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All Time Lakers Team vs All Time Bulls Team

You're life is on the line, which team are you with?

  • LA Lakers

  • Chicago Bulls

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Jul 17, 2014
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Mark Price, Kyrie Irving, LeBron, Love & Brad Daugherty would beat either team.

:bolt:...who the hell stoled my get-away vehicle!?!?!? Dammit:rant:
dont forget Shawn Kemp, and Austin Carr off the bench!

lol...If I am not mistaken, Austin Carr's, i believe 60 some points, is still a NCAA tournament record while playing for the Fighting Irish.

Mark Price is damn good too! He was the prototype for Nash kinda...

seriously though- All time Bulls/Lakers/Celts teams would obviously handle them- but an all time Cavs team I think would easily be in the top half- if not top 10 of the league...

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
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:lol: @Riley being overrated. If you think he did nothing after 1988, you clearly haven't watched any basketball prior to about 2005.

Jackson was a great manager of ego's, but an average tactician. The triangle offense he's famous for isn't even his offense.

hehe, Tex says thank you...


Aug 4, 2011
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The Bulls starting five could absolutely hold their own against those Lakers. What skill don't they have that the Lakers do? The idea that a bunch of superstars by themselves would roll over a well-composed team with a bunch of great players is crazy.

That said, if we throwing in the benches, the Lakers win running away. All their guys could be completely rested, while the Bulls would have to choose between running on fumes and sieving points.


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
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:pound: I quit reading after that sentence because I couldn't stop laughing.
I know its funny how true it is. U are starting to get it. Awesome. I changed a lakers fan mind and picks the Bulls now. +1 for me yesssss...........jk


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
Hoopla Cash
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The Bulls starting five could absolutely hold their own against those Lakers. What skill don't they have that the Lakers do? The idea that a bunch of superstars by themselves would roll over a well-composed team with a bunch of great players is crazy.

That said, if we throwing in the benches, the Lakers win running away. All their guys could be completely rested, while the Bulls would have to choose between running on fumes and sieving points.
that was a big factor picking the Bulls. ost of the starting 5 have played together. That is a Big plus for the Bulls. Lakers 100% have the better Bench but like the playoffs the bench doesn't play much so it doesn't factor in too much for me. Bulls bench would be able to hold their own if u throw in Noah and Kerr and Jimmy butler.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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I never under estimate great defense and that's what the Bulls would have. Lakers would have a helluva offense as well.

Pat Riley is not over-rated btw. I saw the Lakers play in the old forum with Kareem, Magic, Cooper, Scott, Worthy, Rambis, etc. Those teams were good no doubt. Both teams had dynasty's. Tough to go on just stats alone when the game itself needs cohesion and flow to it.

I'm a defense guy, so i'm always going to side with the better Defense and with Pipp, MJ, and Rodman the Bulls had 1 of the best in NBA history.. And having a decent center that rebounds and plays D is all MJ and Co ever had and really needed. but like I said, the Lakers offense was pretty stout back then and it would be interesting to see Kobe co-exist with Magic.

But it's all hypothetical so.. :suds:


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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The Bulls starting five could absolutely hold their own against those Lakers. What skill don't they have that the Lakers do? The idea that a bunch of superstars by themselves would roll over a well-composed team with a bunch of great players is crazy.

That said, if we throwing in the benches, the Lakers win running away. All their guys could be completely rested, while the Bulls would have to choose between running on fumes and sieving points.

I agree, the Bulls starting 5 would hold their own..........................for a half.

The Lakers would have far too much size and athletic ability. Those who are questioning Magic's defense, never saw him and the Showtime Lakers play.

People try to use 3 point shooting as a reason, yet out of the 5 who'd actually be shooting them (Kobe, MJ, Magic, Pippen and Rose) Kobe has the best career percentage.

The only team that could put together an all-time team that would challenge the Lakers is the Celtics.


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
Hoopla Cash
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I agree, the Bulls starting 5 would hold their own..........................for a half.

The Lakers would have far too much size and athletic ability. Those who are questioning Magic's defense, never saw him and the Showtime Lakers play.

People try to use 3 point shooting as a reason, yet out of the 5 who'd actually be shooting them (Kobe, MJ, Magic, Pippen and Rose) Kobe has the best career percentage.

The only team that could put together an all-time team that would challenge the Lakers is the Celtics.
LOL bulls are the more atheletic team. LOL Rodman, Pippen and MJ and Rose. Come on man. just stop it. U would have slow man Shaq down low who wouldn't be able to keep up. He would clog your middle for Magic to drive.

This is fun to talk about. Have a beer on me. :suds:


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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LOL bulls are the more atheletic team. LOL Rodman, Pippen and MJ and Rose. Come on man. just stop it. U would have slow man Shaq down low who wouldn't be able to keep up. He would clog your middle for Magic to drive.

This is fun to talk about. Have a beer on me. :suds:

Rodman? Never considered him to be particularly athletic. He was about leverage, timing and effort more than athleticism. At least he was by the time he played for the Bulls.

Kareem was one of the most athletic bigs ever. The only player the Bulls have that would be more athletic than Kobe is MJ.

If you think Shaq was slow and not athletic, you clearly never saw him play before about 2008. Prime Shaq was very athletic, it's a big part of why he was so dominant. He and Kareem were also 2 of the best passing bigs in the league. As someone else pointed out, the ball movement that the Lakers would have, would pretty much negate much of the Bulls defense.

I agree. These type of speculation threads are fun. Too bad we'll never actually get to see them play.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
$ 31.28
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Rodman? Never considered him to be particularly athletic. He was about leverage, timing and effort more than athleticism. At least he was by the time he played for the Bulls.

Kareem was one of the most athletic bigs ever. The only player the Bulls have that would be more athletic than Kobe is MJ.

If you think Shaq was slow and not athletic, you clearly never saw him play before about 2008. Prime Shaq was very athletic, it's a big part of why he was so dominant. He and Kareem were also 2 of the best passing bigs in the league. As someone else pointed out, the ball movement that the Lakers would have, would pretty much negate much of the Bulls defense.

I agree. These type of speculation threads are fun. Too bad we'll never actually get to see them play.

Jordan said, "Rodman is the most athletic athlete he's ever seen." So Trojan... Should I listen to you or MJ?



R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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Jordan said, "Rodman is the most athletic athlete he's ever seen." So Trojan... Should I listen to you or MJ?

Me, of course. We've all seen how good MJ is at evaluating talent. :D


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2012
Hoopla Cash
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We're still talking about this? Bulls wouldnt be able to defend the Lakers bigs. It starts and ends there.


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
Hoopla Cash
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We're still talking about this? Bulls wouldnt be able to defend the Lakers bigs. It starts and ends there.
Its funny people say that but lakers wouldn't be able to defend MJ and Pippen. it can go either way. Yes Lakers Big would get their points but same for the bulls players. Plus magic wouldn't be able to keep up with D Rose.

Its a great back and forth argument. The winner is Bulls and MJ because of MJ. Facts are facts and MJ doesn't lose in Finals best of 7.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2012
Hoopla Cash
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Its funny people say that but lakers wouldn't be able to defend MJ and Pippen. it can go either way. Yes Lakers Big would get their points but same for the bulls players. Plus magic wouldn't be able to keep up with D Rose.

Its a great back and forth argument. The winner is Bulls and MJ because of MJ. Facts are facts and MJ doesn't lose in Finals best of 7.
MJ is one guy. He is the best guy but teams beat superstars and in older style play, bigs beat guards and forwards.

For this to even be a topic, we have to pretend that its just the best 5 players playing. Lakers clearly have them beat in depth and Id imagine everyone agrees with that.

The Bulls are playing 4 on 5 on offense. I have no idea why you think that the Lakers couldn't just clog the lane against MJ, Pippen and Rose and dare them to hit jumpers all day. MJ would score 40, Pippen and Rose might get in 20 each. You're still not getting to the 110-120 points that the Lakers could put up just with their starting 5. Prime Kareem and Prime Shaq would both have to be doubled. Magic would have his way with Rose and if they move Pippen on him then the Baylor will have an even bigger mismatch. A lot of the Bulls defensive advantages would be taken away with Kareem and Magic having big (5-6") height advantages.

tl;dr - Bulls aren't big enough to compete with this Lakers lineup and they have no way of playing small and winning with the outside shot. Bulls are probably closer to the Spurs with Leonard and Pippen being pretty close to mirrors, Parker and Rose having similar primes, Duncan and Robinson having advantages but MJ would have his way with Ginobli.


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
Hoopla Cash
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MJ is one guy. He is the best guy but teams beat superstars and in older style play, bigs beat guards and forwards.

For this to even be a topic, we have to pretend that its just the best 5 players playing. Lakers clearly have them beat in depth and Id imagine everyone agrees with that.

The Bulls are playing 4 on 5 on offense. I have no idea why you think that the Lakers couldn't just clog the lane against MJ, Pippen and Rose and dare them to hit jumpers all day. MJ would score 40, Pippen and Rose might get in 20 each. You're still not getting to the 110-120 points that the Lakers could put up just with their starting 5. Prime Kareem and Prime Shaq would both have to be doubled. Magic would have his way with Rose and if they move Pippen on him then the Baylor will have an even bigger mismatch. A lot of the Bulls defensive advantages would be taken away with Kareem and Magic having big (5-6") height advantages.

tl;dr - Bulls aren't big enough to compete with this Lakers lineup and they have no way of playing small and winning with the outside shot. Bulls are probably closer to the Spurs with Leonard and Pippen being pretty close to mirrors, Parker and Rose having similar primes, Duncan and Robinson having advantages but MJ would have his way with Ginobli.
No they don't just ask Houston, knicks, Jazz if Bigs beat guards. LOL Last time I checked the Champs this year (GS) was a guard leading team. LOL Very bad example by you.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
$ 31.28
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We're still talking about this? Bulls wouldnt be able to defend the Lakers bigs. It starts and ends there.

One must consider the Bulls winning 6 titles with absolutely no help from their center. The game is not entirely played in the paint.

I give the edge to the Lakers, but i'm not one who gives in easily and if you think that Bulls team is a pushover, you have no idea what you're talking about.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
$ 31.28
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Me, of course. We've all seen how good MJ is at evaluating talent. :D

Evaluating talent - I agree. But he was also on the court for a few years playing against Rodman and playing with him. From the stands, MJ hasn't been very good at it. But his opinion on the court... Yeah i'll stick with whatever he says.