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Anyone else concerned about the Chiefs?


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hehe, too bad the Eunuch didn't make it over here. no doubt he'd be talking a WHOLE lotta crap by now...

He actually did for a little bit if I remember correctly. He posted a few times for a week.


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Jul 3, 2013
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Wow! This is helarious! To even be talking about the Chiefs and putting them in the same sentence as a possible contender or playoff team is beyond rediculous. I think most that watched that game realize that offense is mediocre at best and is going to have to score more than their..what...16 pt avg or maybe its 20. But what really kills me is this over hype over their D. I have a feeling when they were doing the ballot for Pro Bowl D players is that somebody opened a window and the only ballot that stuck was KC defense so they had no choice. Lets get over KC and talk about a team that actually has a chance to to get a playoff spot. I`ll give ya my prediction on KC right now......BWAAAAAA!!!

Black Adam

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Apr 17, 2013
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Wow! This is helarious! To even be talking about the Chiefs and putting them in the same sentence as a possible contender or playoff team is beyond rediculous. I think most that watched that game realize that offense is mediocre at best and is going to have to score more than their..what...16 pt avg or maybe its 20. But what really kills me is this over hype over their D. I have a feeling when they were doing the ballot for Pro Bowl D players is that somebody opened a window and the only ballot that stuck was KC defense so they had no choice. Lets get over KC and talk about a team that actually has a chance to to get a playoff spot. I`ll give ya my prediction on KC right now......BWAAAAAA!!!

obviously the standout i.q. of his family LMAO...!!!

thanks for chiming in...:laugh3:

Black Adam

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Apr 17, 2013
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and oh-by-the-way randy, in 3 games they got 28,17, and 26 pts. 71 pts altogether, which is almost 24 pts per game. but keep living in LAST season...


May 1, 2013
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and oh-by-the-way randy, in 3 games they got 28,17, and 26 pts. 71 pts altogether, which is almost 24 pts per game. but keep living in LAST season...

71 points in 3 games you say?

In 2 games, the Broncos have scored 90 points (11 more than the Eagles, 18 more than the Chiefs both scored in 3 games) 12 TD's (3 more than Philly, 4 more than the Chiefs in 3 games) and are averaging 45 ppg, 12 more than the Packers at #2.

And they did it against the 2 previous defending Superbowl Champs.


May 1, 2013
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71 points in 3 games you say?

In 2 games, the Broncos have scored 90 points (11 more than the Eagles, 18 more than the Chiefs both scored in 3 games) 12 TD's (3 more than Philly, 4 more than the Chiefs in 3 games) and are averaging 45 ppg, 12 more than the Packers at #2.

And they did it against the 2 previous defending Superbowl Champs.

This is why I am not worried about the Chiefs.

Or the Raiders.

Or the Eagles.

The Chargers.

And for the first time in a while....we will go into NE and out pace them in their backyard.


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Jul 17, 2013
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71 points in 3 games you say?

In 2 games, the Broncos have scored 90 points (11 more than the Eagles, 18 more than the Chiefs both scored in 3 games) 12 TD's (3 more than Philly, 4 more than the Chiefs in 3 games) and are averaging 45 ppg, 12 more than the Packer at #2.

And they did it against the 2 previous defending Superbowl Champs.

I would add in it isn't like the Chiefs have played a ton of great defenses either. The only game they have scored more than the average for the opposing team was against Jacksonville who in their 2nd game played the Raiders so not like they faced a good offense yet.

The Chiefs have done decent on offense but when your defense gives you 5 turnovers you kind of expect to win by more than 10 points. Just like the media got after the Cowboys for barely beating the Giants opening week when they got 6 turnovers and how it showed the offense wasn't what some thought it could be I would say the same for the Chiefs. Now some of this could be they got a lead and tried to play conservative but I would think against such a quick scoring offense like the Eagles they would want to make sure to stay a little more aggressive.

Black Adam

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Apr 17, 2013
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I would add in it isn't like the Chiefs have played a ton of great defenses either. The only game they have scored more than the average for the opposing team was against Jacksonville who in their 2nd game played the Raiders so not like they faced a good offense yet.

The Chiefs have done decent on offense but when your defense gives you 5 turnovers you kind of expect to win by more than 10 points. Just like the media got after the Cowboys for barely beating the Giants opening week when they got 6 turnovers and how it showed the offense wasn't what some thought it could be I would say the same for the Chiefs. Now some of this could be they got a lead and tried to play conservative but I would think against such a quick scoring offense like the Eagles they would want to make sure to stay a little more aggressive.

didn't say that at all. point WAS they're evidently better than last season. and obtw, ALSO just dispelling that dumb "16 pts per game" crack. FACT is they're ALSO not giving up a helluva lot of points, either. in fact defensively they've given up a total of 32. now don't get me wrong. it isn't like i'm saying the Chiefs are the better team right now, so DO try not to get your panties in a twist, fellas. but from last season to this i'd CERTAINLY say the gap's closing...

and next season, who knows? these teams MIGHT turn out to be pretty close to equal by then...


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Jul 17, 2013
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didn't say that at all. point WAS they're evidently better than last season. and obtw, ALSO just dispelling that dumb "16 pts per game" crack. FACT is they're ALSO not giving up a helluva lot of points, either. in fact defensively they've given up a total of 32. now don't get me wrong. it isn't like i'm saying the Chiefs are the better team right now, so DO try not to get your panties in a twist, fellas. but from last season to this i'd CERTAINLY say the gap's closing...

and next season, who knows? these teams MIGHT turn out to be pretty close to equal by then...

Oh I totally agree the Chiefs are light years ahead of where they were last year. In reality I would say the biggest difference between this team this year would be turnovers. As I am sure you know the Chiefs were a turnover machine and not in a good way and obviously that puts the defense in a lot of very bad situations. So offensively at this point they are not going to blow anybody away (unless they are playing Jacksonville) but my guess is with some good running, timed throws, good defense, and not handing the ball over to the opponent the Chiefs should find themselves in quite a few games this year possibly surprising quite a few being a winning team this year. Honestly looking at their schedule now I could see them being 7-2 before their Bye Week and then playing the Broncos twice in three weeks.


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Jul 27, 2013
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obviously the standout i.q. of his family LMAO...!!!

thanks for chiming in...:laugh3:

I think its fair to note that while you're taking a personal shot at Randymon, he does happen to be a Bronco fan, and this IS after all the Bronco fan board. If you don't like the comments made here, you are always free to post on your own team fan board.

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
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I think its fair to note that while you're taking a personal shot at Randymon, he does happen to be a Bronco fan, and this IS after all the Bronco fan board. If you don't like the comments made here, you are always free to post on your own team fan board.

oh i understand it was a personal shot, which is why i fired back. however, i happen to find that most of you will simply talk football and usually keep the personal stuff out of it. as far as "this is the Broncos board" goes it's just a FOOTBALL board. meaning i or anyone else can post where and whatever they feel like. 'sides, a lot of these Bronc fans know me from CBS, so we happen to get along for the most part...

but thanks for the heads up. as a matter of fact, i DO post on my team's board...and the Raiders...and the Chargers every once in a blue moon...

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
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Oh I totally agree the Chiefs are light years ahead of where they were last year. In reality I would say the biggest difference between this team this year would be turnovers. As I am sure you know the Chiefs were a turnover machine and not in a good way and obviously that puts the defense in a lot of very bad situations.
oh, no doubt about it. last season offensively these guys were a complete nightmare to the point of being nearly unwatchable. and to make it worse while our defense wasn't as good last year they were certainly put in a WORSE situation with giving opposing offenses good to great field position a lot. talk about painful...

So offensively at this point they are not going to blow anybody away (unless they are playing Jacksonville) but my guess is with some good running, timed throws, good defense, and not handing the ball over to the opponent the Chiefs should find themselves in quite a few games this year possibly surprising quite a few being a winning team this year. Honestly looking at their schedule now I could see them being 7-2 before their Bye Week and then playing the Broncos twice in three weeks.

i'm with you there, but obviously we'll see how it plays out. in all honesty i'm simply hoping that our O-line gets it's shit together and give Alex Smith better protection, plus being able to open up some holes for Jamaal Charles to run through. also imo Dwayne Bowe is a big disappoint and i'm almost tired of taking up for the guy. the upcoming offseason the Chiefs i think should look hard at this receiving corps. guess we'll also see what the front office does...

see? i CAN be critical of my own team. lol it ain't that hard...


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Sep 16, 2013
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I'm not worried about the Chiefs at all. They are exactly what I expected them to be: a much improved team on both sides of the ball and with a good coach. I figured them to be an 8-8 team this year. Maybe they will be better.

They are nowhere near as good as the Brincos offensively. I would even argue the Broncos defense is better than the Chiefs at this point. I will give the Chiefs credit for stopping two good offenses two weeks in a row. But keep in mind what the Broncos defense has done to the last two super bowl champs. They held the Ravens to 17 meaningful points, and the Giants to 16. Those games were both pretty much out of reach when they scored those. It's easy to look at the box scores and see point totals of 27 and 23 and Flacco and Manning both having 362 passing yards and think the Broncos defense can be beat. But if you watch this unit play, they are a very stout unit, swarm to the ball, and get downright nasty when the Broncos build a lead.

With all that said, I do hope the Chiefs compete for a wild card. I do think the playoffs are better when the AFC West has two teams present and accounted for.

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
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I'm not worried about the Chiefs at all. They are exactly what I expected them to be: a much improved team on both sides of the ball and with a good coach. I figured them to be an 8-8 team this year. Maybe they will be better.

They are nowhere near as good as the Brincos offensively. I would even argue the Broncos defense is better than the Chiefs at this point. I will give the Chiefs credit for stopping two good offenses two weeks in a row. But keep in mind what the Broncos defense has done to the last two super bowl champs. They held the Ravens to 17 meaningful points, and the Giants to 16. Those games were both pretty much out of reach when they scored those. It's easy to look at the box scores and see point totals of 27 and 23 and Flacco and Manning both having 362 passing yards and think the Broncos defense can be beat. But if you watch this unit play, they are a very stout unit, swarm to the ball, and get downright nasty when the Broncos build a lead.

With all that said, I do hope the Chiefs compete for a wild card. I do think the playoffs are better when the AFC West has two teams present and accounted for.

that i'll go along with. in all honesty i predicted this team to go 10-6, but an 8-8 finish wouldn't suprise me at all. after going 2-14 the previous season it certainly works for me. as far as wild card, we'll see. but i won't complain IF it happens...

btw i HAVEN'T had a chance to see the Donks defense play. was hoping to get the chance Monday night...


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that i'll go along with. in all honesty i predicted this team to go 10-6, but an 8-8 finish wouldn't suprise me at all. after going 2-14 the previous season it certainly works for me. as far as wild card, we'll see. but i won't complain IF it happens...

btw i HAVEN'T had a chance to see the Donks defense play. was hoping to get the chance Monday night...

Before the season started I would have pegged the Chiefs at 7-9 or 8-8 and the Chargers at 9-7 or 10-6. The jury is still out, I guess. The Chargers had that meltdown but then went on the road and gutted out a tough win. If they beat the Titans on the road this week I'll be impressed. I think the Broncos win this division by a couple games, but the Chiefs and Chargers may both be bubble teams at the end.


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If we protect the football, I will take our chances against anyone.

The Chiefs have improved, but it is going to take more than Alex Smith "managing the game" every week in order to hang with the big dogs.....

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
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If we protect the football, I will take our chances against anyone.

The Chiefs have improved, but it is going to take more than Alex Smith "managing the game" every week in order to hang with the big dogs.....

lol Cali how are things in the OC? in any case i'd agree with that, though i'll add that on the defensive side of the ball i think we can hang with almost anybody. now offensively i'd agree there's plenty of work to do. like i posted earlier i'm figuring it'll be NEXT season before we can actually make a decent splash. hey, Rome wasn't built in a day...


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lol Cali how are things in the OC? in any case i'd agree with that, though i'll add that on the defensive side of the ball i think we can hang with almost anybody. now offensively i'd agree there's plenty of work to do. like i posted earlier i'm figuring it'll be NEXT season before we can actually make a decent splash. hey, Rome wasn't built in a day...

What's up CL? Doing good thanks! Keeping busy with work and planning a Casino Night for a Veteran's Charity in October.....hope you are well.

My comment was mostly based on this year. Andy Reid walked into a pretty good situation long term. And I agree, your Defense is looking good so far.

It will be interesting to see the standings when the Chiefs and Broncos finally get together.


May 1, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Biggest improvement I see by the Chiefs is they are not making mistakes. They had a tendency to beat themselves last year with mental mistakes, turning over the football or just execution errors.

Andy Reid is a good coach. But they have a long ways to go from simply executing properly to executing at a high level and being not just proficient but excellent.

But they are on the right track.