan, like we see with Hill and he can become be a force for the Rams for years to come!

Or Are these Sunday couch coaches/Monday critics that think:

Rams > Denver = Hill is better

But what about Rams > San Fran + On the road?

Many variables involved in winning and losing which is why u can't totally focus on stats. U can to a degree but there is more to the equation.

Again, I think some people need to lower expectations a bit. I get Davis made crucial mistakes that needs to learn from and maybe this works out great for everyone. But to say Davis is worse than Hill is pretty funny I think. Those were 3 brutal road games for our team. Maybe our Oline did learn something from them?

We will see after a road game how Hill does

Personally I think they are pretty close in performance. I think Davis has a higher ceiling, but has more to learn. He will be a solid back up somewhere. Or maybe he bounces back strong and starts. Who knows
I made predictions prior to the game SJ. No Monday critiquing here.

I saw it all coming a mile away but Davis can be our guy!

I think he just needs more game time, film work and sech.

If you go back and watch the a few of the games (I did) when we get those early leads and look at Davis' play, you see a QB who plays a lot like Hill except is much, much better in the red zone.

Now I do think that Hill cleans that up a bit but Davis will be back. This league is just to tough on QB's, especially QB's who have that many miles on them.

So when that happens, I hope Austin continued to grow from tape and the experiences the garnered in starting role and plays more like Steve McNair!
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Jul 12, 2013
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I hope fisher is smart enough to tell davis to sit, watch and learn the rest of the season. Next year we're going to draft a QB in the draft and he can fight for a starting position.

I don't see our situation with the QB position as an issue moving forward. I see an issue with our OC, he's just not Quarterback friendly.

and I swear, if i hear in the next offseason that fisher is playing musical chairs with our Oline I'm going to pull my hair out.


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Apr 23, 2013
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Wrong Hill is not better and wrong you are not hearing it correct.

First, I don't want a QB that is worse than Hill starting for the Rams, I want one who is better and I've said all along I want Davis starting. It's really a simple concept to understand. I'm just being real, calling it for what it is and not caught up in the Hill/Davis argument based on 'my guy'.

Second, no Hill advocate is saying what you stated here. I'm actually saying the inverse. It's smart QB play and quick decision making which provide positive down & distances, allows a 3.5 to 4 ypc running game take hold, sustains drives, controls the clock, keeps the defense off the field & fresh.

These concepts are fundamentally critical in the Jeff Fisher system.

We all have seen Davis play like that and that is why I believe he should continue to start.

Jeff's problem, Davis' play has been very inconsistent at critical times in this philosophy and he has a vet on

the bench who he could count on for consistency managing the game plan. A vet who is clearly not as good as Davis but more consistent and will not get thrown off the game plan by shrewd Defensive Coordinators like the youngster was.

This inconsistency shows up late in the half and for most of the second half. Once Davis is uncomfortable, he goes back to survive mode and stops making those quick decisions. He starts hanging on to the ball too long, the offensive line gets gassed and we become at risk to turning the ball over and can't pick up a first down.

Our coaching staff agrees, they just can't trust a guy like that in the Jeff Fisher system. Davis, IMO, needs to become more mentally tough, stay with the game plan, like we see with Hill and he can become be a force for the Rams for years to come!

I made predictions prior to the game SJ. No Monday critiquing here.

I saw it all coming a mile away but Davis can be our guy!

I think he just needs more game time, film work and sech.

If you go back and watch the a few of the games (I did) when we get those early leads and look at Davis' play, you see a QB who plays a lot like Hill except is much, much better in the red zone.

Now I do think that Hill cleans that up a bit but Davis will be back. This league is just to tough on QB's, especially QB's who have that many miles on them.

So when that happens, I hope Austin continued to grow from tape and the experiences the garnered in starting role and plays more like Steve McNair!

Vita, I get the that you would prefer to see Davis in there, but at the sane time you say Hill should be?

You say Hill makes quick decisions whereas Davis doesnt? where are you seeing this? Hill made a God awful decision and interception against Minnesota in the ONLY other game he played in. Against Denver he didn't make any quick decisions, because he didn't have to! You said that Davis plays like Hill early in games then after the Defense gives up the lead Davis more or less doesn't! I don't know where you have seen Hill have to play from behind. I'm just not getting where you are seeing this experience and play making, quick decision making that Yiu are talking about?:scratch:


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Jul 11, 2013
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weird because he actually did have an injury.

The 34-year-old Hill made his first start since 2010 and was 8 for 13 for 81 yards. After the game, he was guarded about his status and also declined to discuss how he was hurt.
"I'm going to leave all comments about the injury up to coach Fisher," Hill said.
Davis, who was 16 for 23 for 192 yards and an interception, has been with the Rams at least parts of the last three seasons

Hurt?? I'm not so sure? Benched? I guess you can use your own judgment. Seems kind of funny as to why Hill wouldn't discuss his injury after the game. I do know that Hill threw an ugly interception just before halftime and then he was pulled. To me, at the time it looked like Fisher was pissed off! Telling the media he was injured was IMO was his way of keeping it in house. Anyways Hill is again our starter! Stay tuned!!


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
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Vita I was referring to the dude who started this thread. He said Davis was not a NFL QB. Either way we are going forward with Hill. I'm over trying to explain the differences in defenses and being on the road. Both QBs are very close and not separated by much.

The only thing addressed to you was the improvement of the Oline after 3 road games. It can happen.
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Apr 17, 2013
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Vita I was referring to the dude who started this thread. He said Davis was not a NFL QB. Either way we are going forward with Hill. I'm over trying to explain the differences in defenses and being on the road. Both QBs are very close and not separated by much.

The only thing addressed to you was the improvement of the Oline after 3 road games. It can happen.

As I recall, you said you thought it might help Davis if he sat for a game or two.

Not sure if Hill can stay 'healthy' as Zeke might say for that long....

Hope Davis can continue to do well in practice!

He could get a shot again soon enough if Hill continues to have problems punching it in when in the red zone!


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Jul 16, 2013
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Hope Davis can continue to do well in practice!

Doesn't look much like a football player to me...



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Jul 12, 2013
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The 34-year-old Hill made his first start since 2010 and was 8 for 13 for 81 yards. After the game, he was guarded about his status and also declined to discuss how he was hurt.
"I'm going to leave all comments about the injury up to coach Fisher," Hill said.
Davis, who was 16 for 23 for 192 yards and an interception, has been with the Rams at least parts of the last three seasons

Hurt?? I'm not so sure? Benched? I guess you can use your own judgment. Seems kind of funny as to why Hill wouldn't discuss his injury after the game. I do know that Hill threw an ugly interception just before halftime and then he was pulled. To me, at the time it looked like Fisher was pissed off! Telling the media he was injured was IMO was his way of keeping it in house. Anyways Hill is again our starter! Stay tuned!!

Do you also believe in Ancient Aliens?


Sep 2, 2013
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Why don't we just see how many games Hill wins because whether you like it or not, barring injury, Fisher is starting Hill for the rest of the season after this win against the Broncos.

You can try to call, write or even text message Fisher all you want and give him reasons for starting Davis but the debate is over. Shaun Hill is the QB of the Rams for the rest of the season and I want him to win games because once again winning beats losing any day.


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Apr 23, 2013
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Why don't we just see how many games Hill wins because whether you like it or not, barring injury, Fisher is starting Hill for the rest of the season after this win against the Broncos.

You can try to call, write or even text message Fisher all you want and give him reasons for starting Davis but the debate is over. Shaun Hill is the QB of the Rams for the rest of the season and I want him to win games because once again winning beats losing any day.

You are correct, Hill will be the starter the rest of the year barring injury, or if he sucks, that being said I don't see him being the QB the rest of the year, because I'd be willing to bet that one of those scenarios will happen!

I to want the Rams to win, but they were winning with Davis, as you mentioned earlier "you think" that if the Rams wouldn't have gotten "lucky" against Sea and Sf Davis would be 1-7 as a starter, but in reality he would be 6-2 as the Ram starter if the "defense" hadn't lost the Dallas, SF, and Philly games, so in other words he was winning games for the Rams and we actually would have an even better record had our defense not failed!

The Rams might win out, they might only win 1 or 2 more games, but none of that will be because Hill was in there instead of Davis. It will be because the Defense got their heads out of their asses, the oline got their head out of their asses, and the Rams just played better, period!

Just because Fisher decided this was the right move, doesn't mean it is, because I have seen more wrong moves by Fisher than I have seen right moves, but as you said he is the one that gets to make this designs, be they right or wrong, I've just seen an awful lot of WRONG!
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May 9, 2013
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I don't see our situation with the QB position as an issue moving forward. I see an issue with our OC, he's just not Quarterback friendly.

AMEN!!! HALLELUJAH!!! I am sure others of you see it as well. I think Davis CAN be the QB in the RIGHT system. But at the same time, if we have a chance to have someone even better than Davis, we have to pursue it. Like I have said, I think we let Bradford go resurrect his career somewhere else, resign Davis and draft a QB in the first 3 rounds to fight it out or sign a FA like Hoyer and resign Davis and let them fight it out.
However, none of this will matter if Brian Shottenheimer is still the OC next year. My personal gut feeling is Fisher will be told that he needs to let Shotty go in order to stay here. He will do it because he sees what CAN be. I am going to put out a name of someone with a rich Rams history that is coaching WR somewhere else right now with a team who is 2nd in the NFL in total offense. His name is Henry Ellard. You bring him in and let him overhaul the offense using ALL the weapons we have and let's see what happens... just a thought


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Apr 18, 2013
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:agree::10:Shotts is the problem with the offense, Bradford, Davis, Hill whoever. I think you throw Bradford into a sharp QB competition with no new contract, draft the QB and find the new play caller.:suds: Giving Bradford a chance is really beyond my whole character thought process but without the contract see if he can earn a NFC West title.:nod: