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Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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How many people have Wilt in their top 3? Top 5?

Wilt was 2-4 in the Finals. This for a guy who once scored 100 points in a game, took home 4 MVPs and had a career average of 30 points 23 rebounds per game.

How is lebron better than Wilt in that perspective?

The competition Wilt played against is laughable

Guys in the league back than worked in gas stations in the offseason

Todays' players work with high priced personal trainers every day in the offseason


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
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It's just funny. Lebron hasnt been favored in the last 3 Finals, could be the last 4 and he won 2 of those. He came back from 3-1 against a team that people were legitimately talking about as the greatest team ever, that comeback and greatness helped his legacy immensely. So yeah that team that he came back down 3-1 added a top 3 player and had 93% of winning this series. This is gonna kill his legacy, no doubt :laugh3:

With all that being said, this series is FAR from over boys and girls.


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
Hoopla Cash
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MJ was favored in ALL of his 6 Finals appearances. Anytime he wasnt favored he didnt win a series or didnt even make the Finals. And we go back to the theory that some think it is better to loae before the Finals and those people are idiots


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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It's just funny. Lebron hasnt been favored in the last 3 Finals, could be the last 4 and he won 2 of those. He came back from 3-1 against a team that people were legitimately talking about as the greatest team ever, that comeback and greatness helped his legacy immensely. So yeah that team that he came back down 3-1 added a top 3 player and had 93% of winning this series. This is gonna kill his legacy, no doubt :laugh3:

With all that being said, this series is FAR from over boys and girls.

I think the series is over, but I agree with everything else you said, its Jordan and Lebron 1-1A and everyone else is a mile behind historically...All you do is have to watch the guy play, and watch the guys he plays with and against, and its an easy evaluation


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Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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MJ was favored in ALL of his 6 Finals appearances. Anytime he wasnt favored he didnt win a series or didnt even make the Finals. And we go back to the theory that some think it is better to loae before the Finals and those people are idiots

We revise history to paint Jordans' opponents as these all time teams....They werent....The Knicks were a gritty, lunchpail team, but werent on the same planet as this GS team....And the Knicks were usually the toughest hurdle for Jordan throughout his career
Dec 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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MJ was favored in ALL of his 6 Finals appearances. Anytime he wasnt favored he didnt win a series or didnt even make the Finals. And we go back to the theory that some think it is better to loae before the Finals and those people are idiots

Who gives a damn if he has favoured or not? It shouldn't matter. Just ask the 2004 Pistons or the 2011 Mavericks.

You lebron fans want to praise him so much for making 7 straight finals but each time he loses it's another "Yeah but he wasn't favored"

Give me a break.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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Who gives a damn if he has favoured or not? It shouldn't matter. Just ask the 2004 Pistons or the 2011 Mavericks.

You lebron fans want to praise him so much for making 7 straight finals but each time he loses it's another "Yeah but he wasn't favored"

Give me a break.

Its insanely important, because its a reflection on the quality of his team and his opponent

Jordan being favored everytime was a reflection of the greatness of the Bulls, and the not so greatness of his opponents
Dec 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 500.43
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Its insanely important, because its a reflection on the quality of his team and his opponent

Jordan being favored everytime was a reflection of the greatness of the Bulls, and the not so greatness of his opponents

I wouldn't call the 1996 Sonics, or the 1997-98 Jazz "not so great". I think those teams would give any of the current playoff contenders a good run for their money. Not saying they'd beat the GSW but a win or two wouldn't be unrealistic.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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The competition Wilt played against is laughable

Guys in the league back than worked in gas stations in the offseason

Todays' players work with high priced personal trainers every day in the offseason

If memory serves, Wilt worked an off season job for at least the first part of his career as well. Also, to automatically dismiss a player because of the era he played in not having the training advances, etc. that players have today is a bit silly.

If the money, training, etc. were available in Wilt's era (or if he played today) he'd take advantage of them just like today's players do. So imo, a great player in 1 era, would still be a great player in any other era. There may be some difference (for example Bill Russell would be a PF today instead of a C, The Logo would probably be a top 3 point shooter, etc.) but overall, they would still be great players.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I wouldn't call the 1996 Sonics, or the 1997-98 Jazz "not so great". I think those teams would give any of the current playoff contenders a good run for their money. Not saying they'd beat the GSW but a win or two wouldn't be unrealistic.

I respectfully dis-agree.....I cant possibly imagine what Steph Curry would be doing to John Stockton when he tried to cover him........The Jazz were a 2 man team with a bunch of role players......I doubt very much in todays' NBA thats a team finding themselves in the NBA finals....But we all have an opinion


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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If memory serves, Wilt worked an off season job for at least the first part of his career as well. Also, to automatically dismiss a player because of the era he played in not having the training advances, etc. that players have today is a bit silly.

If the money, training, etc. were available in Wilt's era (or if he played today) he'd take advantage of them just like today's players do. So imo, a great player in 1 era, would still be a great player in any other era. There may be some difference (for example Bill Russell would be a PF today instead of a C, The Logo would probably be a top 3 point shooter, etc.) but overall, they would still be great players.

I dont completely dis-agree, and considering this is all opinion based, its really hard to make these comparisons......Im not a believer that Tom Brady is the GOAT because Montana, Marino, etc. played in an era where you were allowed to actually play defense.......I just look at some old footage of the Wilt playing days, and those guys didnt even look like athletes to me....You look at todays' athletes, and its like night and day....But point taken on if Wilt had the access of todays athlete


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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I dont completely dis-agree, and considering this is all opinion based, its really hard to make these comparisons......Im not a believer that Tom Brady is the GOAT because Montana, Marino, etc. played in an era where you were allowed to actually play defense.......I just look at some old footage of the Wilt playing days, and those guys didnt even look like athletes to me....You look at todays' athletes, and its like night and day....But point taken on if Wilt had the access of todays athlete

Yeah, that's what makes these era comparisons so difficult (and fun). If you dropped Wilt onto a roster today, he'd still be 7 feet tall and very athletic and he'd be taking advantage of the training, nutrition, etc. that players enjoy today (and probably break his own 20,000 women record too lol).

Heck, back in his day, a lot of players smoked (even at halftime) because no one knew at the time how bad it was for you.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Yeah, that's what makes these era comparisons so difficult (and fun). If you dropped Wilt onto a roster today, he'd still be 7 feet tall and very athletic and he'd be taking advantage of the training, nutrition, etc. that players enjoy today (and probably break his own 20,000 women record too lol).

Heck, back in his day, a lot of players smoked (even at halftime) because no one knew at the time how bad it was for you.


Footage of pro athletes smoking in dugouts and on sidelines back in the day, always cracks me up


GSAD - formally known as LAD
Jul 1, 2014
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Agreed. LeBron is sort of playing with house money this year. Winning would do a lot for his legacy, losing doesn't do much.

As long as he doesn't do something stupid like bench himself halfway through a blowout or say something really dumb.
IMO he's not playing with house money because it's championship or bust just like GS.

And come on, do you really expect him NOT to say something dumb, given his history?.


Nov 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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And come on, do you really expect him NOT to say something dumb, given his history?.

In the last 3 years, I think LeBron has a much better track record on avoiding dumb post-game comments than the Warriors.