UK Cowboy
Happy Father's Day T-Roy
You should post more often Nutz.
Something we agree on LOL
You should post more often Nutz.
Something we agree on LOL
Agree with 99%. Don't think I can agree with the FRYED idea. Not saying he didn't know his stuff but he was so stubborn on the wrong side so often I think he did it only to get us riled up. Yes it made for entertainment but so do trolls. Smack Frog was nothing but troll to. Would he make the board better. One thing I can credit Fried for. He had a way of uniting the rest of us.
And by the way Earl. Thanks for including me in your message. Trust me when I saw I read everything you post because even if I don't agree with everything you write you at least make me rethink my stance. You are definitely on one of the high rungs of the football knowledge ladder.
I agree earl. I don't know the guy you speak of Joker. There was a short lived poll on here the other night to bring twist and Pday back. I'm not sure if you saw it. It had to be removed and I asked the question could anything be done. Ford said he wasn't sure, so maybe there is still a slight chance. Permabans are really harsh IMO.
Damn, I missed it. I'm so deep into mmos, it's hard to always see everything on this board. That's why a lot of times I post late at night. So deep into League of Legends and Age of Wushu.
Hopefully Ford brings them back. PDay, Ford, and Twist go back like rubbers. I have a feeling they both will get their posting rights back. This board needs them both. And shout out to Warpath(Bovey) too. I'd love to see him back. I miss debating with him about our teams.
I will 100% say that I can and have been a straight up Dick to some guys.
Again just my two cents.
Appreciate it, Manster. You make me rethink my stance too. There have been so many times I've wanted to come to this board and bash the Cowboys so hard. But you and PDay make me rethink. That's another reason why we all need guys like PDay and you here, because when things look bad, we need someone to bring some hope and objectivity to this board. This team can be so frustrating and there's so many times I wanna go off on them. But then I'll read a post from you or PDay and it makes me feel a little better.
Yeah I don't expect many to agree with me on that lol. It's just really about personal preference. It's hard to argue for a guy like FRYE to have posting rights. And yes, FRYE was good at uniting a lot of us.
I never ignored anyone. I would get a laugh out of Frye and his seemed hatred for certain players. I would enjoy watching him beat his chest when certain ones had a bad game but I never took him seriously. Whatever happened to Blue Jersey Jinx.
Looks like nothing more than someone being Butthurt while being a skids fan while taking crap from a cowboys fan on a cowboy's board smack talk thread. If you want to get all butthurt stay on your own board and ban them from posting on the skids board. I'd say grow a set but that doesn't apply when talking about said banner....