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Anyone Up for a very Wild Conspiracy Theory?


Feb 28, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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You are totally missing the point. I am not complaining one bit about the penalties called against the Seahawks. I am complaining about the lack of penalties called against their opponents. There are always penalties and there are always missed calls, but the discrepancy is just too big to to be coincidence in this case.

But specifically, I am stating that the conspiracy theory in THIS thread is ridiculous, but the other thread (regarding the penalties I just ranted about) is realistic.

Nope, didn't miss the point at all. The other teams aren't jumping offfsides and n ot getting called. The other teams aren't delaying the game because they can't snap the ball on time, and not ggetting called. Seattle has more delay of game penalities at home than their opponents do. They need to clean it up.

If you want to get an acurrate ration of Seattle's penalties to their opponents, throw the pre-snap penalties out and go from there.

This thread is no more ridiculous than the 'refs are out to get us' mentality.


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Dec 7, 2013
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Hoopla Cash
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There's lots of complaining about the Eagles game and the refs basically giving the game to Seattle.

I'm sure some of you must find the Eagle's fans arguments convincing right??

Oh wait, you only find "the refs did it" arguments convincing when it favors Seattle. Got it.


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Jul 15, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Nope, didn't miss the point at all. The other teams aren't jumping offfsides and n ot getting called. The other teams aren't delaying the game because they can't snap the ball on time, and not ggetting called. Seattle has more delay of game penalities at home than their opponents do. They need to clean it up.

If you want to get an acurrate ration of Seattle's penalties to their opponents, throw the pre-snap penalties out and go from there.

This thread is no more ridiculous than the 'refs are out to get us' mentality.

Yes, you are totally missing the point. That subject has nothing to do with Seattle's penalties at all. They could jump offsides a million times and that would not at all be relevant to what I am saying. It is purely and only about how many penalties their opponents get in games against the Seahawks vs. how many penalties their opponents get in all of their other games.


Feb 28, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Yes, you are totally missing the point. That subject has nothing to do with Seattle's penalties at all. They could jump offsides a million times and that would not at all be relevant to what I am saying. It is purely and only about how many penalties their opponents get in games against the Seahawks vs. how many penalties their opponents get in all of their other games.

If the 'subject has nothing to do with Seattle penalties at all' then why do you keep talking about Seattle penalties If their opponents are getting less penalties against us than they are against other teams, then:
1. Our opponents are obviously aware that they can't afford mistakes against this team.
2. They get less interference calls against Seattle because Seattle throws less than just about any team in the NFL.


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Hoopla Cash
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There's lots of complaining about the Eagles game and the refs basically giving the game to Seattle.

I'm sure some of you must find the Eagle's fans arguments convincing right??

Oh wait, you only find "the refs did it" arguments convincing when it favors Seattle. Got it.

All the bitching about the refs by Eagles fans just highlights why fans shouldn't bitch about calls. Even if your correct about the calls, it just makes you look like your whining. Accept it and move on.


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Dec 7, 2013
Chicago, IL
Hoopla Cash
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All the bitching about the refs by Eagles fans just highlights why fans shouldn't bitch about calls. Even if your correct about the calls, it just makes you look like your whining. Accept it and move on.

Agreed. Shouldn't. EVER. Bitch. About. The. Calls. EVER.

Everyone that does, well, you just sound like the Eagles fans do right now. Is that how you want to be perceived??


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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If the 'subject has nothing to do with Seattle penalties at all' then why do you keep talking about Seattle penalties If their opponents are getting less penalties against us than they are against other teams, then:
1. Our opponents are obviously aware that they can't afford mistakes against this team.
2. They get less interference calls against Seattle because Seattle throws less than just about any team in the NFL.

I only discussed Seattle penalties to clearly state that this was not relevant as there seems to be some confusion on that point. You seem to have only assumed what I said instead of understanding it.

No matter. You have 2 very lucid points above that could account for the difference but I personally feel that the difference is still too large to rationally be explained away.

We just need to keep winning regardless of the penalties and it becomes a non-issue. I would have to continue to see a obvious bias when it comes time for the playoffs though.


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Apr 23, 2013
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I don't know about the Patriot conspiracy. That seems to be putting the cart before the horse and I don't think Belicheck would do that.

As far as penalties against our opponents, I think it has a lot to do with our ball/clock control style, but also could have to do with injuries. When less than top notch players are on the field, opponents do not have to push the line of legal or not to make a play. We had about a 7 or 8 game stretch with many sub par players on the field. Not just second stringers, but we are talking 4th, 5th, 6th, or 7th men off the bench. If I recall correctly, those were the games that the opponents seemed to have far fewer penalties than their average. Also could just be small sample size and a statistical anomaly.


Throws stuff out windows
Apr 21, 2010
Spokane, WA
Hoopla Cash
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Agreed. Shouldn't. EVER. Bitch. About. The. Calls. EVER.

Everyone that does, well, you just sound like the Eagles fans do right now. Is that how you want to be perceived??

I don't necessarily agree. I call out the refs when they are obviously wrong (and in the NFL that's quite often). I have no problems with complaining about officiating when it's justified. But you probably shouldn't bitch after a loss where not only were you dominated, but your team was called for half the penalties that the opponent was. I'll give them the no call on the ineligible receiver downfield. Missing that was ridiculous. But beyond that the most egregious missed call favored the Eagles, when Wilson took a hit to the head with no flag. It is what it is. When the calls go against you it sucks and it's frustrating, I'll never try to claim otherwise and the obvious response is to get pissed. But I think just about everyone outside of Philly saw that last weekend's game was less about the refs and more about Seattle flat dominating Philadelphia.