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Good Riddance, A-Fraud.
So when are the Skankees gonna sign Tebow?
When the Mets win a world series?
Good Riddance, A-Fraud.
So when are the Skankees gonna sign Tebow?
When the Mets win a world series?
Arods request to play 3rd tomo denied. Gerardi catching a lot of shit by the media
How many times did Jeter bat in the No. 2 hole in 2014? With his OBP barely hovering over .300?
Rightly so, really not great how A-Rod's being escorted out. Dude was LEGIT for a long time before he did what he did. He was Mike Trout. He deserves better. Even if you don't think HOF, this is a bullshit way to send him off.
Dude's been ballin' for as long as most of you have followed baseball, and for some of you longer than you've been alive.