Arete Tzu
New Member
Then by all means, bring something new to the discussion. Just because the comments don't come from cazic, mackdown or freebase doesn't mean they aren't a waste of time.
Well like I said, it's much easier to avoid here. One thread of it, with much more reasonable opinions (even though most have been said) is better than multiple threads made with the same intention, to say the same thing, by the same people.
I have confidence Ray will merge future Smith threads as well. Let the people who aren't tired of it, have a place to discuss it. They obviously feel a need to do it.
I'm willing to discuss current observations of Smith in game day/ post game threads. I see no harm in that. The debate of his future standing with the team is worthless, I don't intent to get into any that concern only him. Even my comment int his thread was more about making sure kaep is ready before he replaces smith.