He put his helmet at the runners helmet level. This is how backwards your position is... that you think THIS is an example of safe play according to “helmet to helmet” admonishments.
I'm glad the OP is going all in, but his chips are exhausted.
By all means, continue. This is entertaining as all get out.
If a defender comes in to sack a qb and keeps his face up and goes in at helmet to helmet level... that is EXACTLY the behavior you’re trying to avoid. You literally have all of this backwards.He’s not leading with his helmet. This thread and your position are beyond retarded here.
If a defender comes in to sack a qb and keeps his face up and goes in at helmet to helmet level... that is EXACTLY the behavior you’re trying to avoid. You literally have all of this backwards.
That dick...let go of it before you type.He put his helmet at the runners helmet level. This is how backwards your position is... that you think THIS is an example of safe play in regards to “helmet to helmet” admonishments.
You’re head gets there before your chest/shoulders every time.If a defender meets the player eye level and then throws him down, that’s not leading with the head or helmet to helmet. Which is exactly what’s happening here.
I’m not the one trying to say every tackle is leading with the head. You are.
You do NOT want to keep your eyes and head up and go in at helmet to helmet level. That’s exactly the behavior you’re trying to admonish, not encourage.
You’re head gets there before your chest/shoulders every time.
and again, you just proved how backwards you have all of this. You do NOT want to keep your eyes and head up and go in at helmet to helmet level. That’s exactly the behavior you’re trying to admonish, not encourage.
Here’s a guy with his “eyes up”.
This is exactly what you do NOT want: guys going in at helmet to helmet level.
Y’all are literally arguing for this in this thread and against the dozens of pics I’ve provided for you which are much safer behavior.
You are literally completely backwards on this and yet keep arguing.
below: head up, eyes up, dangerous:
I can literally link you pics and you’ll still argue. That’s how dumb you ‘group think’ morons are. Did you really just post those words on this pic????In what way are his head and eyes up?
I can literally link you pics and you’ll still argue. That’s how dumb you ‘group think’ morons are. Did you really just post those words on this pic????