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Apr 19, 2013
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Barry Sanders was 5'8 203....That's not very big, but he didn't take many hits. Good running qbs don't take many direct hits either, slide, get out of bounds etc etc....Sure they will take an occasional big one but so do pocket passers getting blind sided...Atleast when the qb is running is chances increase because he sees the hit coming. Id take russell wilson in a heartbeat, but i'm happy with Stafford just the same...I think Stafford fits our offense personal better then Russell Wilson.

I'm going out on a limb and saying there aren't any QB's, not only in the NFL right now, but ever, that have the type of moves Sanders had to avoid taking hits. So not sure why he is even being brought up.

As far as pocket passer's taking hits -- running QB's take just as many hits in the pocket. Just because they can run doesn't mean they have eyes in the back of their head, so they are going to get blind sided as well.

I think Wilson is a quality QB, but he isn't going to carry a team to the SB. Seattle won because of their defense. He also attempted 227 less passes than Stafford and was sacked 21 more times. He seems more worried about his QB rating than throwing a ball away when the pressure comes.


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Apr 18, 2013
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I'm going out on a limb and saying there aren't any QB's, not only in the NFL right now, but ever, that have the type of moves Sanders had to avoid taking hits. So not sure why he is even being brought up.

As far as pocket passer's taking hits -- running QB's take just as many hits in the pocket. Just because they can run doesn't mean they have eyes in the back of their head, so they are going to get blind sided as well.

I think Wilson is a quality QB, but he isn't going to carry a team to the SB. Seattle won because of their defense. He also attempted 227 less passes than Stafford and was sacked 21 more times. He seems more worried about his QB rating than throwing a ball away when the pressure comes.

I disagree a little bit....Barry never slid...QBs do....Steve Young, Fran Tarkenton just to name a few among the new crop of scrambling QBs......All I'm saying is there is coming a shift in QB play and the guys that can scramble are the new wave....I'm not talking about moving feet...That's what Rothlesberger and Luck do...They don't really scramble.

You won't need 5000 yards passing to win...What you will need is 3500 yards and say 500 yards rushing.....It's going to be a combination not just one or the other....

I'm not talking about QBs that run the read option either....Just simple QBs that drop back make there reads if it isn't there scramble and run.....Stafford and pocket passers are taught to throw it out of bounds.....The scramble QB will tuck it run it and gain the first or slide with a positive gain....

I'm only saying there will be more guys like Wilson, Newton, Kap etc in the near future then the old tried and true pocket passer......Whew.....IMHO (find that funny)


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Apr 18, 2013
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Oh Dear Lord, I turned into Lions Pride by writing a novel.....I'll promise to stop that shit....It's annoying as hell to read....Sorry for anyone that actually read it.


Gang Member
Apr 18, 2013
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You really get out of cap by drafting a QB in the 3rd round that starts for you team and plays for peanuts...I.E. Wilson or 6th rounder in Brady for the Pats.....When you have a QB playing for peanuts for 3 to 5 years, that kinda lets you spend tons of money on the rest of the team.

So easy answer here, you get out of cap hell by drafting well. We know that wasn't Millens forte or Mayhews'.....I can only hope Zanders is the difference maker and this draft was succussful like last years.

Sounds easy enough.


FantasyFootball Pessimist
Jun 9, 2013
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ESPN's Adam Schefter hears Russell Wilson and Andrew Luck will earn $24-$25 million annually when they sign new contracts next year.

Colin Kaepernick's new deal is worth up to $21 million a year, but the details revealed a very team-friendly structure. The Niners will be able to cut him at any point if they're not happy with his performance. The agents for Wilson and Luck will have more leverage, and should therefore be able to negotiate more guarantees into the contracts. The $24-$25 million per year will actually be paid out and set a new record. Aaron Rodgers' $22 million average annual salary currently leads the league, followed by Matt Ryan ($20.7M), Joe Flacco ($20.1M), Drew Brees ($20M) and Peyton Manning ($19.2M).

I find it pretty shocking to pay either of those guys more then Brees, Rogers or Manning. All three of those guys have played at an MVP level for many years. Especially Wilson, he is a nice player and all but that defense carried them to the Super Bowl. Wilson was more of a Trent Dilfer type, just not getting in the way of the D and running game.


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Apr 18, 2013
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ESPN's Adam Schefter hears Russell Wilson and Andrew Luck will earn $24-$25 million annually when they sign new contracts next year.

Colin Kaepernick's new deal is worth up to $21 million a year, but the details revealed a very team-friendly structure. The Niners will be able to cut him at any point if they're not happy with his performance. The agents for Wilson and Luck will have more leverage, and should therefore be able to negotiate more guarantees into the contracts. The $24-$25 million per year will actually be paid out and set a new record. Aaron Rodgers' $22 million average annual salary currently leads the league, followed by Matt Ryan ($20.7M), Joe Flacco ($20.1M), Drew Brees ($20M) and Peyton Manning ($19.2M).

I find it pretty shocking to pay either of those guys more then Brees, Rogers or Manning. All three of those guys have played at an MVP level for many years. Especially Wilson, he is a nice player and all but that defense carried them to the Super Bowl. Wilson was more of a Trent Dilfer type, just not getting in the way of the D and running game.

Joe Flacco? That guy can't scramble but won a Super Bowl against the Daunted 49er defense.....So did the Ravens Defense carry him?

Some guys have it and some don't, the key is finding a smart scrambling QB....Russell Wilson is smart Peyton and Brady are smart but can't scramble...... Gotta have ambition, drive and smarts as a QB.....Funny thing is now the NFL is looking for guys that have all that and can scramble. I don't blame em.


Apr 17, 2013
Land of Confusion
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Not saying they didn't make any plays themselves, but both of those QBs had really good defenses behind them. Helps make their "playoff wins" a bit easier. IMO anyway.

Micro I agree 1000%. I am one of the guys that look more towards team goals than single player. Eli Manning gets way too much credit, when at that time the Giants defense beat the most prolific offense.

At times people who think differently have to agree to disagree with media based shit, and go by their standards. Which is why I stated my post. They have playoff victories and Stafford has nada...


Apr 17, 2013
Land of Confusion
Hoopla Cash
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QB's that can run, scramble and make plays with their feet without getting hit are going to get their money.

Vick, RG3, Newton, Wilson, Kapernick, Soon to be Manziel, Yes they have to able to throw, but the slow stand in the pocket QB's that can't use there feet to get out of trouble and make something happen days are coming to end.

For all the debate about those type qbs get injured more, there's always the Brady, Rothlisberger and Staffords of the leauge that stay in the pocket and get injured as well.

IMO it will be a fad. Teams learn to beat it quickly. I know you hate the hybrid thing. This big athletic TE will run it course also, teams will learn to defend it. Always some new little scheme evolves and then fades. (run n shoot/ wildcat/ pass first will trend back to run)

Vick should have started trending the QB runner style and did not happen. Quarterbacks that can sit and read a defense and make progression reads in pocket will never fade. I am not sold on Manziel yet.
Bortles will mostv likely be more successful.


Apr 17, 2013
Land of Confusion
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Should have read Trustme post #18. what he said added to my above post.

WOW in complete agreement with MikeD. This may be the Tigers issue?


FantasyFootball Pessimist
Jun 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Joe Flacco? That guy can't scramble but won a Super Bowl against the Daunted 49er defense.....So did the Ravens Defense carry him?

Ravens D was like top ten that year. Flacco did play out of his mind that playoffs but his stats are average across the board other than that 1 hot playoff run. Same thing happened to Rogers a few years back, he got red hot and went on a super bowl run. QB's go through streaks. If Stafford gets on fire towards the end of the season, same thing could happen to the Lions.

Dr. Evil-er

Mayhew for President 2016
Apr 18, 2013
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ESPN's Adam Schefter hears Russell Wilson and Andrew Luck will earn $24-$25 million annually when they sign new contracts next year.
Teams would be lining up to bid for Andrew Luck, even at that type of $. No one, and I mean no one, would sign Russell Wilson at that type of a contract. Smart move is to go right ahead and let him test free agency. He will find out just how much he is worth in a real hurry, and it wont even be close to that type of $.

Muzz is a closet Seahawks fan, so I'll ask him just how many games did the skill and talent of Russell Wilson win for the Hawks last year? That team could win with Orlovsky at QB.

With huge contracts on Sherman and Thomas already. Okung will probably be up for a big payday soon and half a dozen other guys who were later round picks playing for little of nothing. Throw in a $24m/yr contract on a guy so far from being a true franchise QB and Hawks fans will know what its like to have a similar version of The Clown Show running their team just like we do.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
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Muzz is a closet Seahawks fan, so I'll ask him just how many games did the skill and talent of Russell Wilson win for the Hawks last year? That team could win with Orlovsky at QB.

He probably helped the team win most of the games they won by scrambling and keeping drives alive to keep the other teams offense off the field.

It's a subjective question. No doubt the defense is the face of the team, but let's not pretend Russell Wilson is Alex Smith, Joe Flacco or Andy Dalton.


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
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He probably helped the team win most of the games they won by scrambling and keeping drives alive to keep the other teams offense off the field.

It's a subjective question. No doubt the defense is the face of the team, but let's not pretend Russell Wilson is Alex Smith, Joe Flacco or Andy Dalton.

All three of those guys have better arms than Wilson, they just don't scramble like he does. Not saying that they're better than him, but I won't say that he's better than any of them, either... He might be in a few years, but he's proven to be very good game manager so far, nothing more...


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Aug 23, 2013
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I grew up 92 miles from Derot and I have been a Lions fan since childhood, im kinda like a Cubs fan, :Levery Lions fan knows what I mean. I hope the qb Stafford can do something this season, I have dissed this kid since Detroit signed him and I hope he has got his shit together with his side winding throwing style, ''interceptions that lose games''style. I dont care about his stats.. LOOK at the Lions Win Loss record for the past 4 years. I have a Pats emblum on my avatar because I have followed Brady since he got the start at NE, I follow M qbs.. NE and the Lions are my Fave NFL teams and if the Lions somehow made it to the SB and their foe was NE i'd take my Lions. Good luck to the Lions

Old Lion

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain
Apr 18, 2013
Emerald City, OZ
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I grew up 92 miles from Derot and I have been a Lions fan since childhood, im kinda like a Cubs fan, :Levery Lions fan knows what I mean. I hope the qb Stafford can do something this season, I have dissed this kid since Detroit signed him and I hope he has got his shit together with his side winding throwing style, ''interceptions that lose games''style. I dont care about his stats.. LOOK at the Lions Win Loss record for the past 4 years. I have a Pats emblum on my avatar because I have followed Brady since he got the start at NE, I follow M qbs.. NE and the Lions are my Fave NFL teams and if the Lions somehow made it to the SB and their foe was NE i'd take my Lions. Good luck to the Lions

I am just the opposite. Grew up less than 30 miles from Foxboro stadium. Always been a bigger Lions fan than Pats. Nice that they had a good run and won some SBs. I think time is passing them by now. Several years of horrible drafts and an aging Brady with no WRs on the outside are catching up. The fact they are in the AFC east masks their decline because that is pretty much 6 wins every year for them.


The One And Only!!!
Apr 21, 2013
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Kaepernick is very good with his feet but not so good a passer yet. Maybe he will be, maybe he won't ever be. To pay him like this already, especially when you didn't have to, is just insane. I might have given him a raise and maybe a 2 year extension but to give him Manning money is just stupid.


FantasyFootball Pessimist
Jun 9, 2013
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A little off subject but on walterfootball.com, dude has Russell Wilson ranked over Stafford in fatansy this year. lol
Staff was the #3 fantasy QB throwing to Durham and Ogletree last year.


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2013
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I am just the opposite. Grew up less than 30 miles from Foxboro stadium. Always been a bigger Lions fan than Pats. Nice that they had a good run and won some SBs. I think time is passing them by now. Several years of horrible drafts and an aging Brady with no WRs on the outside are catching up. The fact they are in the AFC east masks their decline because that is pretty much 6 wins every year for them.

Did you get to see Plunkett play? Live? That would have been cool to see Jim P play. Im glad he finally got a SB ring with the Raiders.


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
Hoopla Cash
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A little off subject but on walterfootball.com, dude has Russell Wilson ranked over Stafford in fatansy this year. lol
Staff was the #3 fantasy QB throwing to Durham and Ogletree last year.

I've given up on WalterFootball. It's just a group of dudes, much like us, who really like football, but have no real insider access. The incoming prospect rankings there get worse and worse each year. Guys will drop or rise 10 or 12 spots in their position groups if he likes, or doesn't like, them, regardless of skill or ability.

I've found a handful of other sites that are far more consistent and also far closer to what actually happens on draft day...