Valar Morghulis
That's the thing. it's just weed. But where they are it's illegal or at least a certain amount is. Now if your job or your scholarship would be in jeopardy by getting caught smoking it or coming up positive for it then you're just a stupid idiot for having it and smoking it with what you have to lose. Go get some beers and call it a night. Whats funny is I wonder if Alabama does any testing of it's players because I have yet to hear about players coming up positive there but they have multiple players every year getting caught with it and stoned. lol. Someones hiding the results and I bet I know who.
a single seed is illegal in alabama
they give zero fucks round here. shit might as well be meth
In the State of Alabama, it is a misdemeanor crime to possess any amount of marijuana whatsoever for personal use. It is an offense that is punishable by a fine up to $6,000 and up to 1 year in jail.
It is a felony to possess cannabis for any reason other than “personal use.” The same goes for any offender previous found guilty of possessing cannabis for personal use. In both cases, these felonies are punishable by a fine up to $15,000 and a prison mandatory minimum sentence of no less than one year and one day, but no more than 10 years.