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At least we are not...


FantasyFootball Pessimist
Jun 9, 2013
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I've given up on WalterFootball. It's just a group of dudes, much like us, who really like football, but have no real insider access. The incoming prospect rankings there get worse and worse each year. Guys will drop or rise 10 or 12 spots in their position groups if he likes, or doesn't like, them, regardless of skill or ability.

I've found a handful of other sites that are far more consistent and also far closer to what actually happens on draft day...

Yeah, if you are paying attention, the site is sloppy too. I like to use it to cross reference fantasy rankings and look at a mock draft here and there cause you can find so many different ones with different opinions. Any free sites you know of that are better?


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
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Yeah, if you are paying attention, the site is sloppy too. I like to use it to cross reference fantasy rankings and look at a mock draft here and there cause you can find so many different ones with different opinions. Any free sites you know of that are better?

I'm in the same boat you are, I like to cross-reference as many of the draft sites as I can. As far as draft position accuracy goes, CBS, NFL.com, and NFLdraftscout.com all seem to get it pretty close. CBS actually does a fair job on their analysis, too...


FantasyFootball Pessimist
Jun 9, 2013
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I'm in the same boat you are, I like to cross-reference as many of the draft sites as I can. As far as draft position accuracy goes, CBS, NFL.com, and NFLdraftscout.com all seem to get it pretty close. CBS actually does a fair job on their analysis, too...

Definitely, Rang and Brugler are pretty solid. I think Mcshay is a hack. Guy had Timmy Jernigan ranked #6 for a long time right before the draft. Then must of got the scoop that he's going late first and magically he is at #26 before draft night. How can a player go from #6 to #26 in one month?


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
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Definitely, Rang and Brugler are pretty solid. I think Mcshay is a hack. Guy had Timmy Jernigan ranked #6 for a long time right before the draft. Then must of got the scoop that he's going late first and magically he is at #26 before draft night. How can a player go from #6 to #26 in one month?

Brady Quinn, Johnny Manziel? I think Mcshay is better then Kiper.


Former 5x UFC Champion
Apr 18, 2013
that way
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Teams would be lining up to bid for Andrew Luck, even at that type of $. No one, and I mean no one, would sign Russell Wilson at that type of a contract. Smart move is to go right ahead and let him test free agency. He will find out just how much he is worth in a real hurry, and it wont even be close to that type of $.

Muzz is a closet Seahawks fan, so I'll ask him just how many games did the skill and talent of Russell Wilson win for the Hawks last year? That team could win with Orlovsky at QB.

With huge contracts on Sherman and Thomas already. Okung will probably be up for a big payday soon and half a dozen other guys who were later round picks playing for little of nothing. Throw in a $24m/yr contract on a guy so far from being a true franchise QB and Hawks fans will know what its like to have a similar version of The Clown Show running their team just like we do.

I'm not sure what the teams management could have done. If you look at the contracts on other team Suh is the bad one. Suhs contract went from bad to worse because of the rookie wage scale and the Lions picking high. You could make a case for Chris Houston being over paid but at the time of the contract he was playing solid football. I don't know of any other contracts that the Lions are really regretting right now.

Now if you want to call the front office out for keeping guys who should have obviously been been fired I'm with you but the contracts were not really their fault.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
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I'm not sure what the teams management could have done.

I'm guessing he is referring to pushing back the cap hit on so many players, such as Suh, who holds every card in the negotiations. How does a team end up with a DT with a 22+ million dollar cap hit, on the final year of his contract?

They were in the same boat, though not as extreme when they signed Stafford to his extension, as well as Calvin Johnson, if I'm not mistaken. Both had huge cap hits, so the teams signed them to huge extensions to alleviate the cap hit.

With Suh -- he can basically back up the Brinks truck in Allen Park, because he can name his price. If Detroit doesn't pay him a fortune, the team is stuck with a 22 million dollar cap hit (which is why they haven't been able to sign Ebron, because they don't have cap space yet). Also -- if they don't -- Suh can void the last year of his contract and become a free agent leaving the Lions empty handed. To make matters worse -- Detroit can't even trade Suh if they do not feel they can resign him, as he has almost 20 million in dead money we'd still be on the hook for.

It isn't all the front office's fault, as they were handcuffed with enormous contracts because of the piss poor play of the team and the absurd rookie pay scale. They definitely didn't help their cause though, but continually pushing back cap hits over and over.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
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Muzz is a closet Seahawks fan, so I'll ask him just how many games did the skill and talent of Russell Wilson win for the Hawks last year? That team could win with Orlovsky at QB.

I forget who posted this, but seriously? Russell Wilson scrambles forward and gains yards, while Orlovsky doesn't know where he's at on the field and runs out of the endzone.

If you put Orlovsky on the Seahawks and you will see a Jaguars team.......No offense to Jacksonsville but I'm sure they would love Russell Wilson and Laugh at ole Danny O.


Banned in Europe
Apr 19, 2013
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I think the Sqwuaks woulda made the playoffs with Golden Tate at QB. Im dead serious. Hand offs and punts and they still would win games.


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
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I forget who posted this, but seriously? Russell Wilson scrambles forward and gains yards, while Orlovsky doesn't know where he's at on the field and runs out of the endzone.

If you put Orlovsky on the Seahawks and you will see a Jaguars team.......No offense to Jacksonsville but I'm sure they would love Russell Wilson and Laugh at ole Danny O.

I think Wilson has done a good job managing games and making some plays with his legs, but he is not the difference between the Jaguars and the Seahawks, imo.

Dr. Evil-er

Mayhew for President 2016
Apr 18, 2013
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I think Wilson has done a good job managing games and making some plays with his legs, but he is not the difference between the Jaguars and the Seahawks, imo.

The Hawks could get a smart, mobile QB with a better arm in the second or third rd of the draft to replace Wilson and still win without committing to a $25m/yr contract. They could win the SB again this year and he be a 2 time SB winning QB and I still wouldnt pay him that $. If they do watch how fast they fall to the bottom when they cant retain their other players and suddenly they need the offense to show up and win them games.


Banned in Europe
Apr 19, 2013
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At least we are not smitty. It appears Tony Scheffler is coming back home to give smitty his pay back.....When asked about why he's retiring Tony responded with "I got a guy in Kalamazoo to deal with."

Tony Scheffler retires after 8 NFL seasons - CBSSports.com

Haven't lived in Kzoo since 2012. (Where I lay my head is home...) But I drive by his in laws every now and then, if Im avoiding the State Police Post.( Ton' could start under center and the 12th Man would still have a 7-9 team to route for. )


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Apr 18, 2013
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When's Wake Forest going to play WMU? I want that game nationally televised. Lots of Yellow (Gold) Bling on the field.


Banned in Europe
Apr 19, 2013
Almost Paradise
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That'd be sweet, but it's not this year. Wakes got Army at home non-conference, that's about it.


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Apr 18, 2013
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That'd be sweet, but it's not this year. Wakes got Army at home non-conference, that's about it.

I'm all about Army!!!! is it on Veterans day? Army has Gold and bling.....I might just tune in.


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Apr 18, 2013
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No, it's in September sometime. Usually I root for Army, but Im a Deacons fan now.

Nothing wrong with the Demon Deacons, Loved watching them play basketball in the 80s and 90s with the mascot causing a ruckus on the floor for years......Hell, the mascot is on ESPN all the time nowadays.....I'm willing to bet it isn't that guy under the hood that made them news today.

Ever watch saturaday football and see the WSU (Courgars) flag flying? That's tradition that started years ago.....WSU hasn't been relevent since Ryan Leaf but I'm guessing that's where it started.....But it still continues today.


Banned in Europe
Apr 19, 2013
Almost Paradise
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I had Mike Leach as one of top choices for news Lions HC. WSU won't be down too long. That man can coach, and he demands excellence out of his kids in the classroom too. Wake's got a sweet mascot, no doubt. But they got my fandom on account of their incoming freshman QB from the town south of your folks.


Staff member
Sep 1, 2011
Twin Peaks
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I had Mike Leach as one of top choices for news Lions HC. WSU won't be down too long. That man can coach, and he demands excellence out of his kids in the classroom too. Wake's got a sweet mascot, no doubt. But they got my fandom on account of their incoming freshman QB from the town south of your folks.
Mike Leach can coach, but a very strange fellow IMO.